Thursday, November 30, 2023

Finally, the White right is catching on that Hindus are Noahide Zionist butt-suckers (new cartoon image)


I was very happy to see this new cartoon (featured above), calling out Hindus for their obsequious and sycophantic support and undying love for Jews and Israel.  The cartoon shows a nearly nude Jewish Israeli woman running from a crowd of Hindus who are asking her to marry them.  First of all, many Hindu men go online and look for women in Western countries and Israel to marry them to get them out of India which is a hellhole of their own creation; this behavior is disgusting and parasitic and is a threat to the White gene pool; Jews also show apprehension of Indians coming in and diluting their genetic stock.  Indian Hindu men are not attractive to their own women so they go around trying to poach someone of another ethnicity. 

The cartoon is not flimsy or poorly crafted, it is pretty good quality.  This means someone really saw through the Hindus on this Jewish issue, got sick to their stomach, and decided to fight back. Even if this image was generated by AI, it still shows the AI at least is reading people's feelings and can generate a pertinent image.  I ask that everyone spread the image and create more like it.  We need to really drive home that Hindutva Hindus are Jewish butt-suckers.  

I worked really hard to unite the White Right and Hindus, but now I'm trying to dismantle all that, but I am glad I am not the only one noticing.  Yes, as of late, especially since this latest Gaza war, I am noticing the internet, people from all walks of life, are turning on the Hindus for their unflinching Zionism. Hindus are seeking to uphold the Zionist empire as the other races who have been used by Jews are shrugging them off... India is Israel's new source of nourishment, and the Hindus want to be milked dry. 

Hindus are more loyal to Jews and Israel than they are to the White lands they have come to to economically and socially exploit. If push came to shove, Hindus would gladly stab White people in the back so as to become a new Noahide elite in Israel's coming Talmudic imperium. They want to hurt White people, White people colonized them and they want revenge, which is normal and understandable, but White people need to be aware of this.  When Hindus complain about "foreigners" in India, they are talking about White people.  Many Hindus are openly hostile to White people converting to their religion.  Upperclass Hindus in the West look down on working-class White people who built up the country.  Hindus are now hear that everything is readymade, the roads are paved, the buildings are built, the economy is good, and the White population has been brainwashed into believing all races are the same. 

Hindus need to be shamed and humiliated for being such Noahide footstool for Jews; but Hindus have no shame, so this is more to rile up disdain for them.  Hindus are a threat, a Zionist fifth column in the West, and need to be exposed, even if it is done through humor like the cartoon above.  Humor can be used to disguise boiling hatred. It is nice to see this kind of art coming out, at least the White soul is waking up to the dangers of Hindu Noahidism. These people are here to take over, fight like heck!

1 comment:

  1. White people just need a proper religion to protect themselves from each other as well as rapacious immigrants who want to exploit them.
