Saturday, February 9, 2019

Suicide Rights as both positive and negative eugenics

Recently I launched a new campaign, "Suicide Rights" (, in which I argued for the legalization of suicide on demand.  In the extended article which you can access at the link above I argued for suicide rights based upon the triple principals of freedom, compassion, and a "new world".  To sum up of the first two, it's your life, you own it and so you should have the freedom to end it if you want; and there are countless souls who are physically and mentally tortured in this world and it would be most compassionate to let them go.  The third reason, a "new world" was a euphemism for eugenics, the reasoning of which I very softly delivered, but this is the most important reason of all and I would like to present this idea it its more straightforward version.

I recently wrote an article on why the eugenic Right needs to support abortion, especially later term abortion.  As I argued, though abortion can have a dysgenic effect if over used by the more socially minded classes, it has had a definite eugenic effect as it has reduced the overall birthrate of those who are dependent and asocial, reducing their numbers to those similar to what can be found among the more able. Late term abortion is particularly necessary as it is probably the less conscientious and cruel members of our society who would wait so long as to abort the fetus and so this is the strata who need to be most targeted. While abortion has been argued to be one of the most effective eugenic technologies of our time, it still falls within the realm of negative eugenics, the reduction of that class who are less inclined to view this science favorably, and this has been the second movement for such ends, the first being birth control.

While the eugenicists have been very successful at implementing negative eugenics they have not yet found the recipe to advance positive eugenics, the promotion of the birth of eugenically desirable classes through selective breeding and perhaps genetic engineering. In fact, the eugenically minded people of the West have come to see the one-sided program of abortion as a threat as it does reduce the birthrate of those whom they would like to see breed. It should be no surprise that Western eugenicists would be hesitant to accept yet another program of negative eugenics, which would be the overwhelming influence of suicide rights, however unlike abortion suicide rights can have an aspect of positive eugenics if properly guided and implemented. 

If suicide on demand were made legal it is obvious the vast majority of the clients would be those who are sick, old, and otherwise miserable and unproductive. Also would be the criminal classes who, perhaps rather than spending life in jail, would prefer to simply disappear.  In my essay I argued that this would more so than improve the gene pool free up financial resources for those who wish to continue with life by reducing the strains on our hospitals, prisons and welfare programs. Yet I also argued that perhaps it would have more influence in the genetic improvement of the racial stock if it was marketed to that grade of population who does not meet the extremes listed above but who suffer from more hidden psychological and socialized suffering. 

There is indeed no small number of people who have either inherited subtle mental illnesses or were poorly raised so as to be socially sick.  While the opportunity to correct these illnesses should be offered, it must also be understood that certain numbers of these people are beyond repair.  At the moment modern medicine has made it possible to treat mental illness to some degree, however this poses genesiological threat to humanity.  The borderline cases are the most dangerous as while these people may very sincerely wish to die, they are all too often forced and coaxed to live normal lives regardless, including to marry and produce children. There are plenty of people who are genetically and socially sick, who did not want a family, but who have now be straddled with one anyway, and these unfortunate individuals have a tendency to break under the strains of parenthood.  

Worse still is the sad truth that these people who originally wanted to avoid these visions must sit and watch as the mental illnesses which have destroyed their own lives bloom in their children whom become as miserable and resentful as their parents.  It is a juvenile assumption that the drug addicted and the abusive see no problem with their lifestyle, many know very well it would not only better if they never had children but to also not be a burden upon themselves, living in shame as their own unavoidable nature makes them habitually delinquent and reliant on constant assistance. The child who was raised in such circumstances in which s/he believes will lead to nothing but a life of crime a degeneracy may also be aware of this fate and sincerely wish to avoid having to not only go through this experience themselves but also negatively affect the civilization around them.  The sexual instinct is so strong that even if such persons plan not to have children they are likely to accidentally engage is this institution anyway.  Suicide rights would not only ease the pain of these contentious yet damaged people but alsp prevent their misery from being both genetically and socially inherited into the next generation. 

But how is suicide rights to be wielded for positive eugenics?  It quite clear to the vast majority of humanity that those who are frequently suicidal, but have no genetic or social injuries, these people tend to be the smartest, kindest, most industrious, creative, thoughtful and beautiful people on earth.  Verily, many people view these people as simply being too good for the world, not desiring to live among the stupid and cruel masses. It is widely perceived that currently, under the restrictions against suicide rights that these people commit suicide in greater number than the average, and so these rare gems are being lost.  How is the legalization of suicide to correct this?  

During the early days of the birth control and abortion movements these organization were run by eugenicists who directed their work toward the poor and the diseased, and to a great extent the targeting of this population has been overwhelmingly successful.  It is only in the modern era that the reproductive rights movement has been co-opted by Cultural Marxists who no longer care to implement the technology for eugenic aims and thus its implementation has become haphazard. The eugenicists who see the rational of suicide rights should learn from the birth control and abortion movement and take every step possible to insure that the suicide clinics remain firmly in their own hands. While suicide on demand would be offered to any and all who wish, the eugenicist could identify those seeking assistance who fit the description of the more ideal personality and fitness which the eugenicist is seeking but whom have become hateful of the rest of humanity with whom they cannot relate to because they are far above average. 

The thoughtful, gentle, caring, intelligent, dutiful, and idealistic person who wishes to commit suicide because they do not wish to live in the mire are those who are much more likely to understand and be attracted toward the eugenic ideology. It would be the job the suicide technician to spot these individuals and coax them into our religion. The valuable person who is now committing suicide as they must do this alone and secretly, these would be prevented from doing so if they felt comfortable going to a suicide clinic under the assumption that they will be able to end it safely and painlessly, but instead they would be conscripted by the eugenic staff to whom they are much more likely to be able relate to and resonate with on a mental and spiritual level. While suicide rights would help comb the population of those who reasonably do not want to continue, it would also treasure trove the diamonds which would otherwise be lost. Suicide rights is the first eugenic movement which will have both positive and negative eugenic effects. 

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