Thursday, December 21, 2023

Fuck Israel, Fuck Palestine, Support Whites

Hamas runs Palestine under pseudo-Sharia and if they had their way they would push Sharia on Israel and any other nation they thought they could.  Hamas and Palestinians have no love for White people, so why do we care about them?  They would kill us in a heartbeat.  I do recognize that Israel is in the wrong, they drove those people off their land, and I also do understand that Palestine is only fighting back, but when there is a war between two of my enemies, I am not intervening.  I am not going to take sides in a war where no one is on my side, Palestinians would not send aid to protect me from an invading army. Muslims don't even help each other in this regard, of all the Muslim refugees there is not enough room in over 50 Islamic countries to take them, not because of space or resources but because a lack of political and social will to do so.  If Muslims won't help their own why should they help us... they won't... ever. 

Now Israel should not be funded to wage war on Palestine, if they want to do that let them do it on their own dollar, and that means eventually Israel and the Arabs will be fighting with sticks and stones, and let them.  Taxpayer dollars should be diverted from all wars and given to Whites to subsidize childbirth.  We don't need to be in Middle Eastern wars.  We would save billions if not trillions of dollars which could be used to increase our birthrate and provide services to White children, not to mention exporting non-Whites back to their home countries, if not worse. There is lots of need of money and economic stimulus here at home, it should not be spent on Jews or Muslims.  

Indeed we really need to stop all foreign aid and simply take from other nations what we need.  If we are going to be sending money abroad it should be to our own national leaders we have selected over there to contain and weaken the people.  Money could be spent on depopulating Asia with birth control and feminism... women's rights education.  Liberal dictatorships where gay rights are established and women are given equal pay in the workplace and education, thus making them less dependent on men and making them less likely to want to be baby machines. The population that is left could be distracted with higher standards of living and consumerism, they simply could not move to the West where they will spoil our bloodlines. 

The West still has superior weapons over Jews and Muslims.  Stop supporting Israel and let it use its final weapons supply to fight invading Islamic armies.  When both sides are weakened we can move in and surround them.  The Middle East must be contained, they are zapping us of our resources without giving anything back except non-White immigration into the West where both Jews and Muslims simply subvert us for their own ends.  It is time to subvert back and eventually use our military might to subdue these people and depopulate their lands for the arrival of new White immigrants created from the baby boom we created by redirecting all that money away from Israel and into White families. 

1 comment:

  1. If you really wanted to support white people, you would actually have to get them to follow a religion that supports patriarchy practising marriage and having legitimate children and renounce their matriarchy practising casual sex.
