Saturday, September 12, 2020

Blacks should be thanking Margaret Sanger for her eugenics, not demonizing her

Recently the most famous Planned Parenthood clinic in perhaps the world, the one located in Margaret Sanger Square in Manhattan, announced that it would be removing Margaret Sanger's name from their facility and that they would also be petitioning to change the name of Margaret Sanger Square itself. Planned Parenthood announced it made the decision to distance itself from the eugenics of Margaret Sanger and to demonstrate its recognition of the so-called "reproductive harm" Planned Parenthood has done to communities of color. Many have alluded to the fact that the announcement was made in response to the social changes being brought about by the Black Lives Matter movement. 

"Reproductive harm", is this some kind of sick joke? For decades ignorant Blacks and their shills have tried to paint Margaret Sanger as a racist who wanted to abort Blacks out of existence. First, Margaret Sanger was anti-abortion, she opposed it her whole life, she only promoted birth control, so the idea that it was her plan to abort Black babies is a joke. Margaret Sanger wanted all women, of every race, to have access to birth control, and she made that happen for Black people in her lifetime with the "negro project" which she launched with the support of W.E.B Dubois and other Black leaders. Some Blacks use Margarets Sanger's quote "we don’t want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population" as evidence she wanted to get rid of Blacks, but when read in context it is obvious she is saying that she did not want Black people getting the wrong idea about why she was offering them birth control; with the aid of Black doctors and ministers might I add; are Blacks saying those who worked with Margaret Sanger were stupid?

The truth is that Margaret Sanger never anywhere said that she was focusing in on Blacks with her birth control propaganda. In response to Nazi sterilization programs Margaret Sanger specifically said that she did not approve of using sterilization based on race or religion. Margaret Sanger wanted White women using birth control as well to facilitate the spacing of their births so that each child could be incubated in a womb of nutrition and health and that there would not be too many children once they were born for them not to get the attention they needed to grow and prosper. Yes, she wanted all women to space their births of the general racial health of the human stock, Whites and Blacks.

But now today, despite Margaret Sanger's wishes, Planned Parenthood offers abortions. Sanger might have been too idealistic in her crusade to raise the overall health of the human race in that she did not realize that all too often many women either have no access to birth control or don't avail themselves of it. Those who do have access to birth control (including condoms) yet don't control their sexual impulses are obviously less contentious than those who do and yes their abortion rates should be higher for the community's sake. Many Blacks lament that while they only make up 13% of the population, they represent one-third of the abortions. Why is this? Because Black people have higher rates of poverty than Whites, Blacks simply need more abortion in order to create a stable economic and social environment for themselves. If Blacks did not have abortion they would be twice as poor and their children would get half the attention they do now, obviously raising crime and social problems. 

No one forces Blacks with a gun to get abortions, they do this of their own because they know if they didn't their situation would be much worse. Planned Parenthood facilities are located more often in the neighborhoods of people of color because people of color more often avail themselves of Planned Parenthood's services and it is generally easier for Whites to travel long distances than people of color who are economically disadvantaged. Margaret Sanger did not want to eliminate Blacks but wanted them to use birth control (and now abortion) to practice eugenics and selective breeding in order to improve their race, just as she wanted for Whites. To deprive Blacks of abortion, who need it most, would do them a eugenic disservice... eugenics is not just for Whites. Few have done more to emancipate Black people than Margaret Sanger, and now she is being vilified with lies and purposeful misrepresentation. I am not going to sit by while the greatest woman who ever lived is driven from the public square by ingrates. If you hate Margaret Sanger put your money where your mouth is, stop using birth control and abortion, see where that gets you. 

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