Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Defending the materialist West against the Brown man's immaterial god

Yesterday I did a stream with Muslim thinker Khalid Safir (below) and then an after-stream with Claire Khaw (also below) on the debate between an immaterial god outside space and time vs the universe itself being god, a god of matter and energy.  Also discussed was monotheism vs polytheism.  My contention is that polytheistic materialism is White-thinking and monotheistic immaterialism is Judeo-Asiatic (Brown) thinking.

Supernatural God less logical than a natural, physical one? 
Khalid Safir & Vincent Bruno


After streaming with Khalid Safir about physical vs immaterial gods
Claire Khaw & Vincent Bruno


The point is this, Muslims like Khalid want to define god as something unknowable that cannot be perceived with common human understanding.  The Judeo-Asiatic (including Hindu) model is to contemplate things that can never be known, thus wasting your time on nonsense.  If your god is material and it is bound by the laws of the universe, then science is the method of god and to study science is to study god, there is one thing to contemplate and that is science and what can be rationally and logically understood.  I am saying that a society that focuses on a material god will be more scientific than a culture that puts an inordinate amount of time into contemplating the mysterious beyond, again what can NEVER be known. While moderately religious people may be good scientists, extremely fundamentalist sects usually are not scientifically advanced, they focus too much on what is practically non-existent. 

Talking with Khalid shows how slimy the monotheistic immaterialists are.  First, he defined god for you, god must be all-powerful... right?  Wrong... who said god must be all-powerful?  Why can't god be powerful enough?  It is accomplishing all of this, isn't it?  Maybe I don't want god having any more power, maybe it has enough.  I don't need an all-powerful god and so I don't need to make him outside the laws of nature, don't fall for the Brown trick of needing an all-powerful god; it's a trap to get you into talking about Brown assaninity. Allow god to be limited, no one said he can't be. Does this unlimited god give Muslims everything they ask for or even need? Maybe the gods don't give us everything because they can't, doesn't that make more sense and make them seem more moral?  So your all-powerful god purposely holds back aid and even life from his followers when he can do differently?  Maybe it is better only to expect what is practical in this world. 

Khalid uses trash and garbage arguments like the idea that since man-made objects like cell phones need a designer, that means natural things like canyons and mountains need designers too.  A river that cuts out a canyon is not conscious; a man-made product that uses unnatural materials cannot be compared to nature being carved out by other natural forces.  Judeo-Asiatics tell us that their god was always there, but to them, you can't say that the universe was always there (because the universe is god)... an uncreated universe is not enough for them, they need an uncreated mystical god that created the universe from outside itself; why who knows. Also, the fact that humans make cell phones and both humans and cellphones are physical shows god can be physical and does not need to be immaterial hocus pocus to accomplish things, these people just want something other than science to discuss because science is too hard. Yes, god can be made of the same substance as its creation.  Both humans and cell phones are made of protons, yet one created the other.  A list needs to be made of these slippery Brown arguments, they are trying to lead White people into gibberish talk rather than discussing hard facts, and they are trying to bring civilization down to their bestial level, White people should not fall for this trick. 

Khalid also uses the typical Judeo-Asiatic approach of using unsettled unknown science to claim a created universe.  The Big Bang is not settled science, we cannot detect time and space before the big bang, but that does not mean it was not there, we just have some ideas, no facts; the big bang does not prove that the universe had a beginning, Muslims just hop on it because in its unsteady state it kinda makes it looks like maybe the universe did have a starting point, but we don't know that and there is plenty still unknown; don't let unsettled science distract you from the idea that the universe is uncreated. Other untenable theories Khalid uses are the Unified Field Model to prove monotheism, this is just an unproved theory, and even if it were true, that does not mean that forces don't have subcomponents we don't know about or that just because there is one force does not mean that it does not contain many gods which cannot be measured anyway... we likely cannot measure the consciousness of force, so how would we know if it has one or many cosciousnesses... once you start getting into mystical thinking, anything becomes possible. 

This is exactly what the monotheistic immaterialists want, they want anything in the metaphysical realm to be possible.  They want to be able to discuss any topic no matter how absurd or unscientific it is, they don't want to be bound by logic and reason and the scientific method.  I will admit that this does give these people one advantage; theology is a sort of pseudo-logic on its own, it is easier to sit around and discuss theology than astronomical physics; religious people practice an irregular form of reasoning all day and so are constantly lubricating their mind, this can help religious people be very smart and yes capable of intense science.  Just because their irrational ways give them an advantage does not mean they are right.  White people just need to make science more accessible by focusing on it more in culture and in school and making it the route to understanding god, not immaterial metaphysics.  But yes, for right now, the immaterialists have the upper hand... I've noticed an elevated intellectualism of immaterialist philosophers over not materialists but other people who may officially be immaterialists but who do not spend their time talking about it all day; immaterialists who think about these things all the time are exercising their brain more than people who may believe these things but don't spend much time on it... lazy immaterialists tend to be vapid... so are materialists who are materialists but who do not study science. 

There is also the statistical issue.  Read Biochemical Predestination by by Dean H. Kenyon and Gary Steinman, chemicals and natural law predispose non-living molecules to evolve into biomolecules like amino acids.  Khalid uses tired old arguments that there is not enough time in the universe for these kinds of chemicals to evolve into complex life through physical necessitarianism, but this universe could have been created zillions upon zillions of times and there are zillions upon zillions of universes, so eventually something with low probability of happening would eventually happen.  The author of Biochemical Predestination eventually gave up on his theory due to questions about improbability from one of his students under the Judeo-Asiatic spell, Dean Kenyon fell for the theory that there is not enough time for life to evolve by deterministic principles, forgetting the universe has maybe tried this process trillions of billions of times. 

Finally we had the question of why Judeo-Asiatics need one god instead of many.  Muslims always say that the universe is so synchronized so therefore it could have only been created by one god, if there were many gods they would fight they say.  Brown people are arrogant difficult haughty assholes who can't work together to accomplish anything and so they believe god must be the same.  Democratic Whites are more benevolent in their characteristics and cooperative and can work together to accomplish great things. Only tyrants can make it work according to Muslims, shared power would never work in their world.  But then again, many gods in materialism would be bound by science and fate, so they are simply destined to work well together anyway, at least in this appearance of this universe. 

I'd like to end this on the concept of the Mormon god.  Mormonism is really the only viable religion started by White people, and at first, it was more for White people than anyone else, it did have racial overtones.  Joseph Smith made a god who is many and material, bound to the laws of the universe, not all-powerful, but still a god; and humans may become god. This works for Mormons, and so it can work for all White people.  The Judeo-Asiatic god is mysticism, not of this world. The White god is here and can be understood as far as we can understand the universe around us, which is ever-increasing (the Mormon god while not all-knowing, ever grows in knowledge minute by minute).  Science is harder to discuss than immaterial metaphysics, which puts the materialists at a disadvantage, but we must simply work harder for our dominancy, even if there are fewer of us, with physical gods, we can defeat them, physically, but first mentally.  

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