Saturday, October 17, 2020

Women must lead the way in eugenic polygyny


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There is a misconception that polygyny is always the will of the man, directed by the man. It is always assumed that if the woman had her way she would be the only wife. But if one studies both older Mormon culture and Muslim culture, they will find that polygyny is often initiated by the woman. 

Some believe that a woman who desires polygyny is the highest form of woman. She often does it out of love for her husband, wishing to give him the maximum pleasure, meaning she is self-sacrificing and very contentious as well as real; she would rather see her husband in an institution which would help avoid cheating rather than enforce him into monogamy which almost always eventually leads to cheating... again she has to be real. She also needs to be unjealous and unselfish, both qualities needed for building more advanced civilization. 

Polygynous wives often call themselves "sister-wives", meaning there is a degree of sorority there. The sorority is built around the fact that these women have all decided that it is best to congregate around the best man than to have an average man for herself. It takes a superior man to manage polygyny and the complex family system it engenders. In Mormonism it was thought best for women to engage in polygyny so that only the best souls would come on to the earth, polygyny was seen as a sort of eugenic duty. Women who practice polygyny are unified in their common effort to advance the human race. 

As I have seen it, and as I have said, it is common for a woman to suggest polygyny out of love for her husband, and as in the case of older Mormonism, eugenic duty. I would suggest that women who are currently married suggest and introduce their husbands to polygyny. However, I also think it would behoove women to pre-organize for polygyny. Associations could be made where women could go to meet to find other prospective sister-wives with whom they could build a relationship and test out whether or not they could live together. They could then offer themselves as a full package to perspective great men with whom they could then build a family, a sort of package deal. If they are magnanimous enough to organize for eugenic duty, such women could change the course of history.  

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