Monday, December 11, 2023

Why are White women converting to Islam?

Brown Muslims like to poke at White men by telling them that more often than not, the White converts to Islam are White women.  They say White women are seeking traditional roles for females.  I say this is because women cannot be trusted to protect their own rights and dignity, they easily give in to oppression.  When a White woman converts to Islam, here is what she will read in the Quran and agree to:

Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).

A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery. (Quran 24:4)

A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.

A man can beat his wife for insubordination (Quran 4:34)

A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's (Quran 2:282)

A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (Quran 4:11)

If these laws were in reverse, men would never agree to them. No man on earth would accept these kinds of humiliating and degrading conditions.  What kind of woman says that if her rape is only witnessed by two or three men, or is witnessed by women, that she has no right to recompense and could even face charges for adultery?  What kind of woman would accept that her testimony in court is worth half that of a man?  What kind of woman would be open to inheriting less than her brothers?  What kind of woman believes in institutionalized wife-beating?

The answer is most women, as probably half of women are still religious and the other half make allowances for religion and don't push back enough of scriptural misogyny. How often do you hear liberal White women complaining about the spread of Islam?  Don't they reprimand anyone who condemns the Quran as Islamophobic?  When you mention these very laws from the Quran have you noticed most White liberal women find ways to excuse or interpret them away, or just don't get that upset? Don't most liberal White women believe that Islam should be able to spread unchecked and uncriticized, or at least criticized so little that it has no effect? 

The point is that women in general are traitors against themselves and therefore against humanity.  Islam has more problems than just how it treats women, there are gays and non-Muslims to talk about among others who are burdened by Islam.  Women tolerate abuse and so they expect everyone else to tolerate it, they make excuses for abuse and expect everyone else to do the same, they hardly and in a weak and passive manner fight injustice and so they expect everyone else to do this too.  Women are always traitors to society, they side with the conquering barbaric army whenever they fight against the men who gave them more freedom and power.  White women are going Muslim, but this only proves Islam is the worse option, it is not a compliment that most of the converts are women. 

Women need to be shamed as evil and stupid for going to Islam and chastised into taking responsibility for their own freedom.  If women can't maintain freedom, then they don't deserve freedom, and White men will once again enslave them, and they will deserve this.  White women need to get it together and realize they need to be free and breed at the same time.  White men also need to make things more accommodating for women to have children, giving them fewer work hours but higher rates of pay so they can procreate.  A culture of buying surrogates instead of getting married should be promoted, and so should lesbians having children together. If socialized motherhood is necessary with eugenic intent, then do it.  But White women should also not be so complicated and demanding in this, otherwise, it will become untenable and this will necessitate White men enslaving them. The true solution is to invent artificial wombs and eggs so that we don't need women at all, which is discussed more (here). 

1 comment:

  1. White women convert to Islam because they want to be married mothers. If men of their own race are mostly gay, transgender or refuse to marry, what choice do they have?
