I converted to Hinduism more than 11 years and remained a Hindu for 10 years. I left about a year ago. I had really good reasons to leave. First of all, I should have listened to Hindus and not myself, I wanted to believe that Hinduism was a liberal hard-polytheist religion; no rather it is a backward traditionalist religion that is soft-polytheist at best and pure monotheism at worst, and I think most Hindus consider themselves monotheists, or at least they are the loudest Hindus on the right. I was not just a Hindu, I was a right-wing Hindu, I supported Hindutva and joined the Over Seas Friends of the BJP. I also ran the Hindus For Trump campaign. I was familiar with many Hindu Nationalists. People there let me believe what I wanted to believe, I was a white gay man trying to help Hindus being persecuted by Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh. I was a liberal science-minded rational-thinking person, and I came to find more and more that most Hindus just considered me weird and did not like me being associated with Hinduism, they thought I was a logical, nice degenerate. I did not realize at first, but Hindus are deeply homophobic, as well as misogynistic. Hindus are not straightforward people like Westerners, they pretend to be less threatening upfront, they rarely confront you face to face, but behind your back they are very vicious and cunning. It eventually became obvious that no one would say to my face what they really thought, I just had to deal with sabotage, gossip, lies, and abandonment. I am now a huge enemy of Hinduism and do all I can to make the White race wake up to the Hindu and Hindu-Noahide threat, yet rarely if ever am I truly confronted. Coward Hindus.
But my problem with Hinduism goes deeper than backward morals, superstition, homophobia and other things. You see, the vast majority of right-wing Hindus are diehard Zionists. They support Israel no matter what, no matter what, anything goes, they have no standards for Jews. This goes very deep. As I said, Hinduism is not hard polytheism, and most Hindus want you to believe they are monotheists, not even soft polytheists. They are also desperate for Jewish approval, especially right-wing Jewish approval. Right-wing Jews are more religious, and so they do have expectations of the Hindus, and that is for them to follow the Noahide Laws. In order for Hindus to be considered Noahide-compliant they must swear to monotheism, and they did. Many Hindu organizations went to Israel to meet with the Chief Rabbi to pronounce Hinduism monotheism, not polytheism, and thus a Noahide religion. However, it was also discussed that many Hindu practices are still idolatry, and the Hindus are negotiating to give these up to please religious Jewry.
India is awash in Noahide conversions. If there are close to 500,000 Noahides in the world, then there are approximately 70,000 Noahides in India. If these numbers provided by Noahides are inflated, there are still thousands of Noahides in India regardless. Even if they are a small number, they are growing, mostly from help from Hasidic Jews who travel to India and set up Noahide schools for children and other religious community centers. I tried my best to warn Hindus about this and they just told me to shut up. They care so much about Christian conversion but Jews have an open pass to ravage the community through attrition into the Noahide cult. Nor did any Hindu care when I told them about the incident of defining Hinduism with the Chief Rabbi, they all told me they agreed with the monotheistic Noahide definition of Hinduism and wanted me to just stop talking about it.
Hindu immigration has brought Hindus to more than 1% of the American population, however, they are concentrated in swing states and counties, which makes them a very sought-after minority. Actually, Hindus are becoming political rockstars, they are the most wealthy and educated religious group in America, they have lots of money to contribute to campaigns and their intelligence and training helps them be effective foot soldiers. Worse, than this, Hindu Rishi Sunak recently became Prime Minister of England, and we have Vivek Ramaswamy running for President in the United States, and he definitely has Noahide connections (
here). Hindus may soon be the most powerful minority in the West, even more powerful, wealthy, and influential than Jews... but they serve Jews.
Worse than this, Hindus have a deep burning hatred for White people who invaded their lands and brought Christianity there. I cannot tell you how many times Hindus would complain of "foreigners" (an Indian Hindu euphemism for Whites) when they thought I was not listening. Hindus love Jews because they think they are innocent in colonialism even though the Jews were heavily involved in the endeavor. Jews have it in for White Europeans as well, and so Jews and Hindus unite over their White hatred. Hindus would be more than happy for Whites to die out in America so that they could live here as the eternal Noahide slaves of Jews. Hindus are very slavish people and seek the worst most immoral and ugly master, like them. Hindus can't maintain their own civilization, which is obvious from India. I've even met Hindus so stupid they want Israel to take over India's defense operations so that at least someone competent is at the helm and will scam them behind their backs instead of clumsily in their faces as their fellow Hindus do, Hindus treat each other like absolute garbage because they all know each other are garbage and so no one can be true friends.
There is also the racial aspect to consider. Indians are a physically feeble and passive race who are disorganized and scattered. They are so useless they cannot even save themselves from genocide, even after hundreds of years of practice. If we allow Indians to immigrate to America we will have a disorganized, polluted, corrupt, and weak society like India, not to mention that Hindus are natural users and thieves. This racial threat is real and needs to be countered, these people will destroy our gene pool. Many White Westerners who understand race make exceptions for Indians, thinking they are Indo-Europeans, because they are more educated and fit in better with Whites, Indians are most dangerous, especially the threat of interracial marriage and the communities uniting together. A White-Hindu alliance, which already exists, would be nothing but a stab in the back from Zionist Hindus.
Hindus, with an intelligence elevated above other minorities, are taking over the West, but this is really a Zionist-Noahide takeover, Hindu-Noahidism is real, yes there are already Hindu Noahides (who I know), who have mixed the two religions already into a new super religion they hope will replace Western Secularism. I cannot warn enough against this threat, it is deadly. Just because right-wing Hindus hate Islam, that does not make them good allies. Hindus are only allies of Jews, and their presence can only bring Noahidism to America.