Thursday, February 7, 2019

The right wing must enter and influence the abortion debate

The United States is experiencing a new tension over abortion, more so than perhaps even during the period of Roe v. Wade when abortion was made legal by the Supreme Court.  New York State, one of the more liberal states in the union, has passed a bill legalizing late term abortions up until the point of birth, what is known as a partial birth abortion where the infant is killed inside the womb and removed as one is not a citizen and has no rights until their head exits the body.  

The religious right of course takes extreme exception to this as they believe that life begins and is protected at inception while the left views this as nothing more than the extension of a woman's right to choose. However, who is missing in this debate is the pagan and atheist right who are divided and confused over the issue.  The alternative right is marked by an odd culture where it would seem they have held on to Christian morality but have dropped Jesus. The right is known for having strictly conservative social values such as family, opposition to homosexuality, hatred for "degenerate art" and often a repugnance toward women having control over their own reproduction. 

While eugenic movements began in the United States during the 1800s, the golden age of eugenics was during the interwar period where both liberal and conservative elements supported the practice.  The socialists during this time had little to no obsession with today's concepts of social justice and even flagrantly flaunted their desire to rid society of the "unfit" in order to be able to maintain a socialist state which they saw as being threatened by that class of society who would be dependent upon welfare. However, it is also obvious that fascists such as the Nazis and pseudo-fascist Japanese were also extremely interested in eugenics, sometimes for more esoteric and spiritual reasons than the atheist left. 

Today, the left is anti-eugenic as they now champion themselves as the heroes of the economically less fortunate and minorities. However the left is well aware of the skeleton in their closet, that birth control and perhaps abortion were pioneered by the most fanatical of eugenicists in the first half of the 20th century, indeed reproductive rights and eugenics were viewed as synonymous and were often overtly intertwined in their agendas. The advocates of birth control, who were mostly liberal leaning women, made it absolutely clear that more than a woman's right to choose, birth control was to target the lower classes of society. It is safe to say that without eugenics there would likely be no birth control or abortion. 

These facts are more than often voiced by the religious right in their crusade to end abortion, that the root of organizations such as Planned Parenthood lies within the religion of eugenics. Less factual but still holding grains of truth is the infamous campaigns of the American black community to smear birth control and abortion as a plot to genocide the black race, indeed abortion is one of the number one causes of death among African Americans. Then we have the disability rights groups who point out the conspicuous practice of targeting fetuses with abnormalities for abortion, and even the most radical of the left must concede that in a way this process echoes of eugenics. 

But still these voices are easily ignored as informed by pernicious dogma and misinformation and so the left easily continues their crusade for abortion as nothing more than a women's rights issue which may have had its origins in eugenics but has obviously been co-opted and mutated by the left, and it's true. The more socially conservative yet unchristian alternative right sees an enemy in the seemingly amoral and subversive culture which Planned Parenthood has become and so it is stained in their mind that abortion must be a liberal agenda which is to be opposed. The fascists are still obsessed with Hitlarian eugenics, the undisguised practice of genocide and expulsion of those people and races deemed as inferior. 

But after the failure of Nazism the once fascist right has become disillusioned with pure fascism and its social aspects, they have become more open to substituted ideas which is taking the community beyond fascism and into new realms which may not resemble the old fascism at all. The right has little interest in even hearing the ideas and arguments of the Christians, the blacks and the disabled and so they have all but missed the apparent connection between their own ideals and the ideals of the liberals of 100 years ago. But when awoken to this connection the former fascist must admit that this program of liberal eugenics has outlasted and outdone their own aspirations, abortion and birth control have championed the shrinking of the birth rate of those whom they view as their genetic enemies even though without direction.

A new concept has begun to rise in the mind of the right, that perhaps the eugenic pioneers of abortion had something going for them.  Yet they also see the consequences of unbridled birth control and abortion, the promotion of a lifestyle of senseless sex which has led to a culture of sterility and antinatalism among the grade of population they so eagerly wish they could induct; the intelligentsia, the inventive, the serious, the conscientious and the militant. However this is the fault of the right themselves as they have yet failed to understand that in order to grow the side of the spectrum which they desire they must continuously input energy into the system.  

The ideal is to create a system of more or less artificial selective breeding, humans have proven that their propensity is to engage is reproductive entropy, a recession towards the mean and not the gifted. There is no other way to bring forth the recessive qualities which the right requires without a purposeful program of selective breeding and they have not yet been able to muster the strength or intelligence to do this.  This again is the fault of their own torpid culture which seeks to only and simply re-establish the traditional system of breeding, monogamous marriage, and while this institution has its part to play in the creation of a eugenic state, it has become obvious to the farsighted logicians that this alone cannot replenish the right nor produce an unnaturally gifted race. He only sits and complains of how his ideological and racial enemies have taken advantage of the universal principle of enttopy of reproduction in its negative form.

Even now, without the confidence of any positive eugenic program, the right has not yet conceived that they themselves have the tools to not only recapture the machine of designless negative eugenics but to recruit his former enemy and even his unseen ally to his cause. There are three details which he must observe, first the vast majority of the liberals who now engage in the reproductive rights are hardly informed of abortion’s eugenic beginnings, second the average population has absolutely no reference to see this connection, and third he does indeed have invisible allies within the seemingly overwhelming leftist agenda and culture of the modern abortion movement. 

The apparatus for negative eugenics is already set up and maintained by the left, so the right need not consider at this time physically usurping their adversaries but must use their own energy against them.  The left does not want it too often brought up that they are the legatees of a eugenic legacy.  The most prominent example of this is Planned Parenthood's surreptitious distancing of themselves from their radically eugenic founder Margaret Sanger. Sanger's magnum opus was "The Pivot of Civilization" where she in no uncertain terms revealed her higher agenda for the birth control movement. Also referenced should be Alan Frank Guttmacher who not only was president of Planned Parenthood but also vice-president of the American Eugenics Society. It was Guttmacher's dedication to eugenics which pushed him to launch the Association for the Study of Abortion in 1964.

The very mention of these relations will not only make eugenics a topic of much discussion but also prick the ears of our leftist comrades. It is an ignorant belief that the opposition, deep within their subconscious, do not think of the logic and benefit of eugenics as they have been literally drenched in anti-eugenic propaganda; eugenics is not so much an enigmatic ideology but a natural desire and inclination which the left must continuously smother.  To show the liberal eugenic aspects of the beginning of their movement, this will ease the way for their psychological transformation which can only occur if this ideal is cultivated. The lives of eugenicist and birth control advocates like Maries Stopes are hypnotic as she was a more than prodigious scientist and social reformer, those who are attracted to their more popular ideals cannot help but become curious as to the other aspects of these brilliant minds. However these ideas must be presented by the right as their own program which the left unwittingly forwards.

This first step in a eugenic propaganda campaign, the co-opting of abortion for the right, this will have to be met by the left who will not be able to do anything but raise the topic of eugenics and their founders, keeping up the tempo of  its exposure. Than we have the religious right who, upon hearing of the alternative rights new found love for abortion, will only be able to take these words as further examples of their own assertions, that abortion is indeed a eugenic technology which was used and is now being used again to usher in a eugenic age.  The same applies for disability and minority lobbies.  Eugenics has a strong rational and idealistic foundation, and the more the topic is discussed, even negatively, the more this will shake the thinking of the populace at large who will be unable to escape the thought of its more rational aspects. 

The only reason the right has a phobia of abortion is because they do not have any program of positive eugenics themselves and so they unsuccessfully attack abortion as of now they see it as nothing more than a threat, at least this has been the most common reaction until recently. The right must understand that even under liberalism the abortion industry is succeeding at its cryptic eugenic agenda. And this brings us to our third point, that intuition serves us to understand that of course there are those who are involved at the top of abortion commerce who know very well the history and what they are doing and who are covertly and subtly directing the agenda from the top, and these people must be encouraged by seeing the blooming of their cause. 

The right must use the true agenda of abortion to advertise their own beliefs and presence, they must use the popularity of this agency in order to raise their profile. They need not physically interfere with the agenda as it is in their best interest for the left to continue operating this program, cloaked in benign cover, so as to continue the flow of this enterprise. As for the topic which started this essay, the question of late term partial birth abortion, the right must drop its Christian informed morality and vehemently and vociferously promote and encourage the mass legalization and implementation of this practice; instinct would serve us to understand that late term abortion would have the most eugenic effect as it is the less conscious, the unorganized, the stupid and the cruel who would wait so long as to make this decision, while of course the more noble elements of the society would clearly terminate the pregnancy earlier. It cannot also be overlooked that every community and every race would be improved by this practice and would be further encouraged to adopt eugenics as their own, it serves as the proselytization of our faith; eugenics is not limited to any one group. The alternative right must drop its impeding scruples to grab the opportunity presented before them. 

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