Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A response to Edward Martin, the Jew who had my anti-Noahide petition taken down

So Claire Khaw's hater Edward Martin wrote a blog post about me on his new blog criticising Secular Koranism (linked and pasted below).  He got one thing right.  I did make a Facebook post stating I believed that parents had the right to kill their children until the age of about 12.  I have since changed my belief on this.  I will say this, I do wish my parents had the right to kill me as it would have been better for them and me.  Yes, I very much wish they had just killed me like they wanted to do.  That being said, sometimes I allow my wish to cloud my judgment, and I guess I can see most children don't want to be killed by their parents, so I take it back. 

As for whatever else he wrote it was all dumb.  He says I am a conspiracy theorist because I said Zionists own Hindutva.  First of all, I mean that in the way that all Hindutva Hindus are sickening ass-licking Zionists who love the Noahide Laws and want to be declared non-idolators by Rabbis. I didn't mean that literally, Israelis are telling Hindutva cells what to do.  I was a Hindu for 10 years and traveled extensively in Hindutva circles... yes, Jew worship and Noahide acceptance is rampant among Hindutva Hindus, they are Israeli's greatest ally outside Christian Zionism. 

It seems as though Edward Martin was the one who reported my change.org anti-Noahide petition and had it taken down.  There was nothing wrong with that petition.  Just because Jews have political clout and can silence opposition to the Noahide Laws, does not mean that the cause is somehow immoral.  Jews separated from non-Jews first and hated and attacked us first, the Noahide Laws are about hatred for idolators, homosexuals, and blasphemers... it is not hate to try to get rid of hate, even if that is a proclamation by the US government that the Noahide Laws are the foundation of civilization, a very offensive statement.  But Edward Martin, as a Jew, does not care if non-Jewish homosexuals, Christians, pagans, and atheists are offended, it is ok for the government to promote laws detrimental to these people, but a single word against the Jews, or against the Noahide Laws themselves, and then there is a problem. 

Edward Martin says that Claire Khaw is a misogynist and child abuser, yet he is a lover of the Jehovah's Witnesses who have submissive rules for women and who do not report child rape to authorities but harass the girls who come forward with confessions of abuse.  I'm sure Edward Martin is in love with the Catholic hierarchy who do nothing but rape boys.  He is pretty fine and ok with any established religion, even if it is a wicked cult, but he does not like anti-Noahidism or Claire Khaw's Secular Koranims, which gives a lot more freedom than Noahidism (or the Jehovah's Witnesses), even though that is not an endorsement. 

Edward Martin wants Cliare Khaw to apologize for not condemning so many Islamic problems in the world, yet he never condemns the Noahide Laws which are worse than what Claire is promoting. 


What sort of being is her buddy boy Vincent Bruno?

Let's start with potentially one of the most offensive reposts on Facebook during 2023. No contra argument from Claire Khaw, bearing in mind she is quick to remind everyone that she is a legally-qualified moralist, psychologist, scientist, philosopher and political campaigner, all on top of being "the most theologically knowledgable person in the West, if not the whole wide world. Would you post this abhorrence on your timeline, irrespective of your delusional claims made above? This is not the behaviour of a normal, sentient and caring human being. It is deeply inhumane, Hitlerian and antisocial. But Claire Khaw simply cannot herself see how deeply offensive and immoral it is.

As if the above isn't highly offensive enough, Claire Khaw had the nerve to post this lie on 3rd November 2023

That Vincent Bruno is a deeply disturbed, antisemitic conspiracy theorist is clear from his postings on Clair Khaw's timeline. Yet she welcomes him several times a week with open arms, without criticism or censure. In fact, she encourages him. And she acknowledged he has "mental issues". Whether he is being just racist and bigoted, or whether it is his parents' fault is not clear from this posting. Yet he is quick to claim that Jehovahs Witnesses are misogynistic when it is abundantly clear that Clair Khaw is too.

Claire sees nothing wrong with the Taliban preventing girls from attending school after 11 years of age, or from preventing young women from working. This is clear from the fact that nowhere on her timeline does she condemn this antisocial practice. And neither does she speak up for the 98% of females who are reckoned to have undergone female genital mutilation in Muslim Somalia. Or the Iranian young women murdered for simply not covering their hair.

This is another of Bruno's, unproven conspiracy theories Claire Khaw (remember, the self-declared non-antisemite) sees no problem with:


Presumably Bruno thinks the above graduates will attack twin towers in New York, London Underground Stations, Israeli Athletes, Israeli families on a kibbutz or people enjoying a concert in Manchester with their highly dangerous graduation certificates.

This is the solitary proof for his accusations. Someone's blog! Not ANY someone. Just his own!

While I have heard of the "Jewish Registers of Birth, Marriage and Death/Burial", I've never heard of the "Jewish registrar". And the ridiculous secular koranism is just a cult with zero provenance or standing, so nothing can be "struck off" under it. As for "lesson hatred" - I have no idea what that means; unless he is discussing the lessons in hatred he provides others via Claire Khaw. He is plainly illiterate and ignorant. "That's against the law" he screams. No it ain't mate. If anything, you are, as change.org seems to concur when he was trying to raise a petition and money to have Noahide banned.

This is another example of Bruno's literacy and grasp of human history (Not!) Again, promoted by Claire Khaw.

One revelation is, that while Claire Khaw unreservedly repeats "she is not antisemitic" and continually asks "who of my friends are antisemitic" and "where have I posted things that are antisemitic" (astute readers will by now have realised that Bruno is both a raging antisemite, is a friend of Claire Khaw, and she has shard his antisemitic conspiracy theory posts on numerous occasions!), she stated the following, on the 15th November 2023:

She had posted this on the 6th Nov 2023:

And the to cap it all, Claire Khaw had the bear-faced cheek to ask this on 17 Nov 23

So, what she is saying is that:

1. She is happy to interact regularly and post material on her timeline from someone whom she claims (using her "professional", albeit, totally unqualified expertise) has "mental problems", where the material he posts and she subsequently reposts with zero comment or warning could very probably be a lie or proven false? And she claims the moral high ground?
2. Reposting material from Vincent Bruno is like asking Fred West to write a Trustpilot for gravediggers or asking her friends in Hamas to cater for a Bar Mitzvah!

I have proven Bruno's postings to be false and a lie for months, yet she keeps on reposting them! I find Claire Khaw's justifications, sheer hypocrisy and obvious confusion, well, it's all just rather confusing.

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