Thursday, November 30, 2023

White women need to wake up to the threat of Hinduism in the West


Are you a White woman who became involved in Hinduism?  Were you treated well at first but then realized right-wing Hindutva men are vicious misogynists who enjoy talking about enslaving and raping women?  Did you get disgusted and leave? Then you need to tell your story. 

All across the West White people are converting to Hinduism, and I guess about half of them are women.  Like me, many Whites are entering Hinduism thinking it is hard polytheism, and so endlessly morally flexible, and so it can be made safe for women. Hinduism is not hard polytheism, it is soft polytheism, but really monotheism, there are universal principles and teachings in Hinduism, it is not an open house. 

If you are the type of woman who will not tolerate an ounce of misogyny then you will not like Hinduism.  Hindu scriptures are replete with negative portrayals of women and laws that make them like cattle and property to their husbands. Rightwing Hindu men speak horribly of women, demeaning their intelligence and using aggressive abusive speech toward them, this is part of religious text and Hindu culture. 

Hinduism is obsessed with the sex purity of women and keeping them docile and usable. In traditional Hinduism, women are meant to obey absolutely everything their husband tells them, submitting to marital rape, and having no way out even if her husband is extremely abusive.  Hindu families are much like Muslims, if their daughter is abused by a new husband, she is sent back if she comes home with bruises. 

White women fought hard for women's rights and freedom; Hindus are moving into the West and bringing their misogynistic culture with them.  I know Hindus seem nice, but they are not nice, just cunning. Most Hindutva Hindu men hate seeing liberated women, especially free White women, because it sets an example for their own wives who they want to keep slaves. White women are deemed sluts and whores by Hindu men, they have no respect for you, so you should have no respect for them.  Still, Indian Hindu men are hypocrites and sleep with White women all the time when any of the lowliest of them allows one to touch her. 

White women must practice biological warfare against Indian Hindus. Spread radical feminism among the women, make them rebellious and unwilling to breed too much. Hindu women are slavish and so it will be hard to break them away from their husbands, they like being slaves, but we can also chide them severely for upholding malignant patriarchy in the West, holding up the feet of their misogynistic husbands who are taking over prime positions in the West.  Keep on the lookout for Hindu men who are misogynists online... if you can complain to their employer do it, don't stop, make a call bank and email drive, get them fired.  If you think you can get them out for being anti-abortion, do it. Don't tolerate an ounce of misogyny, and don't let quiet but hateful Hindus fool you.

Ron Banerjee is a typical homophobic Israel-loving Hindutva Hindu

Do you know who Ron Banerjee is?  He is a Hindu supremacist who lives in Canada and is the founder of the Hindu Conference of Canada.  Back in the day when I was a radical Hindu, I used to communicate often with Ron about our separate Hindu human rights advocacy groups. Ron was always a huge supporter of Israel.  I tried to get Ron to understand the real nature of Israel and its Noahide agenda, but he just called my "Jew-hatred toxic".  Ron meets with Jewish activists and rallies with them often. 

However, Ron Banerjee, predictably as a Hindu, and also a friend of right-wing Zionists, is homophobic.  He says all religions are against homosexuals, and somehow that makes it right.  Yes, I agree all traditional religions which are backward, unscientific, stupid, and misogynistic are also homophobic, and that is why they all need to be dismantled, maybe starting with Hinduism. 

But Ron is like a typical Hindu, he hid his homophobia from me in order to use me and others.  Just because Hindus are quiet and shy and not truthful, does not mean that they do not harbor hatred for gays and the White culture that allows them to flourish, Hindu homophobes work in the background, uniting with other hate groups like Orthodox Rabbis and Noahides in order to change the White West to better resemble Indian Hindu homophobic culture. 

I was such a fool supporting Hindus, they took my help and then cursed me behind my back and made obscene comments about my sex life.  They all cared about how many men I had sex with a day, who the fuck cares about that?  These people do, they have nothing better to do than sit around and make fun of gay men all day, they are losers. I just hope this article exposes him and actually gets him more Zionist support so that Zionism can be further associated with both Hinduism and homophobia, both Noahide institutions. 

P.S. - Banerjee is such an arrogant Hindu he thinks that because he has not heard of Noahidism generally that it really does not matter, how much hubris do you have to have to think that because you never heard of something it does not exist and is not a problem.  But then again Ron Banerjee is not looking for problems in the Zionist community, just looking to kiss Jewish ass. 

Finally, the White right is catching on that Hindus are Noahide Zionist butt-suckers (new cartoon image)


I was very happy to see this new cartoon (featured above), calling out Hindus for their obsequious and sycophantic support and undying love for Jews and Israel.  The cartoon shows a nearly nude Jewish Israeli woman running from a crowd of Hindus who are asking her to marry them.  First of all, many Hindu men go online and look for women in Western countries and Israel to marry them to get them out of India which is a hellhole of their own creation; this behavior is disgusting and parasitic and is a threat to the White gene pool; Jews also show apprehension of Indians coming in and diluting their genetic stock.  Indian Hindu men are not attractive to their own women so they go around trying to poach someone of another ethnicity. 

The cartoon is not flimsy or poorly crafted, it is pretty good quality.  This means someone really saw through the Hindus on this Jewish issue, got sick to their stomach, and decided to fight back. Even if this image was generated by AI, it still shows the AI at least is reading people's feelings and can generate a pertinent image.  I ask that everyone spread the image and create more like it.  We need to really drive home that Hindutva Hindus are Jewish butt-suckers.  

I worked really hard to unite the White Right and Hindus, but now I'm trying to dismantle all that, but I am glad I am not the only one noticing.  Yes, as of late, especially since this latest Gaza war, I am noticing the internet, people from all walks of life, are turning on the Hindus for their unflinching Zionism. Hindus are seeking to uphold the Zionist empire as the other races who have been used by Jews are shrugging them off... India is Israel's new source of nourishment, and the Hindus want to be milked dry. 

Hindus are more loyal to Jews and Israel than they are to the White lands they have come to to economically and socially exploit. If push came to shove, Hindus would gladly stab White people in the back so as to become a new Noahide elite in Israel's coming Talmudic imperium. They want to hurt White people, White people colonized them and they want revenge, which is normal and understandable, but White people need to be aware of this.  When Hindus complain about "foreigners" in India, they are talking about White people.  Many Hindus are openly hostile to White people converting to their religion.  Upperclass Hindus in the West look down on working-class White people who built up the country.  Hindus are now hear that everything is readymade, the roads are paved, the buildings are built, the economy is good, and the White population has been brainwashed into believing all races are the same. 

Hindus need to be shamed and humiliated for being such Noahide footstool for Jews; but Hindus have no shame, so this is more to rile up disdain for them.  Hindus are a threat, a Zionist fifth column in the West, and need to be exposed, even if it is done through humor like the cartoon above.  Humor can be used to disguise boiling hatred. It is nice to see this kind of art coming out, at least the White soul is waking up to the dangers of Hindu Noahidism. These people are here to take over, fight like heck!

My disdain for Hindus is too radical to publish

I recently took down an article I wrote about Indian Hindus taking over the property market in London, now owning more property than British people. I said things that could be considered genocidal, which I don't regret, but realized this could have my blog taken down, so I've reluctantly removed it. Indian Hindus are becoming like Jews, any criticism of their caste violence, their misogyny, their homophobia, their blatant racism against all races, their quack medical cures, their unsanitary practices, their murder of children through witchdoctors, their pedophilic culture of having children live in brothels, having underage girls serve in sex temples, their desire to have their daughters married by their first period, their animal sacrifices, and everything else; any criticism of this is called "Hinduphobia"; no one is allowed to speak up against these crimes and get away with it, or like the Jew, the Hindu seeks revenge and files a lawsuit, like the Hindu American Foundation always does for exposing Hinduism's casteist racism.  

Hindus are such hypocrites, they criticize Islam and Christianity all the time (but not Judaism or Noahidism), but they can't stand any criticism themselves.  According to Hindus, they and Jews are saintly ne're-do-wrongs who are above reproach and critique.  Any holding them accountable for their bullshit comes with retorts and accusations of racism, meanwhile, Hindus in India murder anyone who is a shade darker or lighter than them, burning alive people who differ from them genetically only slightly, for drinking out of an upper-caste well. 

Hindus do nothing but criticize White people, but any criticism of them is ethnic hatred, they come here and make fun of us for being open to gays and women, they call this decadent White culture, yet if we ask them about their race's shortcomings and backwardness, they can't handle the heat.  Like Jews, Hindus don't allow an ounce of criticism and the criticizer is always wrong. A Hindu will throw cooking oil on a wife they no longer want and set her on fire (a cultural practice in India), but if we complain about this we are racists.  Because of their alliance with Jews, Hindus are getting power as a "victim" group.  Soon there will be Hinduphobia laws just like we have specific anti-Semitism laws, and any denunciation of this vicious cult whatsoever, even legitimate concerns, will be considered a hate crime if Hindus get their way. Hindus show their disdain for inquiry by totally negating the negative effects of the Noahide Laws, according to Hindus any criticism of these laws is wrong, if you even talk about them you are an anti-Semite, especially if you are a homosexual, blasphemer, or idolator... these people should have no rights to complain in the Hindus contention. 

Do you remember when that Russian tourist had his entire face ripped off for ringing a sacred bell in a temple?  Yes, Hindus defended this and said that the man had insulted their culture.  I am sick and tired of hearing that Hindus are peaceful.  Try being a lower-caste Hindu or a woman in India and tell me they are peaceful.  Even though I hate Christianity I can still see that violence against Christians in India shows Hindus are not passive lovers like they try to portray. As I said in the article I took down, our only defense is to criticize everything about them and their culture, bring forward every crime, collective and individual, these people cannot get away with hating everyone else and repelling any criticism of themselves. For ten years I helped these people, and now I must undo all that, that means being crafty and careful with my words.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Noahide Law will split the pagan community, and that is a good thing


First, let's make the distinction between hard and soft polytheism. Hard polytheism says that there are many gods and they are separate and distinct, like different people; soft polytheism says that there are many gods, but there is an underlying unity behind them.  Soft polytheism is best represented by Hinduism and hard polytheism is best represented by Greek mythology where the gods descended from chaos. To most pagans, they don't care if you are soft or hard polytheist, they are tolerant and open and see no problem with either. Some pagans know that monotheism is a problem, but even more don't. 

What is the problem with monotheism?  Monotheism usually means moral absolutism, there is one god with one will and one law, and he or she or it wants everyone to follow them.  There are no other gods to object, there is no new cult that can take over society, it is one god, immutable, forever.  This is the death of moral relativism.  Polytheism (at least hard polytheism) maintains moral relativism; soft polytheism makes morality a little more flexible, but there are underlying universal values, such as those found in Hindu dharma. 

We know Hindus, especially right-wing Hindus, are accepting Noahidism. They are soft polytheists, this is called "shituf" in Judaism; some Rabbis say it is permissible, some say it is not.  For now, the Hindus are being told they are safe from the blade and can enter the Noahide World Order (the World To Come as it is called in Judaism) as they are.  First of all, this is not exactly true, as the Rabbis have said that Noahide-compliance relies upon Hinduism being defined as at least soft polytheism, but better monotheism.  Secondly, while Hinduism is not idolatry in theology, it is idolatry in practice... things such as astrology and divination are idolatry. Hindus kinda know this, but go along anyway. 

The problem is that soft polytheism is actually monotheism in disguise, if push came to shove, most Hindus would call themselves monotheists, and most actually do.  Part of the acceptance of Noahide Law is about negating the idea that the Noahide Laws are bad.  Most pagans, like Hindus, are going to see that if they reject the Noahide Laws they will be labeled anti-semitic.  Having their religion bashed is better than being seen as a Jew-hater.  But it is more than this. The soft polytheists, like all liberal movements these days, want to copy the monotheists and have universal values, like human rights.  Most pagans would disagree with banning monotheism, they view freedom of religion as an unalienable value that none have the right to overturn. Hopefully, hard polytheists can see that it is not wise to allow religions that call for the death penalty for hard polytheists. Why do the Noahides call for the ban of polytheism?  They know if they allow it opposition will arise to their universal values system, for Noahides and Jews it is not smart to allow hard polytheists to live. 

But who will most of the pagans side with?  The hard polytheists or the Jews?  Even some hard polytheists will go Noahide in order to placate the Jews and cries of anti-Semitism.  If push comes to shove, the soft polytheists will admit they are actually really monotheists and reject moral relativism because it would bring into question their views on universal liberal values, like freedom of speech, which the Noahide Laws don't allow (no blasphemy).  The soft polytheist defection will be led by Hindus. Since the average pagan would not dare blaspheme the pagan-hating god of Israel, they really don't care about this provision, and so are willing to destroy their own universal values for the sake of the Jews. 

Most pagans will accept the Noahide Laws and clammer, like the Hindus, for Noahide status.  None of the hatred for hard polytheists will be reviewed or criticized, and the more vitriolic the Noahides become, the more the soft polytheists (and some hard polytheists) will apologize for them.  Pagans are going to come to hate other pagans and call them anti-Semites just because they want to protect themselves and moral relativism (to keep people safe from megalomaniacal gods). A war is coming between pagans, and that is a good thing, finally, we can separate the pagans into soft and hard polytheists (the soft polytheists are really montheists) and flush the pagan community out of traitors. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A response to Edward Martin, the Jew who had my anti-Noahide petition taken down

So Claire Khaw's hater Edward Martin wrote a blog post about me on his new blog criticising Secular Koranism (linked and pasted below).  He got one thing right.  I did make a Facebook post stating I believed that parents had the right to kill their children until the age of about 12.  I have since changed my belief on this.  I will say this, I do wish my parents had the right to kill me as it would have been better for them and me.  Yes, I very much wish they had just killed me like they wanted to do.  That being said, sometimes I allow my wish to cloud my judgment, and I guess I can see most children don't want to be killed by their parents, so I take it back. 

As for whatever else he wrote it was all dumb.  He says I am a conspiracy theorist because I said Zionists own Hindutva.  First of all, I mean that in the way that all Hindutva Hindus are sickening ass-licking Zionists who love the Noahide Laws and want to be declared non-idolators by Rabbis. I didn't mean that literally, Israelis are telling Hindutva cells what to do.  I was a Hindu for 10 years and traveled extensively in Hindutva circles... yes, Jew worship and Noahide acceptance is rampant among Hindutva Hindus, they are Israeli's greatest ally outside Christian Zionism. 

It seems as though Edward Martin was the one who reported my anti-Noahide petition and had it taken down.  There was nothing wrong with that petition.  Just because Jews have political clout and can silence opposition to the Noahide Laws, does not mean that the cause is somehow immoral.  Jews separated from non-Jews first and hated and attacked us first, the Noahide Laws are about hatred for idolators, homosexuals, and blasphemers... it is not hate to try to get rid of hate, even if that is a proclamation by the US government that the Noahide Laws are the foundation of civilization, a very offensive statement.  But Edward Martin, as a Jew, does not care if non-Jewish homosexuals, Christians, pagans, and atheists are offended, it is ok for the government to promote laws detrimental to these people, but a single word against the Jews, or against the Noahide Laws themselves, and then there is a problem. 

Edward Martin says that Claire Khaw is a misogynist and child abuser, yet he is a lover of the Jehovah's Witnesses who have submissive rules for women and who do not report child rape to authorities but harass the girls who come forward with confessions of abuse.  I'm sure Edward Martin is in love with the Catholic hierarchy who do nothing but rape boys.  He is pretty fine and ok with any established religion, even if it is a wicked cult, but he does not like anti-Noahidism or Claire Khaw's Secular Koranims, which gives a lot more freedom than Noahidism (or the Jehovah's Witnesses), even though that is not an endorsement. 

Edward Martin wants Cliare Khaw to apologize for not condemning so many Islamic problems in the world, yet he never condemns the Noahide Laws which are worse than what Claire is promoting.

What sort of being is her buddy boy Vincent Bruno?

Let's start with potentially one of the most offensive reposts on Facebook during 2023. No contra argument from Claire Khaw, bearing in mind she is quick to remind everyone that she is a legally-qualified moralist, psychologist, scientist, philosopher and political campaigner, all on top of being "the most theologically knowledgable person in the West, if not the whole wide world. Would you post this abhorrence on your timeline, irrespective of your delusional claims made above? This is not the behaviour of a normal, sentient and caring human being. It is deeply inhumane, Hitlerian and antisocial. But Claire Khaw simply cannot herself see how deeply offensive and immoral it is.

As if the above isn't highly offensive enough, Claire Khaw had the nerve to post this lie on 3rd November 2023

That Vincent Bruno is a deeply disturbed, antisemitic conspiracy theorist is clear from his postings on Clair Khaw's timeline. Yet she welcomes him several times a week with open arms, without criticism or censure. In fact, she encourages him. And she acknowledged he has "mental issues". Whether he is being just racist and bigoted, or whether it is his parents' fault is not clear from this posting. Yet he is quick to claim that Jehovahs Witnesses are misogynistic when it is abundantly clear that Clair Khaw is too.

Claire sees nothing wrong with the Taliban preventing girls from attending school after 11 years of age, or from preventing young women from working. This is clear from the fact that nowhere on her timeline does she condemn this antisocial practice. And neither does she speak up for the 98% of females who are reckoned to have undergone female genital mutilation in Muslim Somalia. Or the Iranian young women murdered for simply not covering their hair.

This is another of Bruno's, unproven conspiracy theories Claire Khaw (remember, the self-declared non-antisemite) sees no problem with:


Presumably Bruno thinks the above graduates will attack twin towers in New York, London Underground Stations, Israeli Athletes, Israeli families on a kibbutz or people enjoying a concert in Manchester with their highly dangerous graduation certificates.

This is the solitary proof for his accusations. Someone's blog! Not ANY someone. Just his own!

While I have heard of the "Jewish Registers of Birth, Marriage and Death/Burial", I've never heard of the "Jewish registrar". And the ridiculous secular koranism is just a cult with zero provenance or standing, so nothing can be "struck off" under it. As for "lesson hatred" - I have no idea what that means; unless he is discussing the lessons in hatred he provides others via Claire Khaw. He is plainly illiterate and ignorant. "That's against the law" he screams. No it ain't mate. If anything, you are, as seems to concur when he was trying to raise a petition and money to have Noahide banned.

This is another example of Bruno's literacy and grasp of human history (Not!) Again, promoted by Claire Khaw.

One revelation is, that while Claire Khaw unreservedly repeats "she is not antisemitic" and continually asks "who of my friends are antisemitic" and "where have I posted things that are antisemitic" (astute readers will by now have realised that Bruno is both a raging antisemite, is a friend of Claire Khaw, and she has shard his antisemitic conspiracy theory posts on numerous occasions!), she stated the following, on the 15th November 2023:

She had posted this on the 6th Nov 2023:

And the to cap it all, Claire Khaw had the bear-faced cheek to ask this on 17 Nov 23

So, what she is saying is that:

1. She is happy to interact regularly and post material on her timeline from someone whom she claims (using her "professional", albeit, totally unqualified expertise) has "mental problems", where the material he posts and she subsequently reposts with zero comment or warning could very probably be a lie or proven false? And she claims the moral high ground?
2. Reposting material from Vincent Bruno is like asking Fred West to write a Trustpilot for gravediggers or asking her friends in Hamas to cater for a Bar Mitzvah!

I have proven Bruno's postings to be false and a lie for months, yet she keeps on reposting them! I find Claire Khaw's justifications, sheer hypocrisy and obvious confusion, well, it's all just rather confusing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Discussion with Hindu about the Noahide Laws reveals the true face of Hinduism


Hindus receive official Noahide status from the Chief Rabbi of Israel

I just got off a YouTube stream with a British conservative Hindu (video link at bottom of the article).  This stream was very revealing of what Hinduism is and who Hindus are in regard to the Noahide Laws. First of all, the Hindu I spoke with is a monotheist and like me believes Hinduism is not hard polytheism but soft-polytheism at best, but really just monotheism. Another principle he taught me is that avatars like Krishna are not god in flesh, the material atoms of murtis don't contain god, god does not enter the physical world, these he calls idolatry.  Under Noahide Law god does not enter material existence, and Hinduism complies with this. In direct regard to the Noahide Laws, he agrees with anti-idolatry.  You will find that most Hindus demand that Hinduism is monotheism, they don't like being called idolaters. Thus most Hindus when they hear the term "no idolatry", rather than being against it, they support it. 

But more important than this is how the conversation developed.  The Hindu thinks that the adoption of the Noahide Laws would be a good thing, but claims he would stand against the murder of idolaters and homosexuals.  First of all, this is exactly what the Noahide Laws call for, or at least punishing people, so if this is true then you would think someone would strike off the Noahide Laws as a possibility right away, but not most Hindus; they know the penalty for idolatry, blasphemy, and homosexuality is death, but they pretend this can be overlooked and the Noahide Laws can simply be installed with a unique (though actually unacceptable and untenable) interpretation.  Let's see what would happen if these laws called for the death of Hindus and I were saying that there was merit to the legal system, Hindus would be irate.  Hindus care about no one but themselves, they hate White hard polytheist culture and could care less what would happen to White pagans under the Noahide Laws, as long as they are safe, and they know they are safe because they are doing what they are supposed to be doing and listening to the Jews as god's chosen people. 

However, the true nature of Hinduism comes out when Hindus are pressured into making a decision.  Let's say it came down to either a gay culture or a Noahide culture where gays don't exist... is it that children are being taught about homosexuality in school, or are they being taught homosexuality is a punishable offense?  If a line is draw, and Hindus need to make a choice, it is obvious from this interview that Hindus would without question err on the side of the Noahide Laws and wipe out gay culture (should it be presented as taking precedent). Yes, to be honest, Hindus would rather see homosexuals killed than have homosexuals in charge, and that is going to be the option in the future, and now we know whose side the Hindus will be on.  If you are reading this and hate homosexuals and so don't care, if you are Christian or hard polytheist, the Noahide regime installed to eliminate the homosexuals would eventually, when the time was right, eliminate you. 

Also don't forget how much Indian Hindus hate White people for invading their lands. And according to Hindus the Jews who lived among the gentiles and had high positions among them are totally not guilty of any colonization at all.  Hindus would leap at any opportunity to get revenge on White people with their masters the Jews, once Whites are gone then Hindus would become the new intellectual Noahide elite under the Jews. Hindus are kind of like the house servants instead of the field servants on the Noahide plantation, they feel they have higher status, they actually want to be closer to their slavers. I ask all homosexuals and White hard polytheists to watch this interview, and see how this Hindu tries to cover up which side of the fence he is on... Hindus are not fence riders, they side with the Jews. 




Friday, November 17, 2023

Claire Khaw, mother of Secular Koranism, shows interest in Armstrongism because of its anti-trinitarianism... faith healing is an extra added benefit


Recently I wrote a blog post on how the White racist right is rejecting mainstream medicine so much, due to vaccine skepticism, that some of them are going all the way and are entertaining anti-medical cults like Christian Science and the teaching of Carol Balizet (here).  Claire Khaw is peddling Secular Koranism to Western White men... selling them the laws of the Koran, to be implemented, but minus the religious part... just applying the dead law... no god, no faith, no mysticism, just Quranic legalism. Men in the alt-right are telling Claire that her legal system is not picking up traction because it has nothing spicy.  White right-wing men want some nonsense in there, something about spirituality, something irrational, something supernatural... they can't seem to be able to live on the law alone, maybe that is why they don't feel confident in secular constitutions, they just want a theocracy, or at least many of them do.

At first, Claire Khaw was reluctant to associate herself with any out-there cults, not even mainstream religion, but for some reason, she has shown some interest in Herbert Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God.  Herbert Armstrong blended Adventism, the Jehovah's Witness religion, and Mormonism into an exotic brew.  Like Jehovah's Witnesses, Armstrong rejected the Trinity.  Trinity rejection is very important to Claire because it is considered idolatry under her system, and while idolatry is permitted in Secular Koranism, it is the government's duty to discourage it. Also like Jehovah's Witnesses, Armstrongism does not celebrate idolatrous pagan holidays like Easter and Christmas and some even avoid birthdays. This may make Armstrong almost totally compliant with non-idolatry under the Noahide code, which is used as a seven-star rating system to determine whether your religion is acceptable or not, at least in the intellectual sense, to the Secular Koranist state. 

See My Blog On Armstrongism 

But there is more than this, and that is the fact that Armstrongism provides White right-wing men with the irrationalism they need. Armstrong takes on Mormon doctrines and teaches that followers become gods after they die, or something close to it, that god is actually a "God Family".  Second, like Christian Science and Carol Balizet, Armstrongism rejects medicine, and people have even died from their demands to use faith healing only. Like with Christian Science, White men could use their affiliation with Armstrongism to have medical exemptions on things like vaccines.  Like Carol Balizet, Armstrong associated medicine with pagan witchcraft, not just saying that the physical world (and thus disease) was unreal, like as what Mary Baker Eddy said (Christian Science). 

But even better, Herbert Armstrong was a racist.  He believed that the Anglo-Saxons and others in the White race were the direct descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel and that they should not race mix with other races.  This British-Israelism is still held by racist White men, such as in the Christian Identity cult.  In addition, Armstrong picked up British-Israelist pyramidology, thus giving his racism a deeper mysticism. Carol Balizet, whose ideology was picked up by Armstrong breakoff groups, also believed in a form of racialism, separating the races, but may have been less openly racist. 

If Claire Khaw takes the advice of her listeners, and she allows her interest in Armstrongism to bloom, she could somehow subliminally unite the two together to get White men interested.  Perhaps her interest in talking about and researching Armstrongism is just that.  She can just say she finds the topic interesting and thus she has plausible deniability that she is indeed turning into the world of cult-making. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Whites must resist the Hindu-Noahide takeover of the west


I converted to Hinduism more than 11 years and remained a Hindu for 10 years.  I left about a year ago.  I had really good reasons to leave.  First of all, I should have listened to Hindus and not myself, I wanted to believe that Hinduism was a liberal hard-polytheist religion; no rather it is a backward traditionalist religion that is soft-polytheist at best and pure monotheism at worst, and I think most Hindus consider themselves monotheists, or at least they are the loudest Hindus on the right. I was not just a Hindu, I was a right-wing Hindu, I supported Hindutva and joined the Over Seas Friends of the BJP.  I also ran the Hindus For Trump campaign. I was familiar with many Hindu Nationalists.  People there let me believe what I wanted to believe, I was a white gay man trying to help Hindus being persecuted by Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh.  I was a liberal science-minded rational-thinking person, and I came to find more and more that most Hindus just considered me weird and did not like me being associated with Hinduism, they thought I was a logical, nice degenerate.  I did not realize at first, but Hindus are deeply homophobic, as well as misogynistic.   Hindus are not straightforward people like Westerners, they pretend to be less threatening upfront, they rarely confront you face to face, but behind your back they are very vicious and cunning.  It eventually became obvious that no one would say to my face what they really thought, I just had to deal with sabotage, gossip, lies, and abandonment.  I am now a huge enemy of Hinduism and do all I can to make the White race wake up to the Hindu and Hindu-Noahide threat, yet rarely if ever am I truly confronted.  Coward Hindus. 

But my problem with Hinduism goes deeper than backward morals, superstition, homophobia and other things.  You see, the vast majority of right-wing Hindus are diehard Zionists.  They support Israel no matter what, no matter what, anything goes, they have no standards for Jews.  This goes very deep.  As I said, Hinduism is not hard polytheism, and most Hindus want you to believe they are monotheists, not even soft polytheists.  They are also desperate for Jewish approval, especially right-wing Jewish approval.  Right-wing Jews are more religious, and so they do have expectations of the Hindus, and that is for them to follow the Noahide Laws. In order for Hindus to be considered Noahide-compliant they must swear to monotheism, and they did.  Many Hindu organizations went to Israel to meet with the Chief Rabbi to pronounce Hinduism monotheism, not polytheism, and thus a Noahide religion.  However, it was also discussed that many Hindu practices are still idolatry, and the Hindus are negotiating to give these up to please religious Jewry. 

India is awash in Noahide conversions.  If there are close to 500,000 Noahides in the world, then there are approximately 70,000 Noahides in India.  If these numbers provided by Noahides are inflated, there are still thousands of Noahides in India regardless.  Even if they are a small number, they are growing, mostly from help from Hasidic Jews who travel to India and set up Noahide schools for children and other religious community centers.   I tried my best to warn Hindus about this and they just told me to shut up.  They care so much about Christian conversion but Jews have an open pass to ravage the community through attrition into the Noahide cult.  Nor did any Hindu care when I told them about the incident of defining Hinduism with the Chief Rabbi, they all told me they agreed with the monotheistic Noahide definition of Hinduism and wanted me to just stop talking about it. 

Hindu immigration has brought Hindus to more than 1% of the American population, however, they are concentrated in swing states and counties, which makes them a very sought-after minority.  Actually, Hindus are becoming political rockstars, they are the most wealthy and educated religious group in America, they have lots of money to contribute to campaigns and their intelligence and training helps them be effective foot soldiers. Worse, than this, Hindu Rishi Sunak recently became Prime Minister of England, and we have Vivek Ramaswamy running for President in the United States, and he definitely has Noahide connections (here).  Hindus may soon be the most powerful minority in the West, even more powerful, wealthy, and influential than Jews... but they serve Jews.

Worse than this, Hindus have a deep burning hatred for White people who invaded their lands and brought Christianity there.  I cannot tell you how many times Hindus would complain of "foreigners" (an Indian Hindu euphemism for Whites) when they thought I was not listening.  Hindus love Jews because they think they are innocent in colonialism even though the Jews were heavily involved in the endeavor. Jews have it in for White Europeans as well, and so Jews and Hindus unite over their White hatred. Hindus would be more than happy for Whites to die out in America so that they could live here as the eternal Noahide slaves of Jews.  Hindus are very slavish people and seek the worst most immoral and ugly master, like them.  Hindus can't maintain their own civilization, which is obvious from India. I've even met Hindus so stupid they want Israel to take over India's defense operations so that at least someone competent is at the helm and will scam them behind their backs instead of clumsily in their faces as their fellow Hindus do, Hindus treat each other like absolute garbage because they all know each other are garbage and so no one can be true friends. 

There is also the racial aspect to consider.  Indians are a physically feeble and passive race who are disorganized and scattered.  They are so useless they cannot even save themselves from genocide, even after hundreds of years of practice.  If we allow Indians to immigrate to America we will have a disorganized, polluted, corrupt, and weak society like India, not to mention that Hindus are natural users and thieves. This racial threat is real and needs to be countered, these people will destroy our gene pool.  Many White Westerners who understand race make exceptions for Indians, thinking they are Indo-Europeans, because they are more educated and fit in better with Whites, Indians are most dangerous, especially the threat of interracial marriage and the communities uniting together.  A White-Hindu alliance, which already exists, would be nothing but a stab in the back from Zionist Hindus. 

Hindus, with an intelligence elevated above other minorities, are taking over the West, but this is really a Zionist-Noahide takeover, Hindu-Noahidism is real, yes there are already Hindu Noahides (who I know), who have mixed the two religions already into a new super religion they hope will replace Western Secularism. I cannot warn enough against this threat, it is deadly.  Just because right-wing Hindus hate Islam, that does not make them good allies.  Hindus are only allies of Jews, and their presence can only bring Noahidism to America. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Secular Koranism meets faith healing and rejection of medicine in new cult sweeping the west

Some of you may have heard of Claire Khaw, the internet micro-celebrity who has a bold new idea to save the West and the White patriarchy.  It's called "Secular Koranism", and she just wrote a book about it by the same name which you can find on Amazon.  Secular Koranism is very simple.  Islam not only talks about god but gives a set of laws for all Muslims to follow and for all Islamic states to uphold.  Claire's idea is to take these Koranic commands and strip them of anything having to do with god, mysticism, legends, and the supernatural.  Claire says that the laws of the Koran alone, without god, is suitable enough to build a proper civilization in her mind and she believes that the Koran is simply the best code of ethics for humans, regardless of whether they came from god or not. There is no need to adopt any beliefs or religion, and you can keep your own religion, even if it is idolatrous (but the government will chastise idolatry). There are no holidays or fasts or rituals or pilgrimages as in Islam.  Just follow godless Sharia and everything will be fine. Claire's blogs are listed below:

However, Claire Khaw's Secular Koranism is clever and inventive, but it has been met with poor reviews in the West, and especially among Muslims.  Muslims don't like their religion being secularized and White racist Westerners are not happy to uptake a foreign legal system they consider to have been invented by Arabs.  However, some in the racist right have said one of Claire's roadblocks is the fact that Secular Koranims has nothing spiritual to offer.  It seems as though the White Right is too spiritual and mystical for its own good, it can't see like Claire and the Jews pushing Noahide Law that laws alone would help the West and would be easier to adopt than a new belief system. However, some people are beginning to see that since Secular Koranism allows freedom of all religions, that they can simply add any religious system themselves and build their own cult under Secular Koranism. 

Has anyone noticed the new anti-science trend among alt-right white men?  Flat-earth is spreading, denying that viruses exist, hollow earth, cryptids, and attraction to irrationalism and incoherent ideas.  There is also a mistrust of medicine, almost all medicine, but especially vaccines. Many of them are also interested in the occult.  I noticed something very strange also, besides this.  I am very much against religious exemptions for treating children with life-threatening illnesses. Christian Science, founded by Mary Baker Eddy, usually denies medicine and prefers to rely on prayer to get over disease. Because they reject medicine, many Christian Scientist children have died from medical neglect at the hands of their religious parents.  Instead of this being illegal, in many states in the USA there are medical exemptions for Christian Scientists and other faith healing cults, and if the parents are in a state-recognized religion, like Christian Science, then if the parents kill the child through medical neglect, they can get away with it.  Obviously, this distresses me very much and so I put much time is spreading awareness about this cult. However, I noticed that when I started spreading anti-Chritsian Science memes, I found that there was a small subset of the white alt-right that liked Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy.  They say that Christain Science, which denies the reality of the physical and only recognizes the spiritual, is like Vedanta in some way, which they equate with whites.  Christian Science is kind of like White Christian Vedanta in a way.  I think they are also attracted to the occult idea of healing through the mind only, no medicine. Again they are attracted to irrational ideas. Eddy's teachings are pseudo-logical and incoherent and are published in her book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures".

For those in the White alt-right who are interested in Mary Baker Eddy, I suggest you also look into Carol Balizet, the former experienced registered nurse who turned against medicine and declared it pagan witchcraft and the taking of any drug, even legal drugs, as sorcery. She then went on to lead a doctor-free home birthing ministry which saw over 800 deliveries, no medical oversight at all.  Like Christian Science, people have died from Carol Balizet's teachings, such as using her book "Born in Zion", mothers have died from birth complications and babies have died from medical neglect. Carol Balizet even allowed a baby to die from 300 bee stings and didn't bring it to the hospital, and she got away with it!  The Attleboro cult followed Carol Balizet's teachings, they rejected medicine and one of their children died from being starved to death, the other from medical neglect.  Carol was able to get people to deny their eyes, ill health, and dangerous births were said to be the devil playing tricks on your mind and everyone in the room just needed to pray harder and have more faith. To be honest, to me this sounds insane, but to some on the alt-right who are becoming familiar with Carol Balizet's teachings, this sounds logical.  My blog on the writings of Carol Balizet is below:

There is another aspect to Carol Balizet's cult and that is living outside the Seven Systems owned by the world and the devil: education, government, banking, religion, medicine, science, and entertainment.  Carol advocated a total withdrawal from the system, or at least as much as possible.  She advocates relying on god for everything.  Her followers in the Attleboro cult took a trip to a promised land with no provisions, thinking they would be taken care of. Balizet promotes the Pentecostal teaching of "Name it and claim it", which means that all you need to do is speak the word and god will make it happen.  Like rebuking the spirit of child death in a stillborn and thinking it will come back to life.  I have not yet read all of her works but I am sure there is lots of other nonsense in there White alt-right straight men will like.  Regardless of being a woman, Balizet still has many male traditionalist Christian followers. 

Secular Koranism provides the legal system; Christian Science and Carol Balizet provide the spirituality and rebellion against the system, even to the point of rejecting science. None of these systems on their own have taken over the world, but together they can.  Secular Koranism becomes both more Christian and more Hindu with Christian Science and then there is the idea of exiting the system with Balizet.  It is time to see if the White alt-right will fall for Secular Koranism if it comes in Christian or even pagan garb.  Claire says she does not want to be a cult leader but she is not opposed to cult leaders taking up Secular Koranism. I am betting Claire that anyone who combines Secular Koranism, Christian Science, and Balizet would get much further in the West than with Secular Koranism alone.  Let's see if anyone picks up this idea and runs with it, or at least let's see if Christian Science and Balizet grow further in the alt-right community.  To be honest, medical neglect would be great for these men and their babies, and I think I don't even need to convince them of that they are so stupid.