Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Christian Science is overwhelmingly White, here is why


Christian Science is overwhelmingly White, at least in the USA and Europe.  There is an odd phenomenon that Christian Science, though likely in decline, is growing fastest in Africa.  This is not likely to do with intellectual conviction though, it is more likely that in Africa there is less access to medicine so people rely on faith healing, and Christian Science is kind of like that. But in the West where there is medicine, Blacks don't convert to Christian Science. Why can this be?

Christian Science is basically almost not Christianity and is actually closer to Hinduism.  Basically, you deny matter exists and if you try hard enough then your mind can control matter and you will be able to heal yourself.  I think there is some kind of intense psychological state you need to enter using proper praying techniques and affirmations in order to experience healing according to Christian Science.  This is kind of more like Hinduism than Christianity. 

Christianity is anti-intellectual, but maybe because Christian Science veers from traditional Christianity it is a little more open.  Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of anti-intellectualism going on in Christian Science, they don't let their children learn anything about medicine or biology, but even then it is an intellectual conviction because the idea is that if you believe in biology it will take over your mind and you will live in the material world and be subject to disease.  If you don't even understand biology then supposedly it has less of an effect on you and your mind can do all the thinking free of the constraints of science and supposedly keep you free of disease. 

The point is that Christian Science is kind of a thought movement whereas traditional Christianity is more of a faith movement, there is a difference between trying to transmute matter by denying material existence and simply saying Jesus is king and thinking that simply believing in him will get you to heaven.  Don't get me wrong, denying matter is not intellectual, however, the idea of organizing your being so you may conquer reality is more strenuous of a task than simply having faith, Christian Science is a lot more mental work. 

Christian Scientists tend to be wealthier and more educated than the average person, and this is likely because the cult attracts the intelligentsia... in its heyday, it was popular in Hollywood and among top-name people. Some fallacies are picked up by brighter minds more than the average population, especially if they are complicated fallacies that can almost seem true at times.  Complicated minds don't fall for simple traps like traditional Christianity.  The point is that the darker races have simpler minds and so they only respond to simple mind tricks, Christian Science is too complex for them to grasp and so they can't fall for the trick because they can't understand it. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Non-White Jehovah's Witnesses help make me racist


I've been posting a lot on my other blogs about the esoteric connections between Jehovah's Witnesses and Zionism and Freemasonry and Nazism and pyramidology and other things. I mean I don't mean to blow myself up but it's an intellectual approach to my understanding of my Jehovah's Witness past.  Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses come in all races, and I've noticed the centralized system and commands of living tend to culturally blur the lines between the races because we are all encouraged to shun outside culture and to only associate with each other in our own culture.  There are still cultural differences between the races, but it is minimized.  We all learn the same stuff in the synchronized Kingdom Hall lectures and we all read the same books, so we are all pretty much on the same page, at least intellectually so.  But something happens to the races when they leave the Jehovah's Witnesses, and there is a difference between how Black Jehovah's Witnesses behave and how White ones do.

First, it is totally a known fact in both Jehovah's Witness culture and Ex-Jehovah's Witness culture that when people leave the cult they become extremely attracted to things like drugs, sex, being in porn, prostitution, alcohol, clubbing, being wild ect.  They are making up for living so strict for so long.  Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses also have extreme mental problems and suffer from depression and schizophrenia at higher rates, this is compounded by the fact that they are abandoned by their family, often at a young age, with no friends on the outside to go to cause outside friendships were not allowed and family that is not Jehovah's Witness have not been allowed in your lives as much so there are no bonds. 

All Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses are kinda fucked up.  But they kinda become fucked up in different ways according to their race often it seems.  White Jehovah's Witnesses get into intellectual anti-Jehovah's Witness activity like I do.  Almost all of the people who comment on my work on Jehovah's Witnesses and their occult connections to outside groups are White.  There are tons and tons of Black and Latino ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, but they don't participate in the intellectual side of being an ex-Jehovah's Witness.  Most Black and Latino ex-Jehovah's Witnesses go ghetto and focus on money, smoking weed, having sex, racing cars, working, and generally not being involved in the mental side and inquisitiveness of being an ex-Jehovah's Witness. 

There are differences between the races, even when culture is canceled out by an overarching cult that drowns out outside culture and produces a monoculture for the inside cult members, raising them in it since childhood.  It seems that when Whites and Blacks/Latinos leave, they revert to their primitive racial instincts, the White way is to use the mind and combat the evil that hurt you, and the dark people's way is to become focused on the physical (or become some less intellectual form of Christian) and not really set up any force against the evil they came from, being intellectually and mentally lazy. And if they do combat it, it is very shallow based on things like being shunned, not on researching esotericism, and trying to re-emerge the past. My experience with ex-Jehovah's Witnesses of color is horrible.  They show no interest in my research and tell me they don't care and neither should I.  It kinda helps keep me racist now.