Sunday, January 28, 2024

If Trump picks Vivek Ramaswamy as Vice-President, that would be good for the anti-Noahide movement


Trump campaigned hard with the Hindus in the 2016 election, and now he knows that they can win him swing counties and states.  Hindus in the USA also have large sums of wealth and have key positions in elite jobs, they make very good campaign representatives and workers.  They are highly educated and capable, also organized as a group.  This is right-wing Hindus I am talking about.  They also are connected to what will soon be the world's 4th-3rd largest economy, India. Hindus (including Caribbean Hindus) have become a jewel in the electorate crown. If Trump picks Vivek Ramaswamy for his 2024 run, he is sure to get most of the right-wing Hindu vote, as if he was not going to get it already.  But this would motivate any dormant Hindu voters and get lots of money in donations.  

We already know Trump is the Noahide candidate. Ivanka and Jared Kushner are Jewish Noahide cultists. The unofficial Israeli Sanhedrin has called on Trump to uphold the Noahide Laws. Trump was asked to rebuild the 3rd Temple under the Noahide covenant. Jewish papers claim Trump's anti-animal cruelty bill is based on the Noahide Laws. On 2020 election day a Jewish writer said Trump is "Champion of Noahide Law" published in the Israeli National News. Trump's faith advisor Paula White is hanging out with Noahidist Jews and calling god "HaShem". Confirm these details at:

But Vivek Ramswamy also has his own Noahide connections. Vivek Ramaswamy was a member of the secretive Yale "Shabtai" society and says a Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi named Shmully Hecht was his "mentor".  Hecht helped found the society along with US politician Corey Booker. Booker has been known to promote the Noahide Laws. Confirm (here).  Even though Vivek made some comments about defunding Israel, he has since explained that away and has gone running back to the Zionist lobby. 

I just wrote an article on why anti-Noahides should vote for Trump (here).  If Trump is elected the Noahide agenda will accelerate and that is good because it will more quickly expose it and people will wake up faster and more aggressively than if they were slowly indoctrinated over time and were not jerked into reaction by an aggressive campaign. We want Trump to take power along with his cabal of Orthodox Jews so that their true face may be exposed to the American public as soon as possible. 

But it would be a double win if Trump picks Vivek as his Vice-President.  This will get all the right-wing Hindus to shill for him all the harder and expose Hindus as nothing but a Zionist fifth column in America who will accept the Noahide Laws once they are rolled out.  We want to associate Hindus with the corrupt establishment, propping up Israel's candidate unironically, and adding their own Noahide Vice-President to the mix.  Vivek brings a double Noahide punch to the ticket and can actually win the election for Trump. This is a good opportunity to expose and blame Hindus as being the upholders of the injustice of our Zionist-occupied government; for added bonus let them try to direct more tax dollars away from struggling Americans into Israel's war chest against Palestine, let them piss everyone off and make them the most hated minority in America. If Hindus get Trump into office, the Left will heighten their attacks on them, making them look like genocidal maniacs who kill Christians and oppress gays and women in India. 

Basically, we want to make right-wing Indian Hindus look like shit, and the best way to do that is for Trump to pick Vivek as his running mate.  They will look like the Zionist-Noahide duo, the duped Christian and his Hindu henchman prepping the soil for a Noahide takeover of the USA.  Hindus must come to be viewed as oppressors of the general population, swinging elections in wrong directions that don't help the people but the enemy.  Even though we should all vote for Trump, anti-Noahide accelerationists should do it for the right reason, to expose the agenda, while Hindus will do it for the wrong reasons, to grow Zionist-Noahide power in America.  Hindus need to be unmasked and the best way for that to happen is for Vivek to be on the ticket. 

Why anti-Noahides should vote for Trump, it's accelerationism


We already know Trump is the Noahide candidate. Ivanka and Jared Kushner are Jewish Noahide cultists. The unofficial Israeli Sanhedrin has called on Trump to uphold the Noahide Laws. Trump was asked to rebuild the 3rd Temple under the Noahide covenant. Jewish papers claim Trump's anti-animal cruelty bill is based on the Noahide Laws. On 2020 election day a Jewish writer said Trump is "Champion of Noahide Law" published in the Israeli National News. Trump's faith advisor Paula White is hanging out with Noahidist Jews and calling god "HaShem". Confirm these details at:

Prior to winning the election, Trump dog whistled that he would not be beholden to Jewish power.  Many people voted for Trump because they believed he was the anti-Zionist candidate.  All this changed once he got into office.  Under Trump, a new orthodox Jewish elite rose to power and Trump became the best friend to Israel, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. The Jews were in love with Trump, naming towns after him in Israel and more.  It seemed that Trump became the president of the Jews, more so than the President of the USA.

This time around, for the 2024 election, there is much less enthusiasm for Trump in the anti-Zionist crowd.  We all feel betrayed and know that a vote for Trump is a vote for Jewish power.  But I am telling you that that is the point, we should be trying to accelerate the Noahide agenda in the USA at this point, not slow it down.  Noahide Law is coming whether we want it to or not, but there is a good point to hastening it.  The faster the Noahide Laws appear, the less time the Jews have to prep the American soil for its acceptance and hopefully the more rebellious the people will be.  Something that rises quickly is more likely to be noticed and counteracted then something that rises slowly over a few generations. It is better for anti-Noahides that things progress quickly than slowly. Under Trump, the Noahide agenda will get a strong shot in the arm and will be vitalized and become more visible, especially with Trump's preference for orthodox Jews over liberal Jews. 

We also need to flush out traitors.  We need to see who supports the Noahide Laws and who does not.  If Noahide power starts to rise, then populations and people in the electorate will start talking about them, for good or for ill, and we will know who the traitors are and who can be trusted.  If we do this now there will be a division in the population and people will talk and fight about it.  If we wait too long then too many people will be brainwashed that there won't be enough resistance to matter, we need to do this now while there are people who are not yet indoctrinated.  We need the push and shove to make the rebellion work. 

In the end, who knows whether it will be that the Noahide Laws almost rise to power before they are smashed, or if they must first come to power and then there will be a rebellion, but we know that it is better to quicken that day then to delay it, because time only helps the enemy who has more time to plan and convert people.  We need to make sure that this goes along the timeline that is best for the Gentiles, and voting Trump into office is what will help speed up the Noahide timeline. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

So many Indian Hindus are joining Freemasonry because they are opportunists and traitors against humanity


No one who has a large Hindu friend list on social media can deny the veritable explosion of Freemasonry taking place amongst the Hindus of India.  Freemasonry used to be larger in the West; now Mason Halls struggle to recruit young White people.  Why have young White abandoned Freemasonry? Because we know it is interlinked with Zionism and Noahidism.  Freemasons even admit they are Noahides and go on about the correlation between Freemasonry and Noahidism in their modern magazines.  Their desire to rebuild Solomon's Temple puts them in league with the Zionists and they have always been entangled in intrigues to get the Jews to colonize Israel as they did with their involvement with British-Israelism with Britain being claimed to be the lost ten tribes of Israel who would rule the world with the Jews once they were sent back to Israel. 

Hindus however, traditionally, were always considered beneath Freemasonry because they were wrongly considered polytheists by Westerners.  The British lodges openly welcomed Muslims, Sikhs, and Parsis into their lodges in India, but there was unofficial discrimination against Hindus.  Parsis were actually declared Noahides by the Grand Lodge of England in opposition to the sea of idolaters the Hindus were considered to be at the time. 

However, times have changed.  Hindus have engaged in a massive campaign to disabuse the world of the idea that they are polytheists, they want the world to know that they believe in one and only one god, and in accordance with the Noahide Laws, this god does not take physical form in its full countenance (or at least they claim this so as to remain Noahide-compliant).  With their new confession of being Noahides, Freemasons have opened their doors to Hindus and they are joining in droves.  Freemasonry used to be associated with great power, and it still is, they are still up to their old mischief, and Hindus want to latch on to that power and siphon off of it. 

Indian Hindus are picking up everything that White people are dispensing with and trying to uproot.  If it were up to Whites, Freemasonry would be fading, but thanks to corrupt and power-hungry Indian Hindus, Freemasonry is getting fresh new recruits... they are young, they have money, they have political power, and they are motivated... not just in India but in the West as well.  It won't be long until Indian Hindus dominate Freemasonry and revive it as a powerful Zionist-Noahide organization which under their tutelage would have expanded powers and influence over White populations. 

It seems that there is nothing that White people are trying to get rid of that the Indian Hindu won't pick up and preserve.  Whites are done being oppressed by these types of organizations and as they leave Indian Hindus are coming in to take their place to keep these malignant establishments alive. Whatever the White has learned is disgusting and poison and is rejecting and throwing out, the Hindu will pick up, refurbish, and bring back into society to keep the poison potent in society.  Freemasonry must be destroyed and the Indian Hindu with it. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Henry Kissinger called Indian Hindus suck ups and flatterers


"They (Indians) are superb flatterers, Mr. President. They are masters at flattery. They are masters at subtle flattery. That's how they survived 600 years. They suck up...their great skill is to suck up to people in key positions." - Henry Kissinger 

I was a Hindu for ten years.  While I was useful to them, the Indian Hindus were very nice to my face.  I was young and white and using my face to help Hindus escape their deserved genocides in Pakistan and Bangladesh.  When there was potential for me to be a popular figure, people wanted to be associated with me. 

That all changed when I started talking to Hindus about the Noahide Laws.  Now, at first, even though my reputation was sinking because I was talking about things which some consider anti-Semitic, no one really confronted me on it.  However, they began calling me "marked man" behind my back, like this is some sort of mafia or something.  They said I talked bad about the Jews and so I would get nowhere. 

To be honest, the Hindus know the Jews are up to no good, but they really don't care, because the Jews have power.  Like Henry Kissinger said, Hindus suck up to people with power, even if it will eventually come at their own demise. No one helps the Jews and gets away with it. 

To be honest, Hindus have no principles, not even self-preservation.  The Jews are not going to leave India alone, they want India to work for them, they want a servile India that will do as the Jews say.  No Hindu wants to hear about that because it would get in the way of Hindus getting temporary power under the Jews, as long as they suck up to them. 

The Indian Hindus will be traitors to the rest of the human race, they want to be associated with power because they can't get it themselves and so therefore they have chosen the Jews as their masters.  Even when the rest of the human race throws off the yoke of the Jews, which is happening globally now, there will literally be millions upon millions of Indian Hindus who are willing to take the burden on their back and continue the exploitation of the human race. 

Make no mistake about it, if the world turned on the Jews, Indian Hindus would volunteer in droves to fight for Israel.  Hindus support Israel over the White nations they live in in the West.  Whenever there is a conflict, Hindus will side with the power that can butter their bread, and at this time that is the Jews.  But not only this, they want the Jews to remain in power, they are their favored power group and will work to keep them in power, they won't idly sit by and do nothing while Jewish power is eroded. 

The Hindus have sucked up to everyone on earth, and will continue to do so.  They will suck up to Whites to get what they can from them, but don't give in to them.  They are a hired hand and they know who pays their bills. 

Indian Hindus are the new Jews of the West


Jews used to be the richest and most educated religious group in the West.  Not anymore, that title is taken by Hindus now, at least in the USA.  The majority of Jews in the USA have gone secular, they are marrying out and losing their Jewish identity and many don't even support Israel anymore. Could Jewish hegemony be collapsing in the West?  Whites are turning on Jews and Israel in droves, more and more young people don't want our money going to Israel.  The Jewish Noahide Laws are raising suspicion among Whites that a genocide is in store for them.  

If it were not for Indian Hindus, Jewish power might be done in the West, but now they have a new and fresh willing slave class to do their dirty work for them. Right-wing Hindus in the USA and India are desperately Zionist and also have no issue with the Noahide Laws but instead, tell Whites they are being frantic anti-Semites for even opposing them.

Hindus, like Jews, have a grievance against White people for what they did under colonialism.  Anti-Semitism used to be the biggest slur in America, but Hindus are picking up on this and making their own victim industry by calling anyone who calls them out on their nonsense anti-Hindu.  You can't even discuss caste issues, sexism, homophobia, and anti-White racism in their community.  They are now the new protected class, and they are using their protection to promote a Zionist and soon-to-be Noahide state in America. 

Hindus are gaining key positions in politics, medicine, banking, media, science, education, and more.  They are using their influence to fundamentally change America. They are using their positions to paint themselves as ne'er-do-wrongs who are only the victims of oppression and racism.  All Whites are racist according to them and need to be kept in check.  They relate themselves to the Jews, innocent of all crimes supposedly, without fault.  Any accusation that they have their own plans for the West and the White race as the Jews do is met with cries of "conspiracy theorists".  Hindus do not want White majority nations, they want to be at the top of the coming Noahide caste system where dissident Whites are at the bottom and them at the top just under the Jews. 

Hindu money is pouring into Israel and Jewish American activities and candidates.  If it were not for Hindus then perhaps the Jews would be crumbling by now.  Hindus are one of the few non-White minorities who will have anything to do with the Jews who are often racist toward Blacks.  Right-wing Hindus also approve of Orthodox Jewish homophobia and sexism, seeing them as allies in the fight against White liberal culture. Freedom is not in the Indian Hindu's DNA, they are backward primitives with a traditional and narrow outlook. 

Hindus are beginning to have a stranglehold over America.  They are concentrated in swing-states which makes them a very sought-after minority, and they are stereotypically becoming arrogant and oppressive. Indian Hindus don't want America to stay as it is but to resemble something closer to India.  Not only that but they are sending US dollars out of the country and back to India.  The Whites they call racist are paying them to build up India and drain our economy and resources. They are parasites galore. 

I was a Hindu for 10 years and very engrossed in their politics.  Hindus or organized in the USA in ways that the average White American is not.  They may be small in number, representing only 1% of the population, but so are the Jews small in number and look at all the influence they have had in the West for the past hundreds of years. If nothing is done, Hindus will become the new Jews in America, promoting their own interests over the White population. 

Growing awareness that Pakistani Muslims and Indian Hindus are the same threat


Ever since the recent 2023-2024 Palestine/Israel conflict, and the Indian Hindu outpouring of support for Israel, the degree of anti-Hindu sentiments have exploded online. There are now many telegram groups dedicated to creating and spreading anti-Hindu memes.  I tried to warn Hindus that if they supported Israel the world would turn on them, and that is exactly what is happening. I'm glad I am out of the community and am no longer left trying to explain why every right-wing Indian Hindu is a Zionist. 

The Hindus until now have had a clever cloaking device, they were anti-Muslims and so tried to appear as friends to the White West in their struggle against Jihad.  They also tried to appear as Aryans, descendants of Indo-Europeans, and so cousins of the White races. They tried to show how close their Vedas are to the Icelandic Eddas, they tried everything to endear themselves to White people, and for a while, it was working, but not anymore. 

The featured image to this post shows that people are waking up to the fact that the Indian Hindu and Pakistani Muslim threats are the same threat.  Both groups simply want to immigrate to the West, breed, interbreed with Whites and destroy our bloodlines, and take over.  Brown people of different religions are both fighting over who is going to get the decaying carcass of the West and feed on the rotting meat until they can no longer maintain the level of civilization the West had without any White people.  

Beyond this, the Hindu and Muslim religions have more in common than you would think.  Both believe in an immaterial singular god who does not take any shape whatsoever, this is in stark contrast to the polytheistic materialistic gods of the White race, who keep us focused on this world and its science... the White West did so well in science because we did not believe the world was illusion like the Hindus do, we believe it is real and worth studying and exists outside our own minds; we didn't focus on trying to materialize and dematerialize matter with our minds, we focused on hard science.  Muslims by saying their god is immaterial make immaterial spirituality more important than physical science and so they had no great scientific culture until they conquered the Persians, and even then they lost it.  The only reason Muslims have any scientific prowess now is because they have copied the West's hard-earned efforts. 

Both of these groups, Pakistani Muslims and Indian Hindus, pose a threat to the White West through their breeding, their interbreeding with Whites, their unscientific mindset, their unsanitary culture, and their desire to destroy and usurp the White population, creating a derelict Brown kingdom in the West.  We need to stop taking sides in the Hindu-Muslim conflict and allow these people to go after each other, and we need to keep both groups out of the West.