Friday, September 11, 2020

The new Dune movie is an opportunity to promote eugenics, we can't let this opportunity go by

The trailer for the new Dune movie 2020 looks horrible, and my guess is that most people who are fans of the science fiction novels by Frank Herbert won't be impressed. The Problem is that Dune is way too long and complex of a story to put into a two-hour or three-hour or even four-hour movie, it needs to be an entire miniseries (longer than the one the SyFy channel put out), indeed it needs to be an entire series and this time it needs to go beyond the first book and include everything up until the sixth and final book Chapterhouse: Dune. But for those who love the books, they really love the books, and for many, including myself, it is what converted them to the pseudo-religion and science of eugenics. 

The Dune series has almost everything to do with eugenics, but not the boring type of eugenics we saw coming out of America in the 1920s based on monogamy, no this is a totally new and futuristic eugenics which would better suit our modern and feminist age. The crux of the Dune series lays with a mystery school called the Bene Gesserit, an all-female order who are trying to breed a messiah. The Bene Gesserit train their minds and bodies so that they have abilities which almost seem like witchcraft to outsiders. They do this so that their life's preparation can be passed on to their children through the science of epigenetics, we now know that a woman's life experiences change her DNA and that this is passed on to her offspring. The Bene Gesserit make sure to have many more daughters than they do sons so that their daughters bloodlines can be honed deeper and deeper in preparation for the coming male messiah, as well as to create useful designer humans along the way. 

The series starts out with the son of a Bene Gesserit who was married into a royal house in order to accumulate the royal family's genes. It is believed by the Bene Gesserit that the messiah is only one generation away, that the daughter of the Bene Gesserit Jessica and the Duke Leto Atreides would be married to the son of the royal house Harkonnen and that is male child would be the messiah. However, the Bene Gesserit Jessica defies her orders to have a daughter and instead bares a son, who turns out to have these messianic powers a generation too early which wreaks havoc in the universe and spoils the Bene Gesserit's plans. 

The Bene Gesserit are not the only people to breed designer humans though. Many other guilds focus in on special talents like medicine or logic and breed men and women so that these skills can be honed and cultivated so that the training of these individuals is easier and more efficient. The Bene Gesserit often lend their wombs to these projects to create designer humans as they had already been honing their bloodlines for these purposes (and they also want to collect the amplified genes for themselves). 

Another school that participates in eugenics and is trying to make a messiah is the mostly male order of the Bene Tleilaxu, though rather than focusing on selective breeding like the Bene Gesserit they use genetic engineering. The Bene Tleilaxu pay their way through the universe by breeding all kinds of humans with amplified powers like musicians and those developed in the sexual arts, along with reincarnating useful characters who have passed away like military leaders. 

These schools don't only breed for physical and mental traits, they also breed for metaphysics, they have detected that certain bloodlines have certain destinies and they try to work with these occult forces to help the human race evolve out of evolutionary stagnation. The Dune series is a good tool for lubricating the minds of the modern age which will hopefully be more receptive to eugenics and these non-traditional methods of creating humans. The West and especially the White race is dying out and we are no longer mentally in the place to create traditional families... and that won't work fast enough to reverse or dysgenic decline. We must use the new Dune movie to introduce these topics to a new generation, we are running out of time. 

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