Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The raising of eugenics cult leaders

The modern breakdown of the nuclear family is actually the greatest opportunity in history to reengage the human race in selective breeding. The Bible proclaims that in hard time, seven women will cling to one man, they say they will provide for their own food and their own clothes but only wish to have his name, to be his collective wives: "Your men will fall by the sword, your warriors in battle. The gates of Zion will weep and mourn. The city will be like a ravaged woman, huddled on the ground. In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, "We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!" (Isaiah 3:25-4:1). When mass poverty is present, women would rather gather around a rich man than settle for their own man with no means. Today, we are not only seeing material poverty but the poverty of spirit. It would seem that most men are unworthy to become husbands and fathers, women will not take them as their husbands nor breed with them. But should monogamy have ever been practiced in the first place?

The most primitive and thus natural form of reproduction is polygamy and harem breeding. Before civilization the most fierce and intelligent man would collect as many women as possible for himself, leaving most, yes most men without a wife. This system strained out those men who were not the best... you could not just be great, you had to be the best to have wives or concubines and procreate. But when civilization arises it is obvious that under equality all men demand a wife and all women demand a single husband who pays attention to them alone, monogamy becomes enforced. When all men are given a chance at breeding we see a decline in the genetic quality of the race. No animal breeder worth his salt breeds all of his males, no animal breeding program relies upon monogamy, an illustrious race of horses is bred from only a few sires. 

But as our society degrades we are returning to a more primitive time... the average man cannot provide for a wife and as already stated, he is beyond the desire of most women, monogamy will no longer work. However, we also do not live in the more savage age, the best of our men are not claiming stake to women through violence, and because we have a modern economy, it is not always the best or brightest or strongest men who have all the money... corruption has sunk in. How are we supposed to use this opportunity to return to eugenic polygamy? It is possible that some charismatic dictator would rise and institute the system, but number one is is this probable, and number two is this desirable? What would be the worth of a eugenic state if it was draconian? Some men dream of being ruled by an authoritarian state, but things are different when you actually live in it. 

All around the world there are charismatic and handsome men who are able to collect loyal followers around themselves who give them money and women who give themselves to him sexually. These men usually have a spiritual message, but this message could be made biological for those who are of the right bend of mind. However, polygamy might not be taken up with enthusiasm by the average man as he knows that this would mean that he would be deprived of a wife. Who to go for first? The women. The Bible says the women will pay for their own clothes and food, but still wish to be guided by one husband amongst them... it is better to share a great man than have a mediocre man to yourself. However, this would only be the start as eugenics mean fecundity for women (not over fecundity though) and thus it would not behoove the system to overstress women with too much work (though they should not become inert either). Women would be used to start such a cult, but once it is established we can turn to the men. The polygamous magnanimous cult leader should be encouraged to be more liberal with women, enticing them into his harem with a culture which not only gives them degrees of freedom but also protection from the imposing monogamous men who only wish to cruelly dominate them. A polygamous cult leader should be of the right kind of feminism, creating a place where women can be educated and have some involvement in public life. How can we tell how intelligent a woman is if she is not educated and allowed to work with her education? Though a balance must be struck between involvement in life and having children. Polygamy would allow women to take turns caring for the children so that others could be free for leisure or light duties. The phenomena of epigenetic inheritance should not be discounted, the genetic transferring of acquired skills in one's lifetime... women who engage in physical fitness may pass on this muscle memory to their children... women who live in a state of heightened consciousness due to education and duty might do the same... an active woman is more likely to breed a superior race. Such a balanced woman can only be produced through the polygamous/harem system as long as the leader is sound enough to not be intimidated by her abilities. This is how to gain the trust and loyalty of the women. 

Early eugenics was marked by free love, it was believed that monogamy was based in jealously and selfishness, traits which should be weeded out of the human race. Women who share a husband cannot be jealous. The Mormon ideal was that women would share the best of the men so that only the best of children would be born to be vestures for the incoming souls of the world so that they would not be born to a lower order... the Mormon ideal was to put jealousy aside for the best of the race... women who choose polygamy are obviously the best of the race of women. However, there is the issue of stability to contend with. If most men do not have wives or sexual partners than they will be dissatisfied and may become a threat to the polygamous leader. Once polygamy is established a larger harem can be produced with too many women for any one man to satiate. These women in agreement could practice free love with the followers of the great polygamous leader, indeed creating a sex cult to keep his men obedient. Sex without the burden of children is very alluring to men. These men would then donate their time and money to the system in exchange for free sex. The women could be kept on birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies, however if certain men are deemed to be eugenically fit then they could be allowed to breed with such women for the induction of novel and desirable genes. 

However there is another class of humans who should be considered for the cult practice and that is LGBTQs. At first this may seem like an odd addition to a eugenics cult but let me explain. In ancient Mesopotamia the sacred harems were marked by the presences of transvestites and effeminate men, indeed they were believed to be sent by the goddess Ishtar to supplement the royal courts of the polygamous elite. Homosexuality especially of the male sort, takes males out of the breeding game... with less males competing for women, the more women there are for polygamy and harem breeding. The effeminate homosexual makes a good loyal and passive servant (to some degree) and can be trusted with the women. Indeed the effeminate homosexual is a great companion to women and can serve as friend and guide to her in the chose mysteries of the polygamous leader. The hypermasculine type of homosexual makes a good personal guard as not only is he often more vicious than the average heterosexual, he has no incentive to topple the polygamous leader out of jealously of his position with women. Homosexuals are also overrepresented in the priesthood and so would be a perfect fit for protecting the mysteries of the leader. Homosexuality has always been more tolerated and present in the king's court, eunuchs (this is a barbaric practice which can be replaced with effeminate homosexuals) were much more common among the aristocracy. Indeed everywhere we look, homosexuality is more accepted among the refined classes and less so among the more course. The aristocracy provides homosexuals with safety from the less refined masses and so they are grateful and loyal to the power structure. A system should be devised where as many homosexuals are encouraged to drop out of the breeding system as possible and serve the polygamous male. Transvestites are often able to poach even heterosexual males and so can be used to satiate males to keep them away from the females, if necessary. Persecuting homosexuals causes social tensions and upheavals, it is better to integrate them into the system and use their talents than to cause social divisions... LGBTQs in included would be among the most fanatical supports of the leaders. They should be encouraged to engage heavily in race science as well. They make good evaluators of the eugenic worth of the subjects, particularly the women. They are more subtle and delicate minded, picking up on things others don't. Their position as outsiders allows them to see through internal hypocrisies and petty strifes. They also do not reproduce and so can be objective in assessing those who should breed. 

By first gaining the support of the women by providing them a wholesome, free and safe environment, then using free love to induct men, and also providing LGBTQs a position in his harem work, the polygamous leader can rise to the top with the social and financial support of his followers and a new polygamous cycle can begin. 


  1. No Hindu would hold such an evil and dogmatic view of marriage and procreation no matter under what circumstances. Pray to the true God for light.

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