Friday, December 8, 2023

The White right is starting to revere Mormonism, this is not a good thing


I can understand why Mormonism is growing in popularity among the White right.  It is conservative, pro-natalist, it is a former White racialist religion (that has changed), and they have a certain degree of prestige and power.  But there are a few things about Mormonism that people need to understand. 

Mormonism did not appear out of nowhere, it actually is the product of Judeo-Freemasonry.  At my blog Be Wise As Serpents (linked below) you will find endless information on how Mormonism was deeply informed by Freemasonry, Judaism, Kabbalah, and even Zionism. 

Be Wise As Serpents 

On the writings of Fritz Springmeier and beyond.
Esoteric Freemason and Jewish influence in the
Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons & Christian Science

What is most scary about Mormonism is that it stole the Kabbalistic-Freemason doctrine of uniting with god, even while alive in flesh.  The saying in Mormonism is: "As we are, god once was; as god is, we may become".  Here is a list of god's attributes in Mormonism:

The Mormon Concept of God

Although there is certainly disagreement among Mormon scholars concerning some precise points of doctrine, it is safe to say the LDS church currently teaches that God is, in effect, (1) a contingent being, who was at one time not God (not necessary and not eternally God); (2) limited in knowledge (not truly omniscient), power (not omnipotent), and being (not omnipresent or immutable); (3) one of many gods; (4) a corporeal (bodily) being, who physically dwells at a particular spatiotemporal location and is therefore not omnipresent like the biblical God (respecting His intrinsic divine nature-we are not considering the Incarnation of the Son of God here); and (5) a being who is subject to the laws and principles of a universe He did not create.

God was once man, and any human can become a god in Mormonism. God is physical, scientific, and bound to the physical laws of the universe. Mormonism being a White religion at first was European atavism, a return to materialistic polytheism.  This actually makes the Mormon god the most suitable for Whites, as we may become a god and know god through the study of the physical universe itself (even if Mormons don't teach this it is still a logical conclusion). 

But don't be fooled by this god of the White man, he is confused about Zionism and Jews.  The Mormons sent emissaries to Israel in the 1800s to push for a homeland for Jews there.  It is confusing as to whether Jews would need to become Mormons upon their return to Israel or would be able to remain Jews. 

Worse than this, many Mormons are now calling themselves Noahides.  Why?  Because Mormons, even though they believe in a physical god (which is idolatry), don't believe in the Trinity, they do not believe Jesus was god.  This lack of belief in the Trinity most likely comes from their connection to Freemasonry.  Mormons are looking for Noahide status, but this is based on lies and only a desire to be close to the Jews... a physical god will always be idolatry, always.

Further, during the late 1800s and early 1900s, Mormons got involved in British-Israelism, they claimed as Anglo-Saxons that they were the lost ten tribes of Israel, and so are technically really Jews.  Mormons even call outsiders "gentiles". 

Mormons also have an affinity to the American empire, the USA is Zion to them, the promised and holy land.  They prophecy that the American constitution will eventually hang by a thread and that the Mormon church will save our civilization.  There is even an essence of dominionism and theocracy in Mormonism. 

But there are some really stupid aspects to Mormonism, like the idea that a group of Jews took a boat to the Americas and found a White colony here, but that some Jews rebelled and became dark-skinned Indians.  Eventually, all the White-skinned Jews were killed off, but not before they built supposedly huge temples and populated the new world with horses and elephants.  Of course, none of this has ever been found and DNA evidence shows Native Americans are not Jews, so these claims are ridiculous, this would bring anyone involved in Mormonism into disrepute. 

Mormonism is growing in the alt-right, but this is a bad thing.  Mormonism is steeped in Freemasonry and Judaism, and it has affection for both of these institutions. This influence confuses Mormons in Zionism and makes them susceptible to the Noahide Laws. It's made worse by the fact that the Mormon god is so appealing to Whites. Their fake history makes them a laughing stock though.  Whites should not be entertaining Mormonism. 

1 comment:

  1. Mormonism is a branch of Christianity and Christianity is kaput. If your religion is not the most rational one available worshiping the most powerful being conceivable, why not?
