Friday, August 24, 2018

If Jewish Blood than Christian Blood

There have been some interesting scientific studies done lately which correlate the experiences of one's ancestors, particularly ones female ancestors, and a person's personality and behaviors.  Molecular biologists at McGill University in Canada have been researching the effects developed behaviors in mice and how they are transmitted to the next generation. It is now hypothesized by many leading biologists that the circumstances of one's life, their experiences, their diet, perhaps even their religion, all of these make "epigenetic" changes to their cellular structures and that these changes are then passed on to their offspring. It is very possible that "irrational" phobias and fears are actually a genetic memory from an ancestor who experienced these dangers, one can also likely inherit the depression of a neglected ancestor, perhaps even their beliefs and ideology.  These conclusions have explosive implications, because they imply that one can change the biology of future generation simply by molding the thoughts and actions of the current generation, it is likely possible that one can engineer the desires and abilities of future generations by socially engineering the current environment. 

While such studies as these are groundbreaking for modern biology, these principles have been more or less known to all peoples of the earth since the dawn of time.  Humans have intuitions and perceptions about reality which they cannot always prove with hard science, but which are likely true regardless, and they can see the truth of their intuitions on the marcoscale as they play out in larger society.  This inherent intuition has been the driving force behind ideas of maintaining bloodlines withing cultures, the obvious agenda is to maintain a certain "blood memory" and "blood culture".  The sentiment behind these need not be racist.  Most of us understand that human biology naturally adapts to its environment, and until relatively recently in human history, humans would remain in one small location for their entire lives and generations.  Thus their biology would uniquely adapt to their surroundings, and this would also produce an organic culture.  It would only make natural sense for humans to have an instinct to breed children who were also uniquely adapted to this environment and culture as this would best insure not only their survival but fulfillment in life. 

However, in the past centuries, particularly with the spread of Judeo-Christianity and Islam, there has been a mass uplifting of human populations and constant immigration and forced migration through slavery.  Christianity, particularly in Europe, replaced organic pagan blood memory with a Universalist doctrine. The white races in particular were the first to ripped away from the gods and knowledge which were produced from their inner biology and to focus on and believe in a "One True God" who proclaimed through his messiah that there was "No Jew or Greek".  Jesus and his religion came to break down cultural and racial boundaries, and in American we see he has done this very well, since most of the white population on this continent is highly mixed when it comes to their European ancestry.  Beyond this, try as they may, the racist white Christians are finding it impossible to maintain their white race since Christianity implies an injunction against racialism, and so prohibiting interracial marriage seems to be un-Christian. 

However, there is something that this constantly mixing mass of Christendom has in common, all of these races and ethnicities have been experiencing Christian culture and Christian doctrine for centuries. Among all of the Christianized races, there was at first a literal burning out of the rebellious Pagans, there was also a burning of their libraries and temples.  Thus the remaining servants of Christ have only experienced the Bible and Christian churches for the past several centuries, and it has only been in the past 100 years or so that there were any alternatives, and these were only watery spiritualism and Communist inspired doctrines for the most part. If we are to take the intuition of the ages and combine this with current findings in biology, we would be led to believe that the vast majority of the Christian races have had their biology fundamentally altered so as to meet the demands of universalist Christianity. But before we delve into the idea of "Christian Blood", let's discuss a similar doctrine which has been in the West for the past century or more, and that is the idea of "Jewish Blood". 

We are all familiar with the term "Anti-Semitism", which actually means "Anti-Jewish".  The word "semitism" would imply that one who is against Jews or Judaism is racist against "Semitic people", but are the implications of this term accurate?  When we research the origins of the word "antisemitism" we find that it only appeared in Europe in the 1800s.  Apparently the term was developed to describe the sentiments of European Christians who were either in favor or against the Jews and the Jewish religion.  "Semitic" does not so much refer to a race as it does the group of languages spoken in West Asia, and North and East Africa, however, since there is also a general ethnic relationship between the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, the term "Semitic" can also be racialized to include Arabs, Ethiopians, Assyrians and the people of the Levant (modern day Israel/Palestine).  The term "antisemitism" is a misnomer because is implies a hatred for all Semites, which today there are likely 1 billion of, and this is not what is being stated when one makes statements against Jews. The confusion arouse because at the time, in 19th century Europe, Jews were really the only Semites in the public consciousness, and so they conflated the two terms. 

But then and today we must admit that there is not only a religious hatred against Jews, but a "racial" hatred against them.  In fact, I think most people would agree that the racial component of "Jew Hatred" far outweighs the religious component. Nazis in particular do not focus on the Jewish Religion, but purely on the "Jewish Race", as Hitler did before them.  The general theory is that Jews are inherently maniacal on the biological level, that they are simply programmed to lie and cheat and control and enslave. Many people in such circles actually go so far as to imply that Jews are not even a human race but a reptilian shape shifting race.  However, there are a few concepts which put Nazis and the like on the defensive when it comes to the "Jewish problem", particularly when we start getting into history as well as logical analysis of the current situation. Where did Jews come from, what is their ultimate ancestry, and were they always "Jewish"?

The term "Semite" itself can begin to help us understand the origins of the Jews.  There is the term "Ancient Semitic Religion" which refers to the original polytheistic religions which were practiced in West Asia before the rise of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Israel/Palestine's original name as a civilization was known as Canaan and Pheonecia. These were real ancient Pagan civilization who had polytheistic religions which resembled those found in Europe.  In fact, the ancient Greek religion refers to Pheonecia extensively and there were many intermarriages between the Greeks and the Pheonecians. In fact, the continent of "Europe" is named after the Pheonecian princes "Europa" who was the mother of a Greek king. The ancient state of Israel and the ancient "Hebrews" were obviously a transformation of these ancient Pagan Semites as is testified by the fact that the "Hebrew Language" is actually a mix of the Canaanite language and the Pheonecian alphabet. 

The Hebrew language might be appropriately called the Israelitish dialect of Canaanitish, a branch of the Semitic Languages spoken in Palestine and in the Phenician colonies. Almost identical with it is Moabitish, as seen in the stele of Mesha (See Moabite Stone). Closely akin to it was Phenician, and in all probability also the languages of Ammon, Edom, and Philistia. The language used in the Zenjirli inscriptions approaches Hebrew closely. - Hebrew Language, 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia 
Even the most virulent of Nazis has respect for the ancient Greeks, as it is believed they were much blonder than they are today, and every Nazi would know that they would not marry the Pheonecians if there was not a high level of compatibility.  Nowhere in Nazi literature can we find much racial hatred for the ancient Pagan Semites, but these Pheonecians and Canaanites are the racial ancestors of the original "Jews".  I would like to quickly point out here that there is plausible evidence of a "Khazar Hypothesis", the idea that most modern Jews are actually descended from a group of Turko-Russians who converted to Judaism in the 8th and 9th centuries, however wherever modern Jews come from, their religion is the product of Pheonecian/Canaanite races and this will not change the theory I am about to lay out here.

Some modern day Jewish apologists will tell us that the wars and genocides and enslavement of the Canaanite people as found in the Bible are actually an allegory for a peaceful and gradual transition from polytheism to monotheism.  However this is unlikely since orthodox Jews who have no need to please the ears of outsiders do not promote these ideas, and they are more learned on the subject, also their is an obvious element of coercion in Judaism as we see many Orthodox children must go to great efforts to escape their communities today. The most obvious explanation is that a retrograde element took hold of the Pheonecian-Canaanite civilizations and ensnared them in the monotheistic tyranny we find in the Old Testament. Later on starting in the 3rd century, the Jews of Israel further evolved their religion through texts called the Talmud which is the source of modern day Rabbinic Judaism. 

Let's pretend for a moment that the Nazis are right, that the Talmud does indeed preach hatred and destruction for Non-Jews, a doctrine of usury upon them, and their final destruction as they are eventually ruled over by the triumphant Jews who control the entire earth from Israel, and that all of this is to be accomplished through deceit, subterfuge and the erosion of other religions and cultures.  The point of this post is not the prove or disprove this claim, only to make a point about the Nazi ideology of "Jewish Blood" and its relation to the theory of "Christian Blood". Many Nazis become spitting angry when they must explain how the Pheonecians and Canaanites, who they do not hate or racially abuse, transformed into a new "Jewish Race" or became "reptiles", because this question shows the illogic of their theories.  A more rational and obvious explanation would be that the new Jewish culture which took hold of these people, as Christianity did in Europe, changed them biological on the level that science is now discovering, pruning those who did not evolve fast enough to the new circumstances and rewarding those who adapted to it most quickly, thus these races were transmuted into "Jew", but this was not their racial origin nor was it their original character. 

This brings us to a point that many Nazis and whites in general do not want to hear, and that is the fact that just like the ancient Pheonicians and Canaanites (or Khazars), Europeans have been colonized by a similar religion, Christianity.  For Centuries this hypocritical, complexed and parasitic religion has held sway over the white races.  The white races of today are comprised of ancestors who did not fight hard enough or with enough dignity to prevent the fruits of their blood, their libraries and temples and culture, from being obliterated by miscreants and possessed rulers.  Whites are by far the product of the people who submitted to Christianity as it terrorized and shamed and confused so as to rule over a herd of domesticated sheep.  The white races even eventually participated in the rape of their own culture as they allowed the beauties of their racial expression, their architecture, their symbols, their festivals to be used and misdirected to prop up Christian reign. 

The herded mass of Europe were universalized under Christianity, and thus loss their respect and memory of their own lands and crafts, and this is how the Christians enticed them into Capitalism and the Industrial revolution.  The rural whites, stripped of their dignity, moved to to the dirty cities and bred in squalor, they followed their Christian duty and were "fruitful and multiplied" among garbage heaps, and they produced surplus labor, children thrown to mines and burning hot factories where they were sliced and diced and then their mangled bodies thrown to the cold streets when they could no longer work.  The white Christian prided himself, he was not like the Pagan who would kill his children to save them from such depravity, no he prolonged these lives of misery as long as he could and produced more miserable life to suffer for their sins and be saved by Christ. 

Under this Christian sadism, desperate to escape, the now mentally depleted children of the white races could come up with nothing better than to follow the prophet Karl Marx and hope to live under Communism.  Communism failed, but the whites new they could not go back to Christian capitalism, and so they synthesized the two into Socialism which today is lulling the white races to sleep under a dull peace, and the vast majority of them have no interest to rebel against their own slow demise.  I don't want to forget to mention the Colonial Era, where whites fancied themselves the New Israel, the new "chosen race", given a divine mission to enslave the other races and bring them to god, reaping foreign lands and labor as a reward. All of this has seeped into white blood, "Christian Blood", their epigenetics altered by their cowardice and stupidity and unwarranted aggression and violence. And now in America we see several strains of goblins, reactionary leftists, indifferent hedonists, exploitative capitalists and the Nazis who want to harvest this race of filth so they may lord over. 

If we can speak of "Jewish Blood", then it is only fair we may speak of "Christian Blood".  It is no longer folk wisdom and is quickly becoming hard science that ancestral actions and ideas and beliefs can travel down the gene line and mutate future generation to fit the environmental condition. White paganism did not have the fortitude to thwart Christianity, and so we can see a weakness even in the original culture, but after this the white race watched as their brightest and noblest pagans were burned at the stake and their culture raped and exploited for the sake of Christian expansionism. This conquered race then found it to be their duty to follow Biblical history and conquer and enslave the known world for their jealous god, and they did this with insane cruelty. Even the best among the whites who wished to break this oppression could only come up with Communism, now Leftism, and today we have Nazis who want to blend this monstrosity into a "Fourth Reich" which will necessarily need to reign over these goblin masses with misinformation and assault. If you are looking to cleanse a race, you may want to start with your own, as they are swiftly pushing you toward the abyss, and this time you will never return. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Book Review: Rabbi Harry Waton's "A Program for Jews and Humanity"

In my book review of "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party" I stated my opinion that if there is a book or idea or person or movement which is both ignored and reviled by both the left and the right, this means you are getting closer to the truth. Does anyone remember Hegel's theory of thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis? Yes I claimed that the "Pink Swastika" was an example of the synthesized truth, that it brought together ideas of both the left and right into an organic whole, that yes indeed Nazis was founded upon a white butch closeted homosexual cult. However, there is another theorist and philosopher who has been even further victimized by obscurantism, and that is the writings of one Rabbi Harry Waton. 

Rabbi Harry Waton's magnum opus "A Program for Jews and Humanity" was published in 1939 during the height of WWII by the Committee for the Preservation of the Jews in New York, USA. You can download the entire searchable PDF at the link below.  This work, I assert, is not only the most insightful and truthful account of the real agendas of not only Nazism, but also Communism and Judaism, but that it is also one of the most profound and prophetic works ever written.  After the "Pivot of Civilization" by Margaret Sanger (a book I will review soon) it is veritably my second political "bible" (actually I should say Veda).

The basic premise of Rabbi Waton's work is this, that Nazism is nothing more and nothing less than an intentional perversion of Marxism, with Marxism being nothing more and nothing less than a tool of Judaism, or actually better said that Marxism IS Judaism in it's secular form, created by the Jewish god Jehovah as a program to eventually convert the world's people to Judaism.  Many people in recent history have noticed the obvious connection, wherever Marxism goes, Nazism follows.  Rabbi Waton expresses this sentiment more deeply by stating the fact that not only did Hitler and Nazi theoretician (many of whom were ex-Marxists) based their program off Communism, but that they were well aware of this fact.  Further, Waton states that because, at least according to him, Communism IS Judaism in disguise, a program to Judaize the earth through intellectual pursuit, which the Nazis admit, that for this reason the Nazis fear the Jews because they know it is the Jews who are in the end ultimately in control of the situation via Nazism's basis in Marxism. 
 "Next, let me reveal to you a secret: Nazism is nothing else than an imitation and perversion of Marxism; there is nothing in nazism which was not taken from Marxism. Study Hitler's anti-Marxist Bible: Mein Kampf, read it carefully, and what will you find ? You will find that Hitler adopted the principles, the ideas, the policy and the method of Marxism. The National Socialist Party of Hitler was modelled after the fashion of the Communist Party of Soviet Russia, and both were fashioned according to the ideas of Marxism. Like the revolutionary Marxists, Hitler laid the emphasis upon the working masses. Where did the nazis get the idea of the National Socialist Party, where did they get the principles and demands embodied in the twenty-five demands of the National Socialist Party? And who were the theoreticians of nazism, were they not socialists, communists and men and women who received their education from Marxism ? Where did Hitler and his followers get the idea of international capital, exploitation, on the one hand, and socialism and national planning, on the other? Did they not get all this from Marxism? But what is most significant is this. If not for the great work that had been done by the Marxists, if not for the Russian revolution, if not for the ground that had been prepared by the socialists and the communists, Hitler, the nazis and the National Socialist Party would have never come into existence;...
...Why have Hitler and the nazis the terrible foreboding that the Jews will triumph? This is due to the nature of Judaism. We saw that Judaism is Christianity, Marxism, communism, internationalism, democracy, the equality of the races, nations and the people, the universal brotherhood of man and the emancipation of the working class. Judaism has already on its side more than half of the human race, and in due time it will have on its side the whole human race. Judaism will win the human race, not by the might of the sword, but by truth and spirit. In declaring war against the Jews, the nazis and the fascists declared war against the human race. This is the reason why Hitler and the nazis have the terrible foreboding that their struggle will be in vain. Not the Jews fear the nazis, but the nazis fear the Jews. Since the Jews are the masters of the situation, they can well afford to examine the nazi philosophy in a rational manner. 

Further still, Waton not only claims that Nazism is an intentional, cowardly and wittingly self-destructive imitation of Maxism, but that Nazism even more than Communism is an intentional imitation of Judaism itself which was designed, knowingly by Hitler and the Nazi party, to prepare the German race to accept that Judaism is indeed the superior philosophy and race.  Waton credits Hitler with opening the world's eyes to the fact that Judaism is not simply just a religion for a single group of people but a world philosophy, namely Marxism, and that by constantly equating of Communism with Judaism and getting the masses to believe this, he has knowingly taught the masses that through Communism they to can have a part in Judaism which until Hitler's arrival was more or less seen as an ethnic creed. While Waton does not exactly describe HOW Nazism is an imitation of Judaism, actually further so than Marxism, my personal analysis is this: Judaism proper does have a universal world philosophy (Marxism), however it also does have a nationalistic and ethnic  component, a.k.a Zionism.  Nazism is simply Zionism for Aryan Germans, an ethinc-spiritual nation state with a national agenda but also an international agenda, namely to rid the world of Judaism which it mirrors and to establish the supremacy of Aryans. However, due to the fact that Nazism is only a knockoff of Judaism and is admittedly fearful of Judaism, along with its inverted proselytization of Judeo-Marxism, Waton makes it clear the Nazism more than any other movement sustains Judaism and the Jews. 
"What is nazism ? Nazism is an imitation of Judaism; nazism adopted the principles and ideas of Judaism...
 ... We shall see that nazism is nothing else than an imitation of Judaism; nazism adopted the principles and ideas of Judaism. Likewise, the nazis are trying hard to imitate the Jews. The nazis are then confronted with this alternative: if they succeed to acquire the merits and virtues of the Jews, the nazis will become Jews; on the other hand, if the nazis fail to acquire the merits and the virtues of the Jews, they will disappear from the stage of history. The whole nazi philosophy is fully conscious of this truth; and nazism, more than any other system of thought, sustains Judaism and the Jews. This is the way Jehovah turns the curses of the nazis into blessings for the Jews. ...
..."What shall be our superior philosophy ? The very philosophy which nazism is determined to destroy, namely, Judaism; we will meet the nazi philosophy with Judaism. The Jews always looked upon Judaism as a religion, but now the Jews must also look upon Judaism as upon a world philosophy. Hitler has rendered infinite service to Judaism and the Jews by making it clear that Judaism is a world philosophy. Hitler errs by denying that Judaism is a religion. We shall see later that Judaism is both a religion and a world philosophy. But for the present we will regard Judaism as a world philosophy, and for this alone the Jews should be grateful to Hitler, for we shall presently see that this is of great historic significance. Since nazism is determined to destroy Judaism; since, as we shall presently see, Judaism is infinitely superior to nazism, it follows that Judaism will overcome and absorb nazism. Since Judaism roots deep in the blood of the Jews, while nazism roots deep in the blood of the German Aryans, the Jews will overcome and absorb the German Aryans. Judaism has no need to fight against nazism, and the Jews have no need to fight against the nazis, for Judaism is superior to nazism, and the Jews are superior to the nazis. This, as we shall presently see, the nazis themselves recognize. We shall see that nazism is nothing else than an imitation of Judaism; nazism adopted the principles and ideas of Judaism. Likewise, the nazis are trying hard to imitate the Jews. The nazis are then confronted with this alternative: if they succeed to acquire the merits and virtues of the Jews, the nazis will become Jews; on the other hand, if the nazis fail to acquire the merits and the virtues of the Jews, they will disappear from the stage of history. The whole nazi philosophy is fully conscious of this truth; and nazism, more than any other system of thought, sustains Judaism and the Jews. ...

Rabbi Waton extends his thesis that Hitler is the greatest boon to Judaism by equating him to the biblical sorcerer Balaam who actually aided the Jews in their metaphysical quest by at first attempting to destroy them, but then admitting defeat and that the Jews were superior to his pagan witchcraft.  Both Balaam and Hitler were defacto proselytes of Judaism by implying that their people would do best to imitate the Jews otherwise they would be destroyed by this superior people and system. Hitler took this idea a step further by actually Judaizing the vast majority of the human race. By rightfully equating Judaism with Marxism, democracy, internationalism and anti-racism, Hitler not only gave the Aryans enemies in Jews but also with the vast majority of the living human race, thus Waton suggests that Hitler turned the Jewish tribe of 16 million into a world tribe of millions upon millions if not billions, and so Hilter not only admitted the supremacy of the Jews indirectly by crafting his party after them, but he also strengthened their numbers by forcefully pushing the majority of humanity into their camp through his campaign of violent and murderous exclusion. 

...But to convince the Aryans of this, Hitler, like Balaam, recognizes the merits and virtues of the Jews, and advises the Aryan nations to endeavor to acquire those merits and virtues; otherwise, they will be destroyed by the Jews. Since the days of Balaam, Hitler is the first anti-Semite that was great enough to adopt this method. But, like Balaam Hitler does not perceive that, if the Aryan nations endeavor to acquire the merits and virtues of the Jews, they will also become Jews, and then they will join the Jews. And so, as in the case of Balaam, Jehovah turns the curses of Hitler into a blessing. We shall presently see how the curses of Hitler turn into a blessing. ...
... According to the nazi philosophy, the following are Jews: Christians, Marxists, communists, internationalists, upholders of democracy, those that believe in the equality of the races, nations and peoples, who strive to realize the universal brotherhood of man and the emancipation of the working class. And so, the nazis are determined to annihilate, not only the sixteen million Jews who regard themselves as Jews, but also the more than a thousand million non-Jews who, to a greater or lesser extent, have adopted the philosophy of Judaism. And the nazis regard it their mission and supreme historic task to convince the Aryan nation that they should unite with the nazis to annihilate all the Jews. By this Hitler has accomplished a most marvelous historic task; he has converted the Jewish people, consisting of only sixteen million Jews, into a mighty nation consisting of more than a thousand million human beings.

Finally, the Rabbi makes it absolutely clear that he believes Jews are indeed superior to the "Aryans", indeed they are the most superior people on earth.  Waton claims that Aryans are simply the mechanical element of the universe, that they are here to build the universities, but that the universities are created for the Jews who then enter them to teach the human race the superiority of Judaism through the vehicles of Marxism, internationalism, democracy and the like. According to Waton, the Nazis like the Aryans are only physically preparing the way for Jewish ascension, after which the Jews will convert the rest of humanity to Judaism.  The Aryans and the other races will either become Jews or they will perish, and he claims the Nazis know this fact with terrifying acuity. By quaking in such fear of the Jews and their own destiny, the Nazis have done the Jews the greatest favor by admitting their eventual triumph, Waton says the world will be swallowed by the serpent of Judaism. 

What the Jews always claimed that in the realms of reason, the intellect and the spirit they were preeminent. It is the historic function of the Jews to bring to mankind the light of reason, the divine message of the intellect, and the morality and humanity of the spirit. Now, what function is superior? Suppose that a university is to be constructed, the purpose of which is that in it science, philosophy and religion shall be taught. The first thing is to construct the university, and for this purpose it is necessary to procure the materials and the proper mechanics. When the university is already completed, then it is the function of the professors and the scholars to come to teach to the students assembled there the sciences, philosophy and religion. Now, the mechanics may claim, that their function is superior to that of the professors and the scholars, for without the university the professors and the scholars could not teach to the students. But, in turn, the professors and the scholars could answer: the university is only a means and a condition to the teaching of science, religion and philosophy, but the teaching of these branches of human knowledge is the aim, and the aim is always superior to the means. Since the function of the Aryans is only to prepare the material world for the spread of light, knowledge, morality and humanity, it follows that the function of the Jews is superior to that of the Aryans or the Germans. 
It means this: After the Aryans will have built the temples, made the statues, flooded the world with commodities, and prepared the earth for rational mankind, then Japeth will settle in the tents of Shem, and will enjoy peace and happiness. But the tents of Shem are communism, internationalism, democracy, the equality of the races, nations and peoples, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class, and the human society. All that the Aryans will accomplish in this world is only a condition to the enjoyment of the gifts which the Jews will bring to mankind. Which function is superior ? Thus we see that the Jews are superior to the Germans. And the nazis know this. ... 
 ... Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews, but not in the sense of Hitler and the nazis. With Jesus, who only symbolizes the Jews, the Jews say: Our kingdom is not of this world. The Jews will become the masters over the whole earth and they will subordinate to themselves all nations, not by material power, not by brute force, but by light, knowledge, understanding, humanity, peace, justice and progress. Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race. The races and the nations will cheerfully submit to the spiritual power of Judaism, and all will become Jews. And it shall come to pass in the end of days that the mountain of Jehovah's house shall be established as the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it, and many peoples shall go and say: Come ye, and let us go up to the top of the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the Torah, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem. And He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning-hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea.—ISAIAH. This is the kingdom of the Jews, of all Jews, no matter what be their race, color and blood. Even the nazis will become Jews, and they, too, will rejoice in Jehovah. This is the predetermined destiny of mankind, of all mankind, without exception, and this destiny was predetermined by God. Empires, states, societies, dynasties and parties may come and go, but mankind will advance and rise until they will reach their goal. A
All through the past, the anti-Semites perceived intuitively, though vaguely, that the Jews will inherit this earth, and that all other races will either disappear altogether or they will become Jews and they will together with the Jews inherit this earth. This was the mortal dread of the anti-Semites. It was the dread that is felt by one who faces the yawning mouth of the serpent who is about to swallow him. Judaism appeared to the anti-Semites as a serpent that is about to swallow them. It was not only the dread of death but worse still, it was the dread of being swallowed by the serpent Judaism and be turned into Jews. 

In conclusion, "A Program for Jews and Humanity" by Rabbi Waton will likely be violently rejected by both Jews and Nazis, because it shows the indelible relationship between the two.  The Nazis will nash their teeth at the very suggestion that their entire philosophy and prophet did nothing but rob from Marxism and then further mutate this world philosophy into a boon for the Jews by making the Jews the center of it's fear and apprehension, as well as attempting to imitate Zionism's simultaneous international agenda coupled with a strong streak of ethno-national supremacism.  Modern Jews will not appreciate the Rabbi is so brazen in his claims that "Judaism is Communism" and his unabashed strong assertion that Jews are indeed the master race who are only using Marxism along with democracy and internationalism to conquer humanity in "g-d's" predetermined plan to recreate the human race and prepare them for entrance into the fold of Judaism, with all other races and creeds eventually disappearing.  I personally have made the tenants of this work my own and I view Rabbi Waton as one of my earthly masters. There is something undeniably special about this Rabbi, as in the end he destroys both Nazism and Judaism (along with Marxism), it is no wonder this wisest of theorists has been resigned to the shadows of history, hopefully until now. 

Monday, August 13, 2018

A life long love of mice, science and society - and a super power

Everyone has a favorite animals or two.  I once heard of psychological tests which tell you something about your personality based upon your favorite animals. Native Americans used to take one's favorite animal very seriously, believing this was one's spirit animals and it spoke volumes about a person's nature and destiny.  My favorite animal is birds, but coming up close behind it are mice. They are so little and cute and mischievous and determined, they are also very good parents, which I love. However, the mouse holds a special place for human destiny.

Mouse behavior is so complex that they can often be used to simulate psychological studies in humans, and their genetics and body chemistry makes them most useful in in studying human medicine. One of my favorite books of all times was housed in my lab's library and it was called something like "What is wrong with my knockout (genetically engineered) mouse".  The book detailed behavioral abnormalities observed in genetically altered mice.  My favorite were a set of mice who who were known to not form any hierarchies and so there was no violence or mutilation among them.

Most people know I am vegetarian/vegan and that I am dedicated to ending animal cruelty.  But people also know that I have worked in science for much of my career, and so (unfortunately) I have worked with mice in a professional manner. I could not work with mice like this again, however I am happy to have had the experience. People may not realize this, but within the scientific community, mice are indeed tortured and horribly maimed for research, they are also bred with terrible genetic diseases and inserted with unnatural genes, but indeed under this cold exterior lays a deep pain for scientists, almost all have had to deeply search their soul to perform these tasks, only taking this road after they had come to terms with the fact that this is right now the only way to advance human existence.  A boss of mine once said "it is us or them".

Every scientific manual I have ever read on mice always declares that the eventual goal is to reduce and eliminate the need for mice in research and the health and well being of the mice is often talked about, though it is obviously impossible to make these mice happy in life, still the scientific community tries.  I remember one time I called mice "animals" in front of a researcher who used them for brain studies, implanting metal probes into their skulls.  I remember gaining so much respect for her when she became so sad and angrily offended, she said "they are mice, you called them animals, that sounded cruel, they are precious and give us precious data". Mouse breeding facilities expect workers to have psychological issues with breeding and working with mice, and if you don't this is viewed as a very bad sign.

I have made it clear in certain protests that myself would like to abolish the pet industry because I believe it to be horribly exploitative and I don't believe we should breed animals for domestication, but I have had pets of my own, and the only pets I have ever loved and wanted outside of birds (for which I regret my past caging them) was mice.  I loved to sit for hours and watch their interactions, learning their individual personalities and interactions. I remember one time feeling so guilty when I removed a father from the cage just as the mother was giving birth.  I could not return the father back to the cage once the babies were born as he would not recognize them and would eat them.  I felt so bad as I watched the mother work so hard to take care of her very large brood of babies, and would look upon her with pain as in the evenings I would come home to see her exhausted sleeping up against the wall of the cage, avoiding her mouse house so as to escape her babies' constant suckling. When my life became terribly unstable I had to abandon the mice in a park and I vowed never to own mice again.

But my love for mice started early, and with a fantasy movie and book which I would watch and read over and over again, "The Secret of NIMH" and "Ms. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH".  The story was about a mouse named Ms. Brisby whose husband had died and she was left to raise her three children alone.  One of her children becomes very sick and she must go on a quest to save him, getting him medicine and eventually having to take on a monumental task of moving her home as her son was too sick to go outside and travel to the summer home; she needed to move her entire cinder block house so as to keep the sick son out of the cold while avoiding the farmer's plow which was coming soon in spring and would destroy the house and kill the family.

However, there is a deeper tale, as it is eventually revealed that Ms. Brisby's deceased husband was no ordinary field mouse, but a laboratory mouse who had escaped.  Eventually Ms. Brisby is brought into a secret world of genetically advanced mice and rats who were given extreme mental powers through experimentation, and that this made them so smart they were able to escape NIMH (the National Institute of Mental Health).  The movie also bring up the moral question of animal research. A side story is that NIMH is hunting these genetically and mentally advanced rats and Ms. Brisby helps them escape after they use their technology to safely move her house to save her son.

After watching the Secret of NIMH several times, over and over again, I came to love mice and wonder just how smart they were.  I remember feeling tickled when a Philosopher whom I had much respect for, Diogenes the Cynic was said to love mice as they were independent and lived simply.  Diogenes was the son of a wealthy coin merchant who abandoned his life of wealth and status so as to live in virtue and kindness rather than in ill gotten money, he was thrown out of his home city for using his business inherited from his father to purposely devalue money, attempting to make it worthless.  Diogenes preached living as one's self according to one's nature, ignoring all social customs and rules to be virtuous and true to oneself and others.  Diogenes actually stated that when he died he wanted his body to be left outside the city wall to be eaten by animals, and his philosophy was associated with dogs for the following reasons:
"There are four reasons why the Cynics are so named. First because of the indifference of their way of life, for they make a cult of indifference and, like dogs, eat and make love in public, go barefoot, and sleep in tubs and at crossroads. The second reason is that the dog is a shameless animal, and they make a cult of shamelessness, not as being beneath modesty, but as superior to it. The third reason is that the dog is a good guard, and they guard the tenets of their philosophy. The fourth reason is that the dog is a discriminating animal which can distinguish between its friends and enemies. So do they recognize as friends those who are suited to philosophy, and receive them kindly, while those unfitted they drive away, like dogs, by barking at them" - Wikipedia 
Getting back to the "Secret of NIMH", this was more than just the title of the movie, it actually revealed a real life secret which I was soon to discover in my travels through science. You would not believe this, but the "Secret of NIMH" was actually based upon a real life experiment conducted by researcher John. B. Calhoun at the real NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health).  Calhoun used mice to develop his theory of "behavioral sink" which is analogous to the rise and then abrupt crash of urban civilization.  The project was called the "Universe 25" experiment as it was Calhoun's 25th failed attempt to create a mouse utopia.

In order to mimic a utopia, Calhoun set up a long string of cages and gave the mice constant food and water, he allowed them to mate as often as they wanted and with whomever they wanted.  The hope was that the mouse population would eventually even out to fit the cage and the mice would live in a blissful utopia for all eternity, but this was not at all what happened.  Rather than maintaining a moderate population, the mice continue to breed until they severely overcrowded the cages.  But what was most relevant was the break down of the mouse society and the changes in their behavior.  Males either became extremely violent, keeping large harems of females or attacking other mice, or they become extremely passive, failing to mate and avoiding all contact with other mice.  Female mice either became sterile or abandoned their pups at birth. Eventually the mouse population imploded and collapsed and the planned utopia failed.  This led to the belief that a mouse utopia was indeed impossible.

This research made me even more fascinated by mice, and I began taking out every book in the library on these sorts of subject.  One day I came across and passage which spoke deeply to me personally. The passage spoke of animal care technicians who bred several strains of genetically altered mice.  Even though all the different strains looked the same, eventually the researcher would learn to "feel" their strains so well that a mouse could be put into the palm of their hand and the technician would be able to tell exactly which strain it was, they became connected to the mouses's genetics.  I became determined to experience this phenomena, and I did.

I began to apply for jobs as a mouse technician and eventually got 20 weeks of training in a facility that bred genetically engineered mice for research.  I was in charge of selectively breeding and maintaining several colonies of genetically engineered mice.  I loved that part of our training involved learning our mice strain's behaviors and odd genetic anomalies.  A fun aspect of this job was that I got to learn how to breed different colors of mice and how to align their genetics in certain patterns by selectively breeding them in complex breeding programs over several generations, it was like genetic planning and their was even an entire department devoted to developing these breeding plans.

Eventually, yes, I did gain the ability to hold one of my mouse strains in my hands and tell which strain it was without ever being told.  I also came to notice the small behavior differences between these mice and came to expect to either be met with hostility or passivity or even friendliness. The facility took animal care and safety very seriously and we were given strict guidelines as to how we were to treat and handle and ship the mice. However, as you probably could have guessed, their was a very dark side to this work, as the mice were kept in small cages, 4-5 in a cage.  I hated to watch as some mice would slowly go insane, jumping back and forth in the same direction continually all day and there was of course unnecessary violence and suffering, also it was sad to hold the mice who were bred with genetic deformities as it was obvious they were unhappy.  It was especially painful to handle strains that were highly aware as one could almost relate to them, in the end I had to leave as I could no longer take the psychological toll.

Even though I would never work with mice again in a scientific capacity, I am still happy I got to have this experience as it gave me an almost special power... I almost feel now as though I can feel the genetics of humans, plants and animals around me and that I can almost predict their behaviors and indentify their idiosyncrasies and perhaps even destinies.  I remember there were two magic spells which were spoken by the rats of NIMH in the movie that struck me very deeply and which now make total sense to me, as if they had prepared me for this sort of feeling.  The first was "courage of the heart is very rare, the [magic] stone has a power when it's there".  But the second was even more relevant and I don't believe I have to explain: "you can open any door, as long as you have the key". Mice helped me open the door to many special things, and for that I will always be eternally grateful and hope and pray and will work for the day when mice have given us so much knowledge we no longer need to use them so cruelly, they are certainly one of the most precious beings on earth.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

My favorite poem and poetess: Antartica by Marie Stopes... and my only poem

"To overcome mere ignorance in others is, there- fore, by no means a hopeless task, and it is the valiant work of the artist-prophet." - Marie Stopes, Radiant Motherhood

I am not usually one for poems, or any artistic writing to be honest, my interest is more in the realm of the real and the philosophical, but that is probably the reason why the only poetess (or poet) whom I have ever loved and had affection for was the brilliant scientist, eugenicist, activist and philosopher, Marie Stopes.

Born in 1880, "Stopes attended University College London as a scholarship student, where she studied botany and geology; she graduated with a first class B.Sc. in 1902 after only two years by attending both day and night schools. Following this, Stopes earned a D.Sc. degree from University College London, becoming the youngest person in Britain to have done so. 

In 1903 she published a study of the botany of the recently dried-up Ebbsfleet River. After carrying out research on Carboniferous plants at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and at University College, London, she studied the reproduction of living cycads at the University of Munich, receiving a Ph.D. in botany in 1904. Also in 1904, she was one of the first women to be elected a fellow of the Linnean Society of London. 

She was also Fellow and sometime Lecturer in Palaeobotany at University College, London until 1920. She held the post of Lecturer in Palaeobotany at the University of Manchester from 1904 to 1910; in this capacity she became the first female academic of that university." - WIKIPEDIA

Stopes published many books on plant botany, eugenic philosophy, sex, marriage and other topics, all of which are some of the most beautiful yet logical writings I have ever read, she was a true polymath, genius and free soul.  Stopes was the first to open birth control clinics in England. 

Her book of poems is "Man and other Poems" and it is full of her beautiful writings which are as enchanting as her gracile face.  My favorite poem of hers is "To Captain Scott, R.N., not only because it is the most beautiful thing I have ever read, but also because it features one of my deepest mysterious loves, Antartica.

Stopes had one poem, which is my 2nd favorite poem of all time, and it spurred me to (rip her off) and write my own version of it, which is the only poem I have ever written, I am not a poet so I simply used her quip as my written structure. I know it is not very creative, but it is dedicated to to her, one of my earthy mistresses.

"The Catholics, The Prussians
The Jews and the Russians
All of them are curse, or something worse"

"The Vatican and Meccha
Jerusalem and the Mlecca
All of them are a curse, or something worse" 



In Memouiam. 

Upon her axis has the old world swung, 

Since in the sun-warmed air faint music rung 
From rustling leaves that waved o’er polar lands. 
Since then old Time has shaken out his sands. 
And seen vast continents retreat, refurled 
Before dissolving waters. While the world 
Shifted her angle t’ward the starry skies ; 

For where the white Antarctica now lies. 

Time watched the ancient forests shrinking back 
Before the penetrating, soft attack 
Of sleepy-fingered cold, whose icy breath 
Petrified life until it merged in death. 

Then, with the conquered forests covered o’er 
By silting muds and sand-encroaching shore. 

Were buried secrets that Man yearns to know — 
Strange forms extinct entombed in rocks and snow, 

Upon whose graves the spirits of the night 
Dance fantasies in coruscating light. 

Their icy queen for epochs held at bay 
Truth-seekers who, fool-hardy, came that way ; 
Until this century has seen Man beat 
The Unexplored back from this last retreat. 

But the wind-voice cries, 

And the wind-force hurls 
Death-cloud snows in swirls. 

Sharp ice banners rise 
Which the wind unfurls ; 

They gyrate in whorls, 

And they flay the prize 
While shrill music skirls. 

Then the white soul lies 
With two priceless pearls 
Where had been warm eyes. 

And after it peace. Then, in the light 
Of the frozen stars, for the eight- months’ night 
The ghostly echo wails round the Pole 
And cries, “ But eleven miles from our goal !” 

God ! the white light round the glorious dead 
Not only illumines the hero’s head. 

Its lambent flame has flashed round the earth 
Piercing each heart ; it has given birth 
In a white-hot glow to a reverent pride 
In the way that our English heroes died. 

February 14, 1913. 

(It is perhaps not generally known that Lady Scott, the 
explorer’s wife, and Dr. Marie Stopes, the fossil botanist, were 
anxious to go with Captain Scott on this last expedition, and 
that it was seriously discussed whether it would be possible for 
them to join the party. Dr. Stopes particularly desired to 
collect the fossil plants and examine the coal deposits which 
had been reported by Shackleton, in order to obtain much- 
needed evidence about the forests of extinct plants which once 
grew in antarctic lands. ) 

Book Review: "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality In The Nazi Party

If I have learned anything from my ideological travels across the political spectrum it is this, if there is a message or person or idea that neither the right nor the left like, nor do they care to speak about or understand, you are getting closer to the synthesized truth.  Such is the book "The Pink Swastika" written by the Christian/Jewish team Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams. The HTML version of the book is available for free on the Defend The Family website. The book is extremely well documented, naming names, and it gives an exhaustive account of what the authors aim for us to believe, namely that Nazism was the product of precursor homosexualism in Germany, and that fascism in general is a homosexual cult.  

Read The PDF: - the link to the PDF will not work properly so please search "The Pink Swastika PDF" to get a copy

To make a long story short, here was the thesis of the book; the Nazi party was preceded by what was called the Männerbund movement, this was a return to earth phenomena which was marketed only to younger healthy men.  Not only was the entire activity homoerotic with men fraternizing naked, but the clique was lead and supported by homosexualist theorists.  This was followed by Germany becoming one of the most sexually liberal and investigatory nations on earth for the time.  Serious study of sexology and the root causes of homosexuality were established with official institutions within Germany and homosexuality was known as the "Berlin Disease". 

The authors assert that two camps arose among within the German homosexualist community; one camp believed homosexuals were female spirits in male bodies, while the other camp viewed homosexuality as hyper-masculinity and associated with the ancient pederasty war cults of Sparta, with the butch homosexualists holding great disdain for the femme homosexuals. Supposedly according to these butch men, the family unit was only designed to uphold the homosexual war cult and for breeding, wives were used to keep home and breed while the men stayed away from the home and gathered and loved one another.  The authors state this was the mindset of many of the Nazi leadership.

To finish up their theory, the duo basically put forth an Abrahamic (maybe we could also say Hindu) vs Fascist social system, with the first being heterosexually based and the second being homosexually based.  The observation is this, the biblical (or Vedic?) norm is for their to be an integrated generational pyramid, meaning that the old, the adults and the children are more or less maintained a uniformed culture with the generations and genders having specific tasks and roles, but that these are tempered by close proximity to the family unit.  Fascists however on the other hand wish to make a seprate society of only alpha male types of a certain age and characteristic, they seek to remove the young men from the society and isolate them into a single ruling tribe, and the book argues that this formed tribe is and always will be a pederast homosexual war cult.

To maximize their intellectual impact, the authors dive into the private sexual lives of Nazi officials, especially those surrounding Hitler. Ernst Röhm is only the most famous of Hitler's close homosexual companions, and even though Hitler murdered Rohm under the false pretense of cleansing the party of homosexuality, the fact remains the Rohm was one of Hitlers earliest supporters and used his influence in the paramilitary homosexual SA to help Hitler rise to power.  But Hitler was also surrounded by many many crypto-homosexuals and it is stated that his personal body guard was exclusively homosexual. Whether you agree with their theories or not, the Pink Swastika is indeed well documented and well presented, and only an obscurantist could deny its merit.  There is a reason why both the left and right hate this book, and that is because it has a lot of truth.