It has taken a while to start breaking the ice, but lately I have been stepping out into the light more and more on my belief and support for Eugenics, especially among White, but certainly not only for them. We have been led to believe through unfortunate experienced that eugenics is inherently evil and must result in persecution and holocausts for those who are deemed "unworthy" by some oligarchy. Well I am a eugenicist and I don't have ill intentions so I don't mind telling everyone exactly what it is that I believe.
Eugenics is often stated to be a way too "improve" the human race by selecting who has children, and who doesn't, but this is not exactly my definition. My definition of Eugenics is this: through selective breeding and genetic engineering, bloodlines can be produced which have ever more predictable physical and non-physical features. That is it, Eugenics means "well bred", but well bred for what? Well bred for a certain body type, temperament and even spirituality.
We know from working with animals all of these centuries that it is certainly possible to breed any animals into infinite sub-breeds, all of which have varying physical, mental, emotional and metaphysical characteristics. We can breed dogs to be docile or aggressive, large or small, we can breed in them instincts such as digging, hunting and swimming; if done under strict conditions, these breed types basically come with expected aspects to their being.
The siphoning of traits and behaviors in animals and humans is a useful biological tool for our survival; traits and clusters of traits arise naturally in a population due to genetic permutations, than they are naturally selected for by the environment. In deserts, water retention is valuable and so animals in a heard who have a higher genetic propensity for retaining body water have a reproductive advantage over those who don't; certain personalities and other specific arrangements of traits grow and spread in a population when they are good for survival in a particular environment, and who knows, maybe they are not randomly generated but retrieved through some feedback mechanism.
Whatever the reason is, we know that as one travels from one defined biome to another, their are subtle differences which begin to arise even within the same species, there is a cline of adaptation to the environment until definite sub-breeds appear and than eventually entirely new sub-species and species emerge which can no long breed with one another. This is how races, sub-races and new races rise and form, and if no longer adaptable, decline and perish.
But humans are not animals, we don't live under environmental conditions we can't change, humans can adapt their environment to suit themselves, and they can evolve to fit the environment they have created. For example, many people complain that modern convenience is breeding a race of soft and sickly over-civilized people who are dependent upon technology to live. I recall a tale of how people with extreme allergies would move to dessert states like Arizona or New Mexico to avoid pollen, but they would meet and marry and produce children with extreme immune sensitivities; if it had not been for modern geological understanding and travel technology, such genetic anomalies could not occur.
For better or for worse, Eugenics also includes the idea of Euthenics, the idea that we can advance, diminish or just change the human race by improving or controlling the environment in which we live. Recent studies in epigenetics (modification of gene expression) have found that we are very capable of inheriting phobias, fears, desire, likes, depressions and preferences from ancestors who had certain experiences. Perhaps this is how sub-breeds appear, perhaps living in a particular environment, eating particular foods, maybe it changes the epigenetics of the parent species which then effects the epigenetics of the offspring, molding them even better to the current living conditions.
Now under such a system a degree of reproductive racism would make sense since acquired sub-breed adaptations are necessary for the best life experience of the animal, and these are likely attached to certain hormones and impulses which would cause conflict with other sub-breeds of the same species. There is a reason why whites evolved in colder Europe, why dark people live along the equator, why Arabs have the complexion and temperament they do and so on. No biologist would ever say there are superior or inferior sub-breeds of any species, they would say there are only adapted breeds.
But once again we must see that we are not like other animals, we can change our environment and we do, and we travel and we interbreed far more often than we ever did and of course far more often than sub-breeds of other species do. Now some of course logically argue that their will always be a certain degree of mating between different breeds of the same animals because environment's change, new breeds become more dominant, or maybe nature is simply doing an experiment. But mating is never as random or haphazard as it is in the modern world, especially among whites who are most liberal on these issues.
Whites have not only devolved themselves by adapting to the luxuries of technology, they are also quickly stamping out their race by either not breeding at all, or mating with humans of other races. Now, none of this is necessarily good or bad, as in a scientific view of things there is no real morality, but we are more than scientists and if any race has eugenics in its blood it would be the white race.
While all races do practice some form of eugenics, attempting to maintain good bloodlines and certain powers and abilities, none have taken these sentiments farther than the white race who in the beginning of the 20th century had many clubs, associations, labs and political movements deeply entwined in Eugenic thought and practice. Almost all the leading theorists of Eugenics were whites and the movement was partially sparked by the perceived decline in health, number and ability of the white race in general, Eugenics was very much born of white apprehension.
It may also be true that whites are better evolved and programmed to institute Eugenics since many believe that long cold winters necessitated that whites adapt to being more farsighted, thinking many steps ahead in the future. Eugenics does not think about right now (at least not usually) but thinks of the next generations to come. Perahaps other races have not bred under conditions which give them the impulse to plan so far ahead, maybe they just take it as it comes.
Now I do want to say here that not all Eugenic technology need be about future generations and not be able to help us in the here and now. We do now understand that we all have genetic switches which can be turned on and off, it is possible to consume chemicals and hormones which effect how our genes interact with the rest of our body. There is also the benefit of having novel genetic traits to study in the bodies of healthy individuals so as to better understand bodily functions. The benefits of the genetic religion need not be kept for our children alone.
However, yes, this is mostly a future endeavor, but our opponents give us reason to think when they tell us we cannot predict the future, that we don't know which breeds and traits will be needed to survive in the future, and if we become too homogeneous so as to be a collective breed we could be putting ourselves in a genetic bottleneck, making our entire tribe susceptible to a certain disease which would wipe us all out. These were some of the scientific arguments against Hitler's Nazi Germany, who knew if it was best to breed the Nazi version of the "ideal man", maybe the ideal man would lack a particular gene that would saved him from the plague, maybe this gene was only found in some swarthy pauper.
So that leaves me here, I am a member of a dying race, namely whites, who seem to have it almost in their blood to think about and practice the religion of eugenics, yet who are not breeding and are quickly going extinct through intermixing with other races. I just can't help it, I was born a Eugencist, the biological future of the human race is my destiny to ponder and attempt to order. But how is one to order a system in which traits appear to adapt one to a specific environment, and none of these traits are the most useful trait all the time, and I don't know what will be the best choice for the future?
My views on Eugenics are not thoroughly my own, I do hale from thinkers, theorists and practitioners who came before me, but for right now I will not get into that but only my own personal theory which has begun to crystalize. So yes, it is true I don't know what will be the best breed or gene of sub-species to exist in the future, and it would be best for me to have a large and varying gene pool to select from, so the first step would be to leave people alone!
We need to allow races and sub-races to form in geographical territories so that they may naturally evolve to their surroundings, this will make them more happy and give those who are interested a more organic understanding of the rise and fall of traits in populations. Of course there can be natural internal evolution through the spontaneous rise of genetically unique individuals, and there will always be cross cultural trade. By watching and observing, humans who have adapted for particular needs, the Eugenic religion can scout for genes and cultural practices which are seemingly beneficial for the human organism.
But I don't advocate an only "wait and see approach", living lives of power and near godhood in the future takes manipulation and stock products. There is a great advantage to watching natural evolution, but natural evolution is being interrupted greatly by modernity. Unless we are going to drop science all together we must see the value in the artificial. Just as we breed standard breeds of dogs and horses, we can breed standard breeds of humans whose qualities and needs are known more or less before birth. These breeds of humans would not only serve to live their best life possible in their own respect, but also lead to experimentation with different crosses and mixtures of breeds.
So how is this system going to work? Well first there of course would need to be a founding group of idealists, those who wish to implement a system for its own sake, a group of people led by individuals who seem to be programmed for such thinking. Let's not be embarrassed, to shame us for being who and what we are is as reprehensible and shaming one for their sexual orientation or aesthetic preferences. This group would be committed to fostering tribalism, nationalism and any other kind of ism which would help desiring populations to maintain some form of ethnic and biological identity which could be further honed through generational planning and genetic engineering, provided by our core group.
This inner core group of believers would than select certain genes and individuals to induct into our own specific breeding programs, always creating new lines and finessing old ones. This would give us many stock and unique breeds and individuals with great diversity so as to avoid being wiped out by a single plague. However this diversity will also serve to help us be the people who will survive the future and be elevated to higher beings.
You see with foresight certain breeds can be created to withstand all sorts of future conditions, and these can be called upon when their biological gifts are needed. Also random breeding programs and genetic engineering can be used to create otherwise unpredictable strains of humans who just might so happen to have the combination needed to get us over the next metaphysical chasm. Of course we would always have the natural strains of human to depend upon for ever fresh and adapted genes and clusters of genes.
But why whites? Well, I think everyone can agree that it is whites who have the mentality and drive and yes need to create such a system, however that does not mean the lasting eugenicists will be white, indeed it is whites who are likely most willing to change their own race to become the gods they wish to be, because ultimately the gods born of Eugenics would be beyond the definition of white as they would no longer be humans. Also, there is of course no bar placed on other races who wish to accomplish similar ends.
Eugenics is often stated to be a way too "improve" the human race by selecting who has children, and who doesn't, but this is not exactly my definition. My definition of Eugenics is this: through selective breeding and genetic engineering, bloodlines can be produced which have ever more predictable physical and non-physical features. That is it, Eugenics means "well bred", but well bred for what? Well bred for a certain body type, temperament and even spirituality.
We know from working with animals all of these centuries that it is certainly possible to breed any animals into infinite sub-breeds, all of which have varying physical, mental, emotional and metaphysical characteristics. We can breed dogs to be docile or aggressive, large or small, we can breed in them instincts such as digging, hunting and swimming; if done under strict conditions, these breed types basically come with expected aspects to their being.
The siphoning of traits and behaviors in animals and humans is a useful biological tool for our survival; traits and clusters of traits arise naturally in a population due to genetic permutations, than they are naturally selected for by the environment. In deserts, water retention is valuable and so animals in a heard who have a higher genetic propensity for retaining body water have a reproductive advantage over those who don't; certain personalities and other specific arrangements of traits grow and spread in a population when they are good for survival in a particular environment, and who knows, maybe they are not randomly generated but retrieved through some feedback mechanism.
Whatever the reason is, we know that as one travels from one defined biome to another, their are subtle differences which begin to arise even within the same species, there is a cline of adaptation to the environment until definite sub-breeds appear and than eventually entirely new sub-species and species emerge which can no long breed with one another. This is how races, sub-races and new races rise and form, and if no longer adaptable, decline and perish.
But humans are not animals, we don't live under environmental conditions we can't change, humans can adapt their environment to suit themselves, and they can evolve to fit the environment they have created. For example, many people complain that modern convenience is breeding a race of soft and sickly over-civilized people who are dependent upon technology to live. I recall a tale of how people with extreme allergies would move to dessert states like Arizona or New Mexico to avoid pollen, but they would meet and marry and produce children with extreme immune sensitivities; if it had not been for modern geological understanding and travel technology, such genetic anomalies could not occur.
For better or for worse, Eugenics also includes the idea of Euthenics, the idea that we can advance, diminish or just change the human race by improving or controlling the environment in which we live. Recent studies in epigenetics (modification of gene expression) have found that we are very capable of inheriting phobias, fears, desire, likes, depressions and preferences from ancestors who had certain experiences. Perhaps this is how sub-breeds appear, perhaps living in a particular environment, eating particular foods, maybe it changes the epigenetics of the parent species which then effects the epigenetics of the offspring, molding them even better to the current living conditions.
Now under such a system a degree of reproductive racism would make sense since acquired sub-breed adaptations are necessary for the best life experience of the animal, and these are likely attached to certain hormones and impulses which would cause conflict with other sub-breeds of the same species. There is a reason why whites evolved in colder Europe, why dark people live along the equator, why Arabs have the complexion and temperament they do and so on. No biologist would ever say there are superior or inferior sub-breeds of any species, they would say there are only adapted breeds.
But once again we must see that we are not like other animals, we can change our environment and we do, and we travel and we interbreed far more often than we ever did and of course far more often than sub-breeds of other species do. Now some of course logically argue that their will always be a certain degree of mating between different breeds of the same animals because environment's change, new breeds become more dominant, or maybe nature is simply doing an experiment. But mating is never as random or haphazard as it is in the modern world, especially among whites who are most liberal on these issues.
Whites have not only devolved themselves by adapting to the luxuries of technology, they are also quickly stamping out their race by either not breeding at all, or mating with humans of other races. Now, none of this is necessarily good or bad, as in a scientific view of things there is no real morality, but we are more than scientists and if any race has eugenics in its blood it would be the white race.
While all races do practice some form of eugenics, attempting to maintain good bloodlines and certain powers and abilities, none have taken these sentiments farther than the white race who in the beginning of the 20th century had many clubs, associations, labs and political movements deeply entwined in Eugenic thought and practice. Almost all the leading theorists of Eugenics were whites and the movement was partially sparked by the perceived decline in health, number and ability of the white race in general, Eugenics was very much born of white apprehension.
It may also be true that whites are better evolved and programmed to institute Eugenics since many believe that long cold winters necessitated that whites adapt to being more farsighted, thinking many steps ahead in the future. Eugenics does not think about right now (at least not usually) but thinks of the next generations to come. Perahaps other races have not bred under conditions which give them the impulse to plan so far ahead, maybe they just take it as it comes.
Now I do want to say here that not all Eugenic technology need be about future generations and not be able to help us in the here and now. We do now understand that we all have genetic switches which can be turned on and off, it is possible to consume chemicals and hormones which effect how our genes interact with the rest of our body. There is also the benefit of having novel genetic traits to study in the bodies of healthy individuals so as to better understand bodily functions. The benefits of the genetic religion need not be kept for our children alone.
However, yes, this is mostly a future endeavor, but our opponents give us reason to think when they tell us we cannot predict the future, that we don't know which breeds and traits will be needed to survive in the future, and if we become too homogeneous so as to be a collective breed we could be putting ourselves in a genetic bottleneck, making our entire tribe susceptible to a certain disease which would wipe us all out. These were some of the scientific arguments against Hitler's Nazi Germany, who knew if it was best to breed the Nazi version of the "ideal man", maybe the ideal man would lack a particular gene that would saved him from the plague, maybe this gene was only found in some swarthy pauper.
So that leaves me here, I am a member of a dying race, namely whites, who seem to have it almost in their blood to think about and practice the religion of eugenics, yet who are not breeding and are quickly going extinct through intermixing with other races. I just can't help it, I was born a Eugencist, the biological future of the human race is my destiny to ponder and attempt to order. But how is one to order a system in which traits appear to adapt one to a specific environment, and none of these traits are the most useful trait all the time, and I don't know what will be the best choice for the future?
My views on Eugenics are not thoroughly my own, I do hale from thinkers, theorists and practitioners who came before me, but for right now I will not get into that but only my own personal theory which has begun to crystalize. So yes, it is true I don't know what will be the best breed or gene of sub-species to exist in the future, and it would be best for me to have a large and varying gene pool to select from, so the first step would be to leave people alone!
We need to allow races and sub-races to form in geographical territories so that they may naturally evolve to their surroundings, this will make them more happy and give those who are interested a more organic understanding of the rise and fall of traits in populations. Of course there can be natural internal evolution through the spontaneous rise of genetically unique individuals, and there will always be cross cultural trade. By watching and observing, humans who have adapted for particular needs, the Eugenic religion can scout for genes and cultural practices which are seemingly beneficial for the human organism.
But I don't advocate an only "wait and see approach", living lives of power and near godhood in the future takes manipulation and stock products. There is a great advantage to watching natural evolution, but natural evolution is being interrupted greatly by modernity. Unless we are going to drop science all together we must see the value in the artificial. Just as we breed standard breeds of dogs and horses, we can breed standard breeds of humans whose qualities and needs are known more or less before birth. These breeds of humans would not only serve to live their best life possible in their own respect, but also lead to experimentation with different crosses and mixtures of breeds.
So how is this system going to work? Well first there of course would need to be a founding group of idealists, those who wish to implement a system for its own sake, a group of people led by individuals who seem to be programmed for such thinking. Let's not be embarrassed, to shame us for being who and what we are is as reprehensible and shaming one for their sexual orientation or aesthetic preferences. This group would be committed to fostering tribalism, nationalism and any other kind of ism which would help desiring populations to maintain some form of ethnic and biological identity which could be further honed through generational planning and genetic engineering, provided by our core group.
This inner core group of believers would than select certain genes and individuals to induct into our own specific breeding programs, always creating new lines and finessing old ones. This would give us many stock and unique breeds and individuals with great diversity so as to avoid being wiped out by a single plague. However this diversity will also serve to help us be the people who will survive the future and be elevated to higher beings.
You see with foresight certain breeds can be created to withstand all sorts of future conditions, and these can be called upon when their biological gifts are needed. Also random breeding programs and genetic engineering can be used to create otherwise unpredictable strains of humans who just might so happen to have the combination needed to get us over the next metaphysical chasm. Of course we would always have the natural strains of human to depend upon for ever fresh and adapted genes and clusters of genes.
But why whites? Well, I think everyone can agree that it is whites who have the mentality and drive and yes need to create such a system, however that does not mean the lasting eugenicists will be white, indeed it is whites who are likely most willing to change their own race to become the gods they wish to be, because ultimately the gods born of Eugenics would be beyond the definition of white as they would no longer be humans. Also, there is of course no bar placed on other races who wish to accomplish similar ends.