Sunday, November 12, 2023

Secular Koranism meets faith healing and rejection of medicine in new cult sweeping the west

Some of you may have heard of Claire Khaw, the internet micro-celebrity who has a bold new idea to save the West and the White patriarchy.  It's called "Secular Koranism", and she just wrote a book about it by the same name which you can find on Amazon.  Secular Koranism is very simple.  Islam not only talks about god but gives a set of laws for all Muslims to follow and for all Islamic states to uphold.  Claire's idea is to take these Koranic commands and strip them of anything having to do with god, mysticism, legends, and the supernatural.  Claire says that the laws of the Koran alone, without god, is suitable enough to build a proper civilization in her mind and she believes that the Koran is simply the best code of ethics for humans, regardless of whether they came from god or not. There is no need to adopt any beliefs or religion, and you can keep your own religion, even if it is idolatrous (but the government will chastise idolatry). There are no holidays or fasts or rituals or pilgrimages as in Islam.  Just follow godless Sharia and everything will be fine. Claire's blogs are listed below:

However, Claire Khaw's Secular Koranism is clever and inventive, but it has been met with poor reviews in the West, and especially among Muslims.  Muslims don't like their religion being secularized and White racist Westerners are not happy to uptake a foreign legal system they consider to have been invented by Arabs.  However, some in the racist right have said one of Claire's roadblocks is the fact that Secular Koranims has nothing spiritual to offer.  It seems as though the White Right is too spiritual and mystical for its own good, it can't see like Claire and the Jews pushing Noahide Law that laws alone would help the West and would be easier to adopt than a new belief system. However, some people are beginning to see that since Secular Koranism allows freedom of all religions, that they can simply add any religious system themselves and build their own cult under Secular Koranism. 

Has anyone noticed the new anti-science trend among alt-right white men?  Flat-earth is spreading, denying that viruses exist, hollow earth, cryptids, and attraction to irrationalism and incoherent ideas.  There is also a mistrust of medicine, almost all medicine, but especially vaccines. Many of them are also interested in the occult.  I noticed something very strange also, besides this.  I am very much against religious exemptions for treating children with life-threatening illnesses. Christian Science, founded by Mary Baker Eddy, usually denies medicine and prefers to rely on prayer to get over disease. Because they reject medicine, many Christian Scientist children have died from medical neglect at the hands of their religious parents.  Instead of this being illegal, in many states in the USA there are medical exemptions for Christian Scientists and other faith healing cults, and if the parents are in a state-recognized religion, like Christian Science, then if the parents kill the child through medical neglect, they can get away with it.  Obviously, this distresses me very much and so I put much time is spreading awareness about this cult. However, I noticed that when I started spreading anti-Chritsian Science memes, I found that there was a small subset of the white alt-right that liked Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy.  They say that Christain Science, which denies the reality of the physical and only recognizes the spiritual, is like Vedanta in some way, which they equate with whites.  Christian Science is kind of like White Christian Vedanta in a way.  I think they are also attracted to the occult idea of healing through the mind only, no medicine. Again they are attracted to irrational ideas. Eddy's teachings are pseudo-logical and incoherent and are published in her book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures".

For those in the White alt-right who are interested in Mary Baker Eddy, I suggest you also look into Carol Balizet, the former experienced registered nurse who turned against medicine and declared it pagan witchcraft and the taking of any drug, even legal drugs, as sorcery. She then went on to lead a doctor-free home birthing ministry which saw over 800 deliveries, no medical oversight at all.  Like Christian Science, people have died from Carol Balizet's teachings, such as using her book "Born in Zion", mothers have died from birth complications and babies have died from medical neglect. Carol Balizet even allowed a baby to die from 300 bee stings and didn't bring it to the hospital, and she got away with it!  The Attleboro cult followed Carol Balizet's teachings, they rejected medicine and one of their children died from being starved to death, the other from medical neglect.  Carol was able to get people to deny their eyes, ill health, and dangerous births were said to be the devil playing tricks on your mind and everyone in the room just needed to pray harder and have more faith. To be honest, to me this sounds insane, but to some on the alt-right who are becoming familiar with Carol Balizet's teachings, this sounds logical.  My blog on the writings of Carol Balizet is below:

There is another aspect to Carol Balizet's cult and that is living outside the Seven Systems owned by the world and the devil: education, government, banking, religion, medicine, science, and entertainment.  Carol advocated a total withdrawal from the system, or at least as much as possible.  She advocates relying on god for everything.  Her followers in the Attleboro cult took a trip to a promised land with no provisions, thinking they would be taken care of. Balizet promotes the Pentecostal teaching of "Name it and claim it", which means that all you need to do is speak the word and god will make it happen.  Like rebuking the spirit of child death in a stillborn and thinking it will come back to life.  I have not yet read all of her works but I am sure there is lots of other nonsense in there White alt-right straight men will like.  Regardless of being a woman, Balizet still has many male traditionalist Christian followers. 

Secular Koranism provides the legal system; Christian Science and Carol Balizet provide the spirituality and rebellion against the system, even to the point of rejecting science. None of these systems on their own have taken over the world, but together they can.  Secular Koranism becomes both more Christian and more Hindu with Christian Science and then there is the idea of exiting the system with Balizet.  It is time to see if the White alt-right will fall for Secular Koranism if it comes in Christian or even pagan garb.  Claire says she does not want to be a cult leader but she is not opposed to cult leaders taking up Secular Koranism. I am betting Claire that anyone who combines Secular Koranism, Christian Science, and Balizet would get much further in the West than with Secular Koranism alone.  Let's see if anyone picks up this idea and runs with it, or at least let's see if Christian Science and Balizet grow further in the alt-right community.  To be honest, medical neglect would be great for these men and their babies, and I think I don't even need to convince them of that they are so stupid. 

1 comment:

  1. I like to think Secular Koranism would help Western governments govern in the national interest making Westerners more likely to enjoy good government than under the current system.
