Monday, September 21, 2020

If we can drop bombs on infants in war, we can abort babies for the eugenic war

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How many people who are opposed to abortion are opposed to war? I am sure there are some who are opposed to both war and abortion, but they are probably not the average. How many conservative-leaning American people say it was a mistake to drop the bomb on Japan? How many Nazi anti-abortionist opposed Hitler's attack on Poland... or anywhere where civilians died? How many Christians and Jews condemn god for ordering his soldiers to kill the women and children of Canaan? Probably very few of you condemn these acts. Isn't it true that day-old infants are killed in war? Isn't it true that babies still in the womb are killed during war? Doesn't war seem to justify the taking of life... even that of infant life, born and unborn?

I am not sure, but I would say maybe most people agree that killing children is moral when deemed necessary in war to prevent even worse things from happening.  Who brought us birth control? It was the eugenicists. It is a well-known fact that the early birth control movement was staffed, led and funded nearly entirely by eugencists. Yes emancipating women did have a lot to do with, as well as the practical means of responsible family planning regardless, but perhaps the main goal, at least as expressed by many radical birth control advocates like Margaret Sanger and Marie Stopes, was eugnics. 

The idea of birth control was to reduce the numbers of the needly class. Eugenicists believed that the more well-to-do classes always had small families, while those who were in need of greater assistance in life, had large families, even beyond what they could bare. In the 1910s-1940s the reformers believed it would be nearly impossible to get the upper-classes to have more children, and they were also concerned about overpopulation, instead, they believed that it would be best to reduce the numbers of the lower classes to even out the numbers so that the needy did not become dominant in society. The eugenic idea of birth control was to even out the classes. 

Abortion as a method of birth control only began to arrive in the 1960s, and again it was first promoted by eugencists. Alan Frank Guttmacher who not only was president of Planned Parenthood but also vice-president of the American Eugenics Society, it was likely Guttmacher's dedication to eugenics which pushed him to launch the Association for the Study of Abortion in 1964. Vera Houghton was Vice President of the British Eugenics Society, Executive Secretary of Internaitonal Planned Parenthood Federation, and Chair of the Abortion Law Reform Association... yes again eugenicists brought you abortion. 

Birth control and abortion are both about negative eugenics, reducing the numbers of people who would be the dependent class. There certainly now needs to be a push for positive eugenics, that is promoting the breeding of the industrious class, but that is a different matter. Birth control and abortion are doing their job well, most abortions are performed on women of lower economic status. Eugenics is a war, it is a war for the advancement if civilization, and the threat to civilization by dysgenics is no less real or urgent than the attacking armies of a tyrant. If we can drop bombs on infants, we can abort babies.

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