Friday, November 17, 2023

Claire Khaw, mother of Secular Koranism, shows interest in Armstrongism because of its anti-trinitarianism... faith healing is an extra added benefit


Recently I wrote a blog post on how the White racist right is rejecting mainstream medicine so much, due to vaccine skepticism, that some of them are going all the way and are entertaining anti-medical cults like Christian Science and the teaching of Carol Balizet (here).  Claire Khaw is peddling Secular Koranism to Western White men... selling them the laws of the Koran, to be implemented, but minus the religious part... just applying the dead law... no god, no faith, no mysticism, just Quranic legalism. Men in the alt-right are telling Claire that her legal system is not picking up traction because it has nothing spicy.  White right-wing men want some nonsense in there, something about spirituality, something irrational, something supernatural... they can't seem to be able to live on the law alone, maybe that is why they don't feel confident in secular constitutions, they just want a theocracy, or at least many of them do.

At first, Claire Khaw was reluctant to associate herself with any out-there cults, not even mainstream religion, but for some reason, she has shown some interest in Herbert Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God.  Herbert Armstrong blended Adventism, the Jehovah's Witness religion, and Mormonism into an exotic brew.  Like Jehovah's Witnesses, Armstrong rejected the Trinity.  Trinity rejection is very important to Claire because it is considered idolatry under her system, and while idolatry is permitted in Secular Koranism, it is the government's duty to discourage it. Also like Jehovah's Witnesses, Armstrongism does not celebrate idolatrous pagan holidays like Easter and Christmas and some even avoid birthdays. This may make Armstrong almost totally compliant with non-idolatry under the Noahide code, which is used as a seven-star rating system to determine whether your religion is acceptable or not, at least in the intellectual sense, to the Secular Koranist state. 

See My Blog On Armstrongism 

But there is more than this, and that is the fact that Armstrongism provides White right-wing men with the irrationalism they need. Armstrong takes on Mormon doctrines and teaches that followers become gods after they die, or something close to it, that god is actually a "God Family".  Second, like Christian Science and Carol Balizet, Armstrongism rejects medicine, and people have even died from their demands to use faith healing only. Like with Christian Science, White men could use their affiliation with Armstrongism to have medical exemptions on things like vaccines.  Like Carol Balizet, Armstrong associated medicine with pagan witchcraft, not just saying that the physical world (and thus disease) was unreal, like as what Mary Baker Eddy said (Christian Science). 

But even better, Herbert Armstrong was a racist.  He believed that the Anglo-Saxons and others in the White race were the direct descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel and that they should not race mix with other races.  This British-Israelism is still held by racist White men, such as in the Christian Identity cult.  In addition, Armstrong picked up British-Israelist pyramidology, thus giving his racism a deeper mysticism. Carol Balizet, whose ideology was picked up by Armstrong breakoff groups, also believed in a form of racialism, separating the races, but may have been less openly racist. 

If Claire Khaw takes the advice of her listeners, and she allows her interest in Armstrongism to bloom, she could somehow subliminally unite the two together to get White men interested.  Perhaps her interest in talking about and researching Armstrongism is just that.  She can just say she finds the topic interesting and thus she has plausible deniability that she is indeed turning into the world of cult-making. 

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