Trump campaigned hard with the Hindus in the 2016 election, and now he knows that they can win him swing counties and states. Hindus in the USA also have large sums of wealth and have key positions in elite jobs, they make very good campaign representatives and workers. They are highly educated and capable, also organized as a group. This is right-wing Hindus I am talking about. They also are connected to what will soon be the world's 4th-3rd largest economy, India. Hindus (including Caribbean Hindus) have become a jewel in the electorate crown. If Trump picks Vivek Ramaswamy for his 2024 run, he is sure to get most of the right-wing Hindu vote, as if he was not going to get it already. But this would motivate any dormant Hindu voters and get lots of money in donations.
We already know Trump is the Noahide candidate. Ivanka and Jared Kushner are Jewish Noahide cultists. The unofficial Israeli Sanhedrin has called on Trump to uphold the Noahide Laws. Trump was asked to rebuild the 3rd Temple under the Noahide covenant. Jewish papers claim Trump's anti-animal cruelty bill is based on the Noahide Laws. On 2020 election day a Jewish writer said Trump is "Champion of Noahide Law" published in the Israeli National News. Trump's faith advisor Paula White is hanging out with Noahidist Jews and calling god "HaShem". Confirm these details at:
But Vivek Ramswamy also has his own Noahide connections. Vivek Ramaswamy was a member of the secretive Yale "Shabtai" society and says a Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi named Shmully Hecht was his "mentor". Hecht helped found the society along with US politician Corey Booker. Booker has been known to promote the Noahide Laws. Confirm (here). Even though Vivek made some comments about defunding Israel, he has since explained that away and has gone running back to the Zionist lobby.
I just wrote an article on why anti-Noahides should vote for Trump (here). If Trump is elected the Noahide agenda will accelerate and that is good because it will more quickly expose it and people will wake up faster and more aggressively than if they were slowly indoctrinated over time and were not jerked into reaction by an aggressive campaign. We want Trump to take power along with his cabal of Orthodox Jews so that their true face may be exposed to the American public as soon as possible.
But it would be a double win if Trump picks Vivek as his Vice-President. This will get all the right-wing Hindus to shill for him all the harder and expose Hindus as nothing but a Zionist fifth column in America who will accept the Noahide Laws once they are rolled out. We want to associate Hindus with the corrupt establishment, propping up Israel's candidate unironically, and adding their own Noahide Vice-President to the mix. Vivek brings a double Noahide punch to the ticket and can actually win the election for Trump. This is a good opportunity to expose and blame Hindus as being the upholders of the injustice of our Zionist-occupied government; for added bonus let them try to direct more tax dollars away from struggling Americans into Israel's war chest against Palestine, let them piss everyone off and make them the most hated minority in America. If Hindus get Trump into office, the Left will heighten their attacks on them, making them look like genocidal maniacs who kill Christians and oppress gays and women in India.
Basically, we want to make right-wing Indian Hindus look like shit, and the best way to do that is for Trump to pick Vivek as his running mate. They will look like the Zionist-Noahide duo, the duped Christian and his Hindu henchman prepping the soil for a Noahide takeover of the USA. Hindus must come to be viewed as oppressors of the general population, swinging elections in wrong directions that don't help the people but the enemy. Even though we should all vote for Trump, anti-Noahide accelerationists should do it for the right reason, to expose the agenda, while Hindus will do it for the wrong reasons, to grow Zionist-Noahide power in America. Hindus need to be unmasked and the best way for that to happen is for Vivek to be on the ticket.