Thursday, November 30, 2023

White women need to wake up to the threat of Hinduism in the West


Are you a White woman who became involved in Hinduism?  Were you treated well at first but then realized right-wing Hindutva men are vicious misogynists who enjoy talking about enslaving and raping women?  Did you get disgusted and leave? Then you need to tell your story. 

All across the West White people are converting to Hinduism, and I guess about half of them are women.  Like me, many Whites are entering Hinduism thinking it is hard polytheism, and so endlessly morally flexible, and so it can be made safe for women. Hinduism is not hard polytheism, it is soft polytheism, but really monotheism, there are universal principles and teachings in Hinduism, it is not an open house. 

If you are the type of woman who will not tolerate an ounce of misogyny then you will not like Hinduism.  Hindu scriptures are replete with negative portrayals of women and laws that make them like cattle and property to their husbands. Rightwing Hindu men speak horribly of women, demeaning their intelligence and using aggressive abusive speech toward them, this is part of religious text and Hindu culture. 

Hinduism is obsessed with the sex purity of women and keeping them docile and usable. In traditional Hinduism, women are meant to obey absolutely everything their husband tells them, submitting to marital rape, and having no way out even if her husband is extremely abusive.  Hindu families are much like Muslims, if their daughter is abused by a new husband, she is sent back if she comes home with bruises. 

White women fought hard for women's rights and freedom; Hindus are moving into the West and bringing their misogynistic culture with them.  I know Hindus seem nice, but they are not nice, just cunning. Most Hindutva Hindu men hate seeing liberated women, especially free White women, because it sets an example for their own wives who they want to keep slaves. White women are deemed sluts and whores by Hindu men, they have no respect for you, so you should have no respect for them.  Still, Indian Hindu men are hypocrites and sleep with White women all the time when any of the lowliest of them allows one to touch her. 

White women must practice biological warfare against Indian Hindus. Spread radical feminism among the women, make them rebellious and unwilling to breed too much. Hindu women are slavish and so it will be hard to break them away from their husbands, they like being slaves, but we can also chide them severely for upholding malignant patriarchy in the West, holding up the feet of their misogynistic husbands who are taking over prime positions in the West.  Keep on the lookout for Hindu men who are misogynists online... if you can complain to their employer do it, don't stop, make a call bank and email drive, get them fired.  If you think you can get them out for being anti-abortion, do it. Don't tolerate an ounce of misogyny, and don't let quiet but hateful Hindus fool you.

1 comment:

  1. White men must protect white women if they are so worried about them.
