Sunday, October 4, 2020

If abortion were relinked with eugenics, less women would get abortions

Once upon a time abortion was linked with eugenics. Abortion is inextricably linked to the previous birth control movement with was founded an run entirely by eugenicists. If you read the original birth control pamphlets and books of the 1920s and 1930s, they were almost all against abortion and instead advocated preventing the conception in the first place. This could have been because abortion was much too radical an idea at the time and to tie abortion in with birth control would harm the cause (Margaret Sanger's first addition of "Family Limitation" listed abortion as a method but was removed in subsequent copies). 

However, in the 1950s and 1960s, those eugenicists who came out of the birth control movement began to promote abortion. Alan Frank Guttmacher who not only was president of Planned Parenthood but also Vice-President of the American Eugenics Society, it was likely Guttmacher's dedication to eugenics which pushed him to launch the Association for the Study of Abortion in 1964. Vera Houghton was Vice-President of the British Eugenics Society, Executive Secretary of International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Chair of the Abortion Law Reform Association. The eugenic birth control movement became the eugenic abortion movement. The aims of the birth control and abortion movement was always to even out the classes, it is believed that the more industrious and intelligent have less children while those who are less engaged in the rigours aspects of society have larger families... it was hoped to even out these numbers. 

But the question today is is abortion eugenic? Yes, abortion is used more by the poor (who are not always dysgenic, social ills can prevent the best of us from gaining wealth) and so the hope that the classes would be evened out is working. However, those who were desired to stay in society may because of abortion have less children still then they already would have had, which would have been small to begin with. Is the tradeoff worth it? How do we allow abortion to have its eugenic effect? 

After the 1960s, abortion became less about eugenics and more about women's individual rights, and eugenics was eventually totally pushed out. Today, women don't think about abortion having anything to do with eugenics and there is no class consciousness inserted into the debate (accept by those who say abortion disproportioonatley affects non-Whites). However, if abortion were relinked with eugenics perhaps we would see a fall in abortion among the more conscious class. When abortion is associated with eugenics, this means that those who are getting abortions are a less desirable element in society, and women who wish to be viewed as more valuable would obtain a negative association with abortion because it is associated with elimination. 

How could such a consciousness be cultivated in the best of our women. By getting them deeply involved in the birth control and abortion movement. First, women of high caliber should be motivated to read the writings of female eugenicists like Margaret Sanger and Marie Stopes who were direct and frank about the purpose of birth control (and then apply these ideas to abortion). Women who became directly involved in preventing births from women who perhaps should not be procreating would become conscious of their own procreation, to not procreate would be associated with being undesirable and so perhaps these women would be less reluctant to abort their own and indeed would want to increase their fecundity. Women should be totally engaged in directing abortion propaganda back toward eugenics so then higher conscious women began to slow their abortions and abortion becomes associated only with the most desperate and least conscious amongst us. 

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