Saturday, October 17, 2020

Only polygamy can save the white race

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The white race is not only disappearing, they are declining in "purity" and quality, they are also totally lost politically. Polygamy is usually associated with early and primitive society, and so many scoff at using the institution to save the race now in our modern age, but some tweaking of polygamy can be what saves whites. Many white men dream of a revolution, where a strong leader arises and galvanizes everyone and patriarchy returns and women are sent back to the home to breed. White men sit and wait and wait and wait for the leader or the movement to arrive, yet they have no plans if this leader or movement never arrives or only arrives long past their lifetime. The White right has nothing that they can do right now, in the current climate, they have no subtle manipulations, they have no long term strategies. Hitler only rose to power because the Germans had a king far less than a generation ago, they were accustomed to having a fuhrer, they were used to centralized power under one man, this is not going to happen in America or modern Europe.

The idea that even right-wing White women are going to somehow immediately transform back into housewives is too idealistic, they have experienced a great degree of freedom and they are not going to so easily return to tradition. White men, no matter what they think, especially White men of the modern age, are not going to be able to beat their wives back into submission, modern civilized White man, no matter how offended he is by the modern world, just as woman is not ready to return to the housewife, he is not prepared to be the animalistic brute who puts her in chains and drags her back to the house, the idea that white men are going to become the beasts necessary to "re-tame" white woman is also too idealistic. It would take a generation of two of conditioning to make anything like that work, just as it took a generation or two of social revolution to bring us to the point where are now. Though I would suggest a new form of tradition which unifies modern and ancient. 

However, polygamy offers a way for woman to be eased back into a new motherhood, one that is similar to what she was before but which is also different and modern. The main issue with women in the workplace is that there is less time for children, and so it becomes harder and harder to raise many of them. But in our modern world, the way the economy is set up, it usually takes at least two parents working. Polygamy fixes this situation by the division of labor. If a man has more than one wife, preferably three of four or more, then some mothers can stay home with the children while the others engage in work. In such a system each woman could have 3 our 4 or 5 children, yet there would still be a way to make enough income to keep the family alive and not have to pay for babysitting. Polygamy would allow for such a blended traditional-modern family to arrive. Some mothers would be housewives while others engaged in work. 

But polygamy also has the advantage of more quickly purifying the race. Under monogamy, we have to deal with the fact that men of less desirable qualities obtain a wife and every man has a child. When I say race "purification" I am not necessarily speaking of straining out any remnants of other races as I am speaking about whites who have not bred with non-whites for centuries, I am talking about breeding in certain types of whites, bringing in a desired temperament and physique. In monogamy it is very hard to quickly breed in certain qualities across the spectrum of the population... a desirable man may breed his genes into a single family but they are lost on the larger population. In polygamy, a few more desirable men can breed their genes into as many women as possible, thus the race is "purified" faster. 

There is also the issue of political unity. Polygamous families create immediately larger family networks and can be used to more quickly consolidate social and political power into groups of smaller families. Monogamy is very atomizing, dispersing the power around. Some believe the theory that polygamous men and women are simply superior by the very fact that they want to practice polygamy. A man needs to be socially equipped to deal with many women and women need to be unjealous and desiring to congregate around only the best men to practice polygamy. It would be best for whites to have power in the hands of fewer polygamous families so that our political and social powers can become more centralized and less fragmented and perhaps in the hands of those who are best fit to rule. The path to power is less dictatorial and relies more upon strategy than force. 

Polygamy would allow our modern women to re-enter the home, yet still allow those who desire to work, this sounds more practical than waiting for a dictator who may never come. Polygamy would more quickly spread the most desirable genes in the population and would centralize power more quickly in the hands of a few, which is needed if we are going to radically transform society. For these reasons Whites need to start campaigning for plural marriage rights. 

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