Saturday, December 2, 2023

Jew Edward Martin is a hypocrite, hates Secular Koranism but loves Noahidism and Jehovah's Witnesses

Edwin Martin is a cowardly Jew in London who never shows his face (Edward Martin may not even be his real name) yet goes on Facebook to stalk Claire Khaw every day for her promotion of Secular Koranism.  Secular Koranism is very easy, it is Islam minus god and mysticism.  The Koran gives a set of laws which any person could implement, whether or not they believe in god.  For example, the Koran forbids usury... you don't need to believe in Allah to ban usury.  Secular Kornaism does just this, it takes only the laws of the Koran capable of being put into legislation and creates a non-theistic legal system.

Now I agree there are lots of things about Secular Koranism that are fucked up.  Let's go through a few of them.  First, slavery would be permitted and financially destitute people would be hired out as slaves by the government to private citizens until the slave could buy their way out of slavery, or else remain a slave forever. Slavery is what Claire proposes will be used to rescue the economy after she bans usury and the capitalist world system collapses.  Parents who have children outside of wedlock would be publicly whipped. Non-Muslim religions would be permitted to exist but would be admonished by the government. However, there is some hypocrisy; the koran forbids eating pork and does not allow Muslims to marry polytheists, but Claire would allow this... she would also allow Muslims to eat food sacrificed to idols.  These are laws capable of being put into legislation, and you don't need to believe in god to enforce them, but Claire overlooks these for the sake of popularity, she is not very consistent. Oh, I forgot, there would also be a mandatory one-party state; no political parties to push off one another to create reforms. Links to Claire's Book "Secular Koranism" and her blogs below:

Edward Marting finds these things abhorrent, and I understand, but he is totally ok with the Noahide Laws and Jehovah's Witnesses.  I was raised a Jehovah's Witness and got into a discussion with Edward Martin about them.  He thinks they are just lovely people.  Here is what Edward Martin must love about the Jehovah's Witnesses.  1) they discourage people from reporting pedophilia to the authorities so that it can be handled internally, offending and even reoffending pedophiles are not turned over to authorities and victims get no justice and are often subjected to continuing abuse. 2) Jehovah's Witnesses isolate you from friends and family so that you are totally socially reliant upon them, they isolate you from the world so you are vulnerable. 3) They keep people unmotivated and in lower income brackets because they teach the end is near so don't go to college, or get a good job, or become too wealthy. 4) They isolate their children from the world and give them no skills, when children begin to question their religion they are thrown out at 18 with no job, no education, no outside friends, and separated from family; ex-Jehovah's Witnesses in these situations oftentimes kill themselves, suicide is high among shunned Jehovah's Witnesses.  5) Women are officially designated as being subservient to their husbands and have no power in the Jehovah's Witness hierarchy, she must wear a head covering to prey in mixed company of men. 6) Homosexuality is despised and gay children are told they are sinners and are often abandoned. 7) They refuse blood transfusions and encourage their children in their teens to deny blood and die, yes many Jehovah's Witness teenagers have died from medical neglect at the hands of their murderous parents. 8) Jehovah's Witnesses have schizophrenia at a rate 3X the average, this is a mix of both schizophrenics being attracted to the religion and that the religion causes schizophrenia; Edward Martin finds he can talk to these people.  So Edward Martin believes these people are great, but complains about Secular Koranism. Oh, by the way, when I told Edward Martin of my horrible experience of homophobia and religious abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses he brushed it off with a joke, real sweetheart we have here. 

Then there is Edward Martin's hypocrisy on the Noahide Laws. At least Claire is honest, she knows and says that Noahidism and Koranism are related, and she often relies on the Noahide Laws to help her determine what is and what is not idolatry.  The Noahide Laws forbid idolatry, but Secular Kornaism would allow it, but admonish it.  The Noahide Laws are so much more strict than Secular Koranism. There are no laws against polytheism or blasphemy under Secular Koranism.  There are Noahide Laws that call for a person to take a person who stole from them as a slave and take care of them, that a woman must marry her rapist, and some even say usuary should be banned.  Edward Martin thinks any criticism of the Noahide Laws is anti-Semitism, the Noahide Laws are totally ok, but Secular Koranism is some kind of evil that is beyond measure. Secular Koranism has no followers, Noahidism has between 50,000 and 500,000 Noahides and is backed by Israel, the American government, the United Nations, the Vatican, Freemasonry, and many in the Muslim world.  Which is a bigger threat?  I think Edward Martin is a bigger threat to the world than Claire Khaw. 

1 comment:

  1. Edward Martin literally posts nonsense in response to virtually all my posts. He is a silly man who cannot bring himself to admit that America is a global empire using global media to control global opinion and that the CIA control global media.

    When he tried to get the Guardian to do a hit piece on me, I told him it wouldn't happen without CIA-clearance. I could tell he really wanted his Guardian journalist friend to do the hit piece and that she wanted to do the story too. However, because I have been put on a media blacklist, no major media outlet is allowed to report a story about me. Predictably, Edward's Guardian journalist friend was told by the assistant editor that the story would not be published to deprive Secular Koranism of the oxygen of publicity.
