Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A starter on plural marriage and the right/left union

There is yet another controversial topic which I have been holding between my lips and that is the question of plural marriage. Now notice I did not say polygamy, which means poly-wives, which means one husband with many wives, as when I say "plural marriage", this is what most people automatically assume. 

However, the stigma of polygamy being the only form of plural marriage is fading as we see more and more plural relationships which exhibit all kinds of gender arrangements and polyandry (many husbands) has been known to exist for centuries. Politically, the question of polyamory and plural marriage sits between the right and the left, who as usual cannot unite for a common cause. 

First we obviously have the dreaded Mormon sects who still practice non-legal polygamy and who would obviously support the legalization of plural marriage, and so would many fundamentalist Muslims living in the United States. Than we have the radical paganish right who believe that polygamy is natural as some men are meant to breed more than others. 

But then we have the left who are attracted to the idea of free love and complex living arrangements.  We have recently seen the legalization of gay marriage, and if love is love, why can't love be between two or three or four people.  Many women live in with two boyfriends and of course we have more liberal forms of polygamy and bisexual/homosexual polygamy as well. The idea is people should be able to live as they please.

So we have two opposite sides of the spectrum who can at least agree on at least the legalization of plural marriage, just perhaps not its personal application. But are there any other benefits to plural marriage other than desired living arrangements? As usual my vision of these things is unusually mystical and scientific and social than what the general idea is.

I've written on this blog often about eugenics, the belief in guiding human reproduction so as to produce humans with expected traits, hoping to produce a human population who is healthier, happier and who have amplified abilities over what we have today. People argue over whether or not we humans have the ability to predict which traits are best for the future, but we can at least make some logical guesses as to which traits now enhance performance.

Under a plural marriage system, it is most likely obvious that the vast majority of the arrangements would be polygamy, where one husband takes many wives.  There is a theory that polygamy is actually best for the gene pool as it takes the most successful and charismatic men who are able to maintain many wives and spreads their genes, more so than the average man who would only be able to attract one wife if that.

However, the system has incentives for the other halves and quarters and eights of societies, the monogamous, the unmarried, and the homosexuals. We are born more or less in ratios of 50/50 when it comes to the sexes.  Under monogamy, if everyone is going to live under the universal system, we all must more or less marry each other in order to keep the system running and for everyone to find a mate.  It is this sort of social pressure which perhaps makes it difficult for many to accept those who wish to go unmarried or be homosexual in large numbers as this robs many desiring persons of marital relations and the provision of the society with children.

When large portions of the male population become bachelors or homosexuals, than there are too many women for two few men, and it is women who get the short end of the stick.  By allowing a few men to take many wives (who wish to do so), they even back out the genders and make up for those men who refuse to breed or marry and those men who wish to be homosexuals. Now heterosexual men and women are more evenly distributed. This makes it possible for each woman to find a husband and the monogamous men are not put at a disadvantage by a female population who has to many options.  It should also be noted the problem of female over population can also be helped by lesbianism. 

So what could plural marriage help us accomplish?  Men of good health and exceptional abilities could be encouraged to take more wives in order to spread his genes more so than the average population.  This would at first create an surplus of men looking for wives, but this could be remedied through the social acceptance of bachelorhood and homosexuality who would then not compete with males looking for monogamous marriages, and heterosexual monogamists are more even distributed. So it would seem that under plural marriage we would all be satiated as to our mating desires, and the system's population could be maintained and improved over time. Thus the right and the left should unite for plural marriage. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

The rise of urban civilization and homosexuality biologically linked?

When it comes to the question of "degeneracy" I completely diverge from the usual narrative espoused by most traditionalist political and religious sects. Degeneracy is usually categorized by those who oppose it as hyper-sexuality and sensuality coupled with a lack of inhibition. People give examples such as drug use and the rise in expressive homosexuality. These people usually view these events as a moral failing of the society, something rotten inside the soul, I however have come to believe it is simply something in our genes. 

Traditionalists have a tendency to view world time in terms of cycles rather than progression, that is why I am surprised the theory of Biohistory has not yet caught on with the more right leaning masses.  If you want to learn about Biohistory in detail go to www.biohistory.org. The scientists who have developed this theory lay out a biological cycle which accompanies the rise and fall of civilization.  Most people don't know what epigenetics are, but they are kind of like switches that turn certain genes on and off, and they are effected by the environment. 

We know from studies that epigenetic switches are effected by experiences in our lifetime, and are passed on to our children.  Thus offspring inherit acquired traits from their parents. So how does this fit in with "degeneracy".  The theory goes like this.  Civilizations start out in hard times, there is little technology and food is usually hard to come by.  Due to experiences like hunger, the epigenetics of the population prepare the body for starvation mode, which makes the people very morally rigid in terms of consumption, preferring to abstain and save. It is also believed this abstinence is also automatically applied to sexual behavior or more likely strict control over who has sex with who, likely to prevent unwanted pregnancy and more mouths to feed. 

As civilization progresses and food and luxury become more abundant, the population's epigenetics begin to forget the old starving times and begin to open up, changing the population's relationship with food, sex, consumption and likewise, making it more and more common for the people to indulge in their senses.  By the end of civilization the people are addicted to consumerism and comfort, genetically, so much so that is becomes nearly impossible for them to cope when harder time arrive. 

The theorists at Biohistory claim that it is very possible to skip the decline of civilization by using pharmaceuticals to correct the epigenetics of the population, returning them to an earlier state of "morality". This is an interesting approach as it takes the question of character and ethics out of the equation and turns this into an issue of dispassionate research and logic, an approach I think most people would fine more palatable than being made to feel spiritually inferior. So what does this have to do with homosexuality. 

My theory is this, just as tendency for food consumption rises as civilization progresses, I believe sexual dimorphism decreases, meaning that the differences between the sexes decreases.  When times are rough and hard, the sexes epigenetically diverge to become more female and more male because gender roles need to be more specialized with men hunting and women caring for the home.  As civilization progresses, there is less of a need for men to be as masculine and women to be as feminine as society makes life easier and less rugged. 

obviously, I am saying that this decrease in sexual dimorphism leads to increased homosexuality. But I am not saying homosexuality is degenerate.  I would argue that homosexuality is necessary during the rise of urban civilization as new intermediate biological castes are needed to operate more intersexed occupations like bureaucracies and detailed technical applications. As civilization becomes more complex, we need ever more life units who are made to sit and think on a more complex and creative new level rather than take on stereotypical masculine or feminine gender roles. 

Just as epigenetics are linked to our environment as it pertain to food and luxury, perhaps they also apply to sexual dimophim and homosexuality. Our epigenetics adapt us to the needs of the time depending upon the experiences of the ancestors. One theory is that as populations become more dense, more homosexuals and intersexed persons are born in order to bring down the overcrowded population, a form of birth control if you will. This not to mention the theory that intersexed sterile persons are able to dedicate their time to the larger community rather than just the family unit, something that becomes more necessary as society becomes more complex. 

Some would think that this means we might be able to medicate away homosexuality, and maybe we can, but would this be a good idea?  The end of civilization is marked by the collapse of urban civilization just as its rise is marked by it. Would it not be best to have both urban and more nomadic populations at the same time? In my opinion, homosexuals and more androgynous phenotypes are a biological caste, a division of labor which makes the rise of more complex civilization possible.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Whites need eugenics and breeding programs to survive and evolve

It my last post on eugenics I spoke about how I have recently started becoming more vocal about my opinions on the White race and eugenics. Sometimes I feel as though people, even Whites themselves, are being unfair to whites is that we are the only race that is not allowed to be racially conscience and we are the only race that is not allowed to be concerned about the destiny of our race, or at least their is definitely a stigma to it.

The White race is dying, they are failing to marry and they are failing to breed at a rate that can maintain their population at least. Almost all other races continue to expand in number and power but the White race is shrinking and their influence is surely fading away.

Now some people think this should happen as they believe the White race is unduly evil and has committed crimes on a mass global scale.  This is partially correct, and their are likely many racial and cultural reasons why Whites dominated much of the world and its colonization for so long, however other races have certainly and definitely committed genocides, slavery, rape and colonialism on mass scales as well.  The Muslim conquests of Asia and Africa and parts of Europe were bloody and drenched in hate.

I have noticed that every other race admits that their race has peculiar traits and attributes which are unique to their race, all other races admit that they sense a racial conscientiousness, and the White race does indeed feel this to, even though most are too scared to admit this in this day and age. The White race has not given all bad to the world but has also given much good which came from their internal racial expression.  White civilization today is the harbor of many political and social refugees from around the wold, Whites can be very accepting and tolerant, more than most other races, we have created some of the most liberal democracies the world has ever seen.

Any race would feel apprehension at the disappearance of their race, their is some sort of hive mind that feels it is dying, feels it is weak, feels it is sick.  But there is another aspect, and that is improvement.  Yes anyone can point to the negative side of the White race but it takes some intelligence to understand that a people can improve, they can change over time, culturally and biologically.

Eugenics is another topic we are not allowed to talk about, at least when it comes to humans. We are allowed to talk about creating all different breeds of dogs, and we are allowed to talk about improving these breeds so they have better temperaments and less health problems, we are allowed to know that eugenics is at least possible among animals, but when it comes to humans the idea is more or less forbidden. The fear is that certain kinds of people will not be allowed to breed and they will be prevented from doing so under Spartan-like conditions and laws.  This is possible at least some of the time, but it does not necessarily have to be the rule.

It is hard for any one person or group to take over the world, and so it would be nearly impossible for any one eugenic system the cover earth.  Eugenics does not have to be for everyone, it does not even have to be for a nation, it can be for a small tribe, and their can be many such different tribes with different ideals of what biological direction they would like to take, and under modern conditions it could be possible for people to leave the tribe and join a greater non-eugenics society if they so chose.

But it would seem that without some sort of system, the White race is destined to deteriorate and disappear. Whites have build themselves up scientifically, they have created conditions and comfort for themselves, but this made physically and even mentally lethargic and out of tune with nature.  Many disease of advance civilization now plague the White race and they have been removed from the process of nature's rugged selection process for many generations now. Their is of course of purely physical mechanical element to eugenics, the alignment of genes to produce certain traits we may find useful, such as resistance to disease and mental and physical vigor. But we can also seek moral and spiritual elevation through this physical refinement.  Just because the White race has made mistakes in the past does not mean we cannot learn from these lessons through our blood memory.

There are many genetic streaks in the White Race, some Whites are more exploitative some whites are more nobly liberal, maybe we need both of these characteristics to survive but also these can be better arranged so as to make the White race a better race in terms of how they interact with other races even now.  I said the White race is dying, but I did not say how long it would take the White race to die, who knows what the real destiny of the White race is, but it is possible that the White race could nearly disappear but still be ruled over by a more wicked and dying race made ever more cruel by their wickedness.

If the White race is going to shrink then why not use this as an opportunity to create a new White race.  No major tribe is breeding in any large numbers.  That means that any White tribe that does begin to breed in large numbers would begin to dominate the gene pool and also White racial power. I want this tribe to be the noble liberal Whites who will correct past wrongs and make the White race more benevolent than ever before. But there is just something about the White race in it late civilizational state, that is they simply find it hard to breed, they find it hard to find mates, they find it hard to create lasting relationships, and they find it hard to want to raise children... this happened in Rome and other civilizations. People blame feminism and homosexuality and degeneracy , everything but few find themselves able to correct this measure.  If we wannt to overcome the boom and bust of biological civilization than we must find a way to overcome this hurdle and come out a wise greater race.

The need of the hour is simply for desirous whites to come together and to find some way to support women who wish to bare children in exchange for care and compensation.  Yes it needs to become systematic for its own sake, and it is not all that difficult.  It should not be hard for a group of whites to come together to pool their resources to get an apartment where a few women can live and bare children which then raised in clean environments and physically and socially adjusted to their time and place. I've heard people speaking of things such as artificial wombs and intensive genetic engineering, which can be experimented with, but their is something about keeping natural bloodlines as well that technology can not do, and that is to create experiential blood memory which we now know scientifically is true, the transmission of genetic knowledge gained during our ancestor's experienced life, this is done epigeneitically.

Besides this their is also likely a social communal aspect involved where humans help one another survive and care for themselves, and few things would be more important that protecting pregnant women and children. I'm not saying what each group of Whites should be doing, just that we should be doing it , contentiously breeding the next generation, just as all other races do, the urge to reproduce and perpetuate is natural. And I'm not saying we can't have marriage or monogamy or whatever other arrangement people are looking, but what I am saying is that a proper eugenic breeding program obviously needs to be directed outside of the traditional frame of marriage, where life can be dealt with logically and carefully so as to produce the happiest results possible.

I don't see why such a pursuit as the elevation of the White race should be so taboo and evill, and I always say who knows what the White race would become, something beyond the White race, a new race, whatever color that race may be.  But I do know that I would rather prepare to bring about a stonger, kinder, cleaner race than allow the last remnants of my bloodlines slip into demonhood and be rules over by a darker White race continuously dying within itself. I think also other races would do the same.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

My beliefs on Eugenics

It has taken a while to start breaking the ice, but lately I have been stepping out into the light more and more on my belief and support for Eugenics, especially among White, but certainly not only for them.  We have been led to believe through unfortunate experienced that eugenics is inherently evil and must result in persecution and holocausts for those who are deemed "unworthy" by some oligarchy. Well I am a eugenicist and I don't have ill intentions so I don't mind telling everyone exactly what it is that I believe.

Eugenics is often stated to be a way too "improve" the human race by selecting who has children, and who doesn't, but this is not exactly my definition. My definition of Eugenics is this: through selective breeding and genetic engineering, bloodlines can be produced which have ever more predictable physical and non-physical features.  That is it, Eugenics means "well bred", but well bred for what?  Well bred for a certain body type, temperament and even spirituality.

We know from working with animals all of these centuries that it is certainly possible to breed any animals into infinite sub-breeds, all of which have varying physical, mental, emotional and metaphysical characteristics.  We can breed dogs to be docile or aggressive, large or small, we can breed in them instincts such as digging, hunting and swimming; if done under strict conditions, these breed types basically come with expected aspects to their being.

The siphoning of traits and behaviors in animals and humans is a useful biological tool for our survival; traits and clusters of traits arise naturally in a population due to genetic permutations, than they are naturally selected for by the environment.  In deserts, water retention is valuable and so animals in a heard who have a higher genetic propensity for retaining body water have a reproductive advantage over those who don't; certain personalities and other specific arrangements of traits grow and spread in a population when they are good for survival in a particular environment, and who knows, maybe they are not randomly generated but retrieved through some feedback mechanism.

Whatever the reason is, we know that as one travels from one defined biome to another, their are subtle differences which begin to arise even within the same species, there is a cline of adaptation to the environment until definite sub-breeds appear and than eventually entirely new sub-species and species emerge which can no long breed with one another. This is how races, sub-races and new races rise and form, and if no longer adaptable, decline and perish.

But humans are not animals, we don't live under environmental conditions we can't change, humans can adapt their environment to suit themselves, and they can evolve to fit the environment they have created. For example, many people complain that modern convenience is breeding a race of soft and sickly over-civilized people who are dependent upon technology to live.  I recall a tale of how people with extreme allergies would move to dessert states like Arizona or New Mexico to avoid pollen, but they would meet and marry and produce children with extreme immune sensitivities; if it had not been for modern geological understanding and travel technology, such genetic anomalies could not occur.

For better or for worse, Eugenics also includes the idea of Euthenics, the idea that we can advance, diminish or just change the human race by improving or controlling the environment in which we live.  Recent studies in epigenetics (modification of gene expression) have found that we are very capable of inheriting phobias, fears, desire, likes, depressions and preferences from ancestors who had certain experiences. Perhaps this is how sub-breeds appear, perhaps living in a particular environment, eating particular foods, maybe it changes the epigenetics of the parent species which then effects the epigenetics of the offspring, molding them even better to the current living conditions.

Now under such a system a degree of reproductive racism would make sense since acquired sub-breed adaptations are necessary for the best life experience of the animal, and these are likely attached to certain hormones and impulses which would cause conflict with other sub-breeds of the same species. There is a reason why whites evolved in colder Europe, why dark people live along the equator, why Arabs have the complexion and temperament they do and so on. No biologist would ever say there are superior or inferior sub-breeds of any species, they would say there are only adapted breeds.

But once again we must see that we are not like other animals, we can change our environment and we do, and we travel and we interbreed far more often than we ever did and of course far more often than sub-breeds of other species do. Now some of course logically argue that their will always be a certain degree of mating between different breeds of the same animals because environment's change, new breeds become more dominant, or maybe nature is simply doing an experiment. But mating is never as random or haphazard as it is in the modern world, especially among whites who are most liberal on these issues.

Whites have not only devolved themselves by adapting to the luxuries of technology, they are also quickly stamping out their race by either not breeding at all, or mating with humans of other races.  Now, none of this is necessarily good or bad, as in a scientific view of things there is no real morality, but we are more than scientists and if any race has eugenics in its blood it would be the white race.

While all races do practice some form of eugenics, attempting to maintain good bloodlines and certain powers and abilities, none have taken these sentiments farther than the white race who in the beginning of the 20th century had many clubs, associations, labs and political movements deeply entwined in Eugenic thought and practice.  Almost all the leading theorists of Eugenics were whites and the movement was partially sparked by the perceived decline in health, number and ability of the white race in general, Eugenics was very much born of white apprehension.

It may also be true that whites are better evolved and programmed to institute Eugenics since many believe that long cold winters necessitated that whites adapt to being more farsighted, thinking many steps ahead in the future.  Eugenics does not think about right now (at least not usually) but thinks of the next generations to come. Perahaps other races have not bred under conditions which give them the impulse to plan so far ahead, maybe they just take it as it comes.

Now I do want to say here that not all Eugenic technology need be about future generations and not be able to help us in the here and now.  We do now understand that we all have genetic switches which can be turned on and off, it is possible to consume chemicals and hormones which effect how our genes interact with the rest of our body. There is also the benefit of having novel genetic traits to study in the bodies of healthy individuals so as to better understand bodily functions. The benefits of the genetic religion need not be kept for our children alone.

However, yes, this is mostly a future endeavor, but our opponents give us reason to think when they tell us we cannot predict the future, that we don't know which breeds and traits will be needed to survive in the future, and if we become too homogeneous so as to be a collective breed we could be putting ourselves in a genetic bottleneck, making our entire tribe susceptible to a certain disease which would wipe us all out. These were some of the scientific arguments against Hitler's Nazi Germany, who knew if it was best to breed the Nazi version of the "ideal man", maybe the ideal man would lack a particular gene that would saved him from the plague, maybe this gene was only found in some swarthy pauper.

So that leaves me here, I am a member of a dying race, namely whites, who seem to have it almost in their blood to think about and practice the religion of eugenics, yet who are not breeding and are quickly going extinct through intermixing with other races.  I just can't help it, I was born a Eugencist, the biological future of the human race is my destiny to ponder and attempt to order.  But how is one to order a system in which traits appear to adapt one to a specific environment, and none of these traits are the most useful trait all the time, and I don't know what will be the best choice for the future?

My views on Eugenics are not thoroughly my own, I do hale from thinkers, theorists and practitioners who came before me, but for right now I will not get into that but only my own personal theory which has begun to crystalize. So yes, it is true I don't know what will be the best breed or gene of sub-species to exist in the future, and it would be best for me to have a large and varying gene pool to select from, so the first step would be to leave people alone!

We need to allow races and sub-races to form in geographical territories so that they may naturally evolve to their surroundings, this will make them more happy and give those who are interested a more organic understanding of the rise and fall of traits in populations.  Of course there can be natural internal evolution through the spontaneous rise of genetically unique individuals, and there will always be cross cultural trade. By watching and observing, humans who have adapted for particular needs, the Eugenic religion can scout for genes and cultural practices which are seemingly beneficial for the human organism.

But I don't advocate an only "wait and see approach", living lives of power and near godhood in the future takes manipulation and stock products. There is a great advantage to watching natural evolution, but natural evolution is being interrupted greatly by modernity.  Unless we are going to drop science all together we must see the value in the artificial.  Just as we breed standard breeds of dogs and horses, we can breed standard breeds of humans whose qualities and needs are known more or less before birth. These breeds of humans would not only serve to live their best life possible in their own respect, but also lead to experimentation with different crosses and mixtures of breeds.

So how is this system going to work?  Well first there of course would need to be a founding group of idealists, those who wish to implement a system for its own sake, a group of people led by individuals who seem to be programmed for such thinking.  Let's not be embarrassed, to shame us for being who and what we are is as reprehensible and shaming one for their sexual orientation or aesthetic preferences. This group would be committed to fostering tribalism, nationalism and any other kind of ism which would help desiring populations to maintain some form of ethnic and biological identity which could be further honed through generational planning and genetic engineering, provided by our core group.

This inner core group of believers would than select certain genes and individuals to induct into our own specific breeding programs, always creating new lines and finessing old ones. This would give us many stock and unique breeds and individuals with great diversity so as to avoid being wiped out by a single plague.  However this diversity will also serve to help us be the people who will survive the future and be elevated to higher beings.

You see with foresight certain breeds can be created to withstand all sorts of future conditions, and these can be called upon when their biological gifts are needed. Also random breeding programs and genetic engineering can be used to create otherwise unpredictable strains of humans who just might so happen to have the combination needed to get us over the next metaphysical chasm.  Of course we would always have the natural strains of human to depend upon for ever fresh and adapted genes and clusters of genes.

But why whites?  Well, I think everyone can agree that it is whites who have the mentality and drive and yes need to create such a system, however that does not mean the lasting eugenicists will be white, indeed it is whites who are likely most willing to change their own race to become the gods they wish to be, because ultimately the gods born of Eugenics would be beyond the definition of white as they would no longer be humans. Also, there is of course no bar placed on other races who wish to accomplish similar ends.

Margaret Sanger, eugenics heroine, my guru on earth

Margaret Sanger is a women we hear about, but must of what we hear is not true.  The Left upholds her as an abortion crusader, the Christian Right paints her a racist genocidal maniac who wanted to eliminate blacks by terminating their pregnancies, and the common person does not know her at all.  But truth be told, I personally do know much about Margaret Sanger as she is my life heroine and guru and I have read all of her books (but not all of her papers).

My interest in Margaret Sanger began around the age of 23 or so. Do to seeing so much suffering and unhappiness around me, I had come to philosophize the reasons why so many things were wrong. The answers to these questions are multifaceted, nuanced and ever changing, but there is one avenue of thought which I entertain and believe is perennial, and that is Eugenics.  

Eugenics is more of less guiding the breeding and engineering of human beings to the point that they are free from many diseases and have amplified physical, mental, emotional and metaphysical powers.  However there is a dark twin opposite to eugenics, which tends to creep up in civilized societies, and that is dysgenics, conditions and breeding standards which increase diseases and weaknesses in the human race and are a strain on our material and ethereal being. 

Many who hold these beliefs also believe our current modern state of haphazard breeding coupled with idleness and too much assistance has weakened the human race, so have the abuses of capitalism and communism, both of which have at least at times, thrown the human animal into squalid living conditions which only selected for the most brutish members of our race while wasting away the more delicate thinkers who built democracy and the now far gone philosophies Ancient Greece. 

Like myself, Margaret Sanger went through a lot of suffering in her life, and she saw it in others as well.  She was born 1879 into a poor Irish Catholic family in an industrial town in Upstate New York.  Her mother was sick and overburdened by having birthed 18 children and raising 11 of them; her father was an alcoholic atheist philosopher, kind and evolved but totally irresponsible. The mostly Catholic town people had too many children to feed, unsatisfactory working conditions, and personal problems which made living exceedingly painful for many.

However Sanger did marry well, to an architect, and was able to see what middle class living was like, but she herself said it was almost like the hands of destiny which kept pushing her back to see the needs of the poor who lived in utter despair.  She became a travelling nurse, but most of her work took place in the slums of New York City where she worked among the putrid and overcrowded dwellings of the new incoming immigrants.

Again what Sanger saw over and over was too many mouths to feed, mothers and fathers working in life draining jobs and dangerous working conditions for long hours with few holidays. This left the people stressed out and bitter; they would take this out on their children, and wives and alcohol until the point that parents could no longer take it and would push their young children into the very same factories which had destroyed their own lives, and they did this with a coldness which comes when parenthood becomes slavery rather than a duty or joy.

Sanger's breaking moment came when she met an expectant mother to be who had nearly killed herself by trying to induce an abortion as she already had too many children.  After the doctor saved her life, the woman asked how she could stop having children, for which the doctor would give her no aid.  It was not long after this that Margaret was called back to this very same home where she encountered the mother dead, she had once again tried to induce an abortion and killed herself, or she may have committed suicide I can't remember.

This final sight of this misery flew Margaret into a conviction that she must do something to change the plight of men women and children, the families needed to be better planned so that all could be fed and children would not be viewed as an unwelcome burden.  Also parents needed time to elevate themselves and break the shackles of the industrial revolution, as well as thwart the false promises of Communism.  She decided to dedicate her life to legalizing and providing birth control to the masses.

You see in Sanger's time, during the inter-war period, birth control was not only illegal but was also legally obscene so one could not even send birth control literature through the mail system.  Sanger defied this law again and again as she worked to free the common man and woman from their then current biological bondage.  For this she was arrested many times and was subjected to social hounding and abuse. 

However Sanger also had another stated purpose in birth control and that was eugenics, she believed that slowing down the birth rate would have a eugenic effect on the population by making sure the mother was strongest and best nourished between births.  She also believed that births guided by love rather than accident and with more selective guidance would produce a "new race" with new characteristics who could bring peace to earth.  Sanger worked very hard with eugenicists from every race to ensure her vision. 

Sanger eventually built modern day Planned Parenthood after she legalized the use of birth control.  It is funny how many people, both Nazis and Christians, state that Margret Sanger was actually a secret racist because Planned Parenthoods tend to be found in non-white ethnic neighborhoods and disproportionately abort children of darker races; but Sanger, in all of her writings and lectures was always vehemently vociferously anti-abortion, so she could not have had this plan to abort any racial class into extinction, rather she worked with all races to improve themselves through plannned parenthood.

However Sanger was much more than a reformist and crusading eugenicist, she was a philosopher and radical.  In her magnum opus, "The Pivot of Civilization", Sanger not only brings forth her theories on Eugenics, birth control, industrialism and communism, but she also touches upon her theories surrounding sex and sexual liberation. Margaret hung around many prominent thinkers of the time, such as Aldous Huxley, but she was also closely acquainted with the sexology pioneer Havelock Ellis.

Through Ellis and other budding sexologists, Sanger helped promulgate the theory that genius and personal power came from the act of disinhibition,by losing all our fears and apprehensions and speaking, moving and acting the way we feel most natural and impulsed, we gain such rapid and profound mental and physical perceptions that our reactions almost seem oracular to outsiders. Sanger believed freedom of the sex act was the most disinhibiting action humans could take, and so she promoted sexual liberalism as a form of group empowerment and personal evolution, and she wanted women to join this power circle by lifting their fears of unwanted pregnancy.

So who was Margaret Sanger?  Yes, she was a eugenicist, she did work with eugenicists and expressed her desire to see a "new race", but she was also a passionate and empathic crusader for human liberty and self-empowerment.  During Sanger's time it was nearly impossible to selectively breed a new human race, but the poor, sick and infirm could use birth control to limit their families to numbers they could sustain and care for, thus improving the overall health of the population.

But her advocacy had another dimension, a dimension perhaps her male counterparts can more appreciate, Sanger spoke of "cradle competition", the fact that the educated classes bred more slowly than the working poor; it was near impossible to increase birth rates among the intelligentsia and physically fit, but the numbers could be evened out by slowing down the production of that grade of population who found it nearly impossible, due to exploitation, to care for themselves... this would also make the labor class less numerically disposable.

All of the eugenic institutions which were established during the inter-war period have since disappeared, and their theories have disappeared with them, all accept Margaret Sanger and her Planned Parenthood.  The modern day organization carries no mention of Sanger's original intentions, which was ultimately to breed a "cleaner race", but in the same sentence she called for a "greater individuality. The mostly Left controlled Planned Parenthood are blissfully unaware of the chain of events the founder has started.

Unlike almost any other thinker, Sanger actually was a "liberal", she did not advocate Leftist or Fascist control of the system to force humans to evolve but spoke and acted in their own interest, namely family limitation during a time when humans were under the unbearable pressure of having huge families in industrial towns which could not support them or create any standard of living, let alone dreams of selective breeding.

Many male eugenicists begrudge Sanger because of her sexually liberal philosophy, particularly for women, and because her cause and intervention of birth control has led to a rapid decline in the white birth rate in the Western world, but if we look at Sanger's intent we can find a ray of light.  Sanger was no libertine but saw sex and childbearing as the guiding force of civilization.  

It took 2-3 generations to get whites to this phase where most of us have been born into homes with manageable numbers of siblings, free from industrial and communist exploitation; the problem is not what Sanger did to bring about this golden opportunity, but the fact that whites are not properly taking advantage of this situation.  We no longer need marriage, forced sex or any other inhibiting morality to breed and engineer a new race, which were major factors during Sanger's time, but all we need is to be like Sanger, to bravely move forward with passion and drive. 

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Some Whites want eugenics, so do it!

There is a "dirty word" and subject many of us, especially whites, like talking about in private discussion and that is eugenics.  Eugenics is a hard term to define, so let's just call it the selective breeding and genetic engineering of humans to amplify or reduce certain traits and create a somewhat predictable outcome in terms of outward and inner appearances. Basically what the eugenicists want to do is produce humans in ways that future physical, mental, emotional and metaphysical qualities can be known; we apply this very process to pet dogs which we genetically strain off into more certain temperaments and action abilities. 

There are so many ways eugenics can be applied, it can used to create thoroughbred stains of humans who are free form genetic diseases, resistant to most ailments, and we can likely conform them to any mental, social, physical or racial blueprint that we want. There are other forms of eugenics as well, passive forms of eugenics where we take a "wait and see" attitude, only breeding with those who have proven through the test of time their durability, their genetic- psycho precision and accuracy for the current need and circumstances, without us actually otherwise interfering in the genetic pool beyond this, a more natural approach.

I myself follow certain brands of eugenic thinking, which I will write about later, but we must talk about why this sacred and applied science is only discussed in hushed whispers, mainly by whites, and why it would be better for both whites and non-whites to get this stuff out in the open.  Look, the cat is out of the bag, everyone knows we can effect human evolution, even of current humans, by manipulating the environment and genetic machinery.  This is a technology which many powerful people are eager to use, and they will.

What happens when a legitimate almost sacred truth and desire is felt by people, but suppressed? Than only criminals have access to it and whoever gains control of the truth substance controls large numbers of people.  The reason why eugenics is a dirty word is because it was used most publicly and assertively by Adolph Hitler who wanted to use the science to breed a pure "Aryan" German race.  Hitler was able to use eugenics to his advantage because it had already been an unguided garden which many people wanted to see bloom, but they were lacking a gardeners.  When Hitler arrived he was able to capitalize on the frustrations of many intellectuals and medical professionals, he simply promised to give them the fruit vegetables they desired.

But Hitler conducted his business in all ways much to erratically and violently, and the way he used eugenics and his racial preferences were certainly not the only way to go, but because the eugenics movement had not grown enough to have it's power more evenly distributed and practiced among varying groups, Hitler was able to gain control of most of the movement and its human machinery, he was able to do this because the sciences and beliefs surrounded eugenics had been suppressed for many centuries under the church and other ignorances, and were now bursting to get through.  There is much to discuss about ancient eugenics, and how it is believed that in some ways this continues with the world elite today, but for now that is not the focus of this blog post.

The focus of this post is to direct whites, who are the ones talking about implementing eugenics the most it seems and have been doing so since the turn of the 20th century, that there are of course many way eugenics can be implemented and not all of them need to racist.  We all know that under controlled circumstances whites, if they had the determination, could create near large tribes dedicated to diverging their genetics in one direction or another.  But I said whites need to have the determination, as well as the skills and the IQ to begin implementing such strategies, as of course it won't be easy, but it's also not impossible.

The number one reason young white eugenicists don't work in consolidated groups is because they claim that if they came out and began practicing their religion than they would be hounded by other "normie whites", Jews, gays and racial minorities.  But this is for a specific reason, whites usually want to implement Eugenics for themselves, AND others, for some reason few whites have thought on focusing on their own biology to win at the game of evolution, indeed these science minded less social beings even tend to totally forget having their own children as they classify and specify other races whom many of them, until now, have marked as inferior.

No one said you need to be racist to practice Eugenics among yourselves, no one said that it is wrong for whites to come together socially and economically to breed and genetically engineer healthier, stronger, more intelligent, more just and overall more appealing whites, but what get's whites in trouble is when they feel the need to intervene and compare themselves to other races in this regard.  If other races don't want to practice eugenics on the level that the white races wishes to than let them, cruelty and oppression are not necessarily needed, especially when you have intelligence and the ability to work cooperatively when necessary.

The real problem is the lack of determination, white eugenic thinkers are not willing to sacrifice their social standing, their career, and their carefree childless lifestyles, they are also all much to independent and thus find it hard to cooperate with one another.  However this must change if those of us who say we want eugenics desperately truly want it.  We are smart enough to push for genetic power internally, without directing our negative energy outward in all directions and thus making enemies on every side, we can practice eugenics and grow and still be on good terms with the other races. If this is how we approach it than yes maybe perhaps we can create a race which are gods to us mortals now. 

Friday, August 24, 2018

If Jewish Blood than Christian Blood

There have been some interesting scientific studies done lately which correlate the experiences of one's ancestors, particularly ones female ancestors, and a person's personality and behaviors.  Molecular biologists at McGill University in Canada have been researching the effects developed behaviors in mice and how they are transmitted to the next generation. It is now hypothesized by many leading biologists that the circumstances of one's life, their experiences, their diet, perhaps even their religion, all of these make "epigenetic" changes to their cellular structures and that these changes are then passed on to their offspring. It is very possible that "irrational" phobias and fears are actually a genetic memory from an ancestor who experienced these dangers, one can also likely inherit the depression of a neglected ancestor, perhaps even their beliefs and ideology.  These conclusions have explosive implications, because they imply that one can change the biology of future generation simply by molding the thoughts and actions of the current generation, it is likely possible that one can engineer the desires and abilities of future generations by socially engineering the current environment. 

While such studies as these are groundbreaking for modern biology, these principles have been more or less known to all peoples of the earth since the dawn of time.  Humans have intuitions and perceptions about reality which they cannot always prove with hard science, but which are likely true regardless, and they can see the truth of their intuitions on the marcoscale as they play out in larger society.  This inherent intuition has been the driving force behind ideas of maintaining bloodlines withing cultures, the obvious agenda is to maintain a certain "blood memory" and "blood culture".  The sentiment behind these need not be racist.  Most of us understand that human biology naturally adapts to its environment, and until relatively recently in human history, humans would remain in one small location for their entire lives and generations.  Thus their biology would uniquely adapt to their surroundings, and this would also produce an organic culture.  It would only make natural sense for humans to have an instinct to breed children who were also uniquely adapted to this environment and culture as this would best insure not only their survival but fulfillment in life. 

However, in the past centuries, particularly with the spread of Judeo-Christianity and Islam, there has been a mass uplifting of human populations and constant immigration and forced migration through slavery.  Christianity, particularly in Europe, replaced organic pagan blood memory with a Universalist doctrine. The white races in particular were the first to ripped away from the gods and knowledge which were produced from their inner biology and to focus on and believe in a "One True God" who proclaimed through his messiah that there was "No Jew or Greek".  Jesus and his religion came to break down cultural and racial boundaries, and in American we see he has done this very well, since most of the white population on this continent is highly mixed when it comes to their European ancestry.  Beyond this, try as they may, the racist white Christians are finding it impossible to maintain their white race since Christianity implies an injunction against racialism, and so prohibiting interracial marriage seems to be un-Christian. 

However, there is something that this constantly mixing mass of Christendom has in common, all of these races and ethnicities have been experiencing Christian culture and Christian doctrine for centuries. Among all of the Christianized races, there was at first a literal burning out of the rebellious Pagans, there was also a burning of their libraries and temples.  Thus the remaining servants of Christ have only experienced the Bible and Christian churches for the past several centuries, and it has only been in the past 100 years or so that there were any alternatives, and these were only watery spiritualism and Communist inspired doctrines for the most part. If we are to take the intuition of the ages and combine this with current findings in biology, we would be led to believe that the vast majority of the Christian races have had their biology fundamentally altered so as to meet the demands of universalist Christianity. But before we delve into the idea of "Christian Blood", let's discuss a similar doctrine which has been in the West for the past century or more, and that is the idea of "Jewish Blood". 

We are all familiar with the term "Anti-Semitism", which actually means "Anti-Jewish".  The word "semitism" would imply that one who is against Jews or Judaism is racist against "Semitic people", but are the implications of this term accurate?  When we research the origins of the word "antisemitism" we find that it only appeared in Europe in the 1800s.  Apparently the term was developed to describe the sentiments of European Christians who were either in favor or against the Jews and the Jewish religion.  "Semitic" does not so much refer to a race as it does the group of languages spoken in West Asia, and North and East Africa, however, since there is also a general ethnic relationship between the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, the term "Semitic" can also be racialized to include Arabs, Ethiopians, Assyrians and the people of the Levant (modern day Israel/Palestine).  The term "antisemitism" is a misnomer because is implies a hatred for all Semites, which today there are likely 1 billion of, and this is not what is being stated when one makes statements against Jews. The confusion arouse because at the time, in 19th century Europe, Jews were really the only Semites in the public consciousness, and so they conflated the two terms. 

But then and today we must admit that there is not only a religious hatred against Jews, but a "racial" hatred against them.  In fact, I think most people would agree that the racial component of "Jew Hatred" far outweighs the religious component. Nazis in particular do not focus on the Jewish Religion, but purely on the "Jewish Race", as Hitler did before them.  The general theory is that Jews are inherently maniacal on the biological level, that they are simply programmed to lie and cheat and control and enslave. Many people in such circles actually go so far as to imply that Jews are not even a human race but a reptilian shape shifting race.  However, there are a few concepts which put Nazis and the like on the defensive when it comes to the "Jewish problem", particularly when we start getting into history as well as logical analysis of the current situation. Where did Jews come from, what is their ultimate ancestry, and were they always "Jewish"?

The term "Semite" itself can begin to help us understand the origins of the Jews.  There is the term "Ancient Semitic Religion" which refers to the original polytheistic religions which were practiced in West Asia before the rise of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Israel/Palestine's original name as a civilization was known as Canaan and Pheonecia. These were real ancient Pagan civilization who had polytheistic religions which resembled those found in Europe.  In fact, the ancient Greek religion refers to Pheonecia extensively and there were many intermarriages between the Greeks and the Pheonecians. In fact, the continent of "Europe" is named after the Pheonecian princes "Europa" who was the mother of a Greek king. The ancient state of Israel and the ancient "Hebrews" were obviously a transformation of these ancient Pagan Semites as is testified by the fact that the "Hebrew Language" is actually a mix of the Canaanite language and the Pheonecian alphabet. 

The Hebrew language might be appropriately called the Israelitish dialect of Canaanitish, a branch of the Semitic Languages spoken in Palestine and in the Phenician colonies. Almost identical with it is Moabitish, as seen in the stele of Mesha (See Moabite Stone). Closely akin to it was Phenician, and in all probability also the languages of Ammon, Edom, and Philistia. The language used in the Zenjirli inscriptions approaches Hebrew closely. - Hebrew Language, 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia 
Even the most virulent of Nazis has respect for the ancient Greeks, as it is believed they were much blonder than they are today, and every Nazi would know that they would not marry the Pheonecians if there was not a high level of compatibility.  Nowhere in Nazi literature can we find much racial hatred for the ancient Pagan Semites, but these Pheonecians and Canaanites are the racial ancestors of the original "Jews".  I would like to quickly point out here that there is plausible evidence of a "Khazar Hypothesis", the idea that most modern Jews are actually descended from a group of Turko-Russians who converted to Judaism in the 8th and 9th centuries, however wherever modern Jews come from, their religion is the product of Pheonecian/Canaanite races and this will not change the theory I am about to lay out here.

Some modern day Jewish apologists will tell us that the wars and genocides and enslavement of the Canaanite people as found in the Bible are actually an allegory for a peaceful and gradual transition from polytheism to monotheism.  However this is unlikely since orthodox Jews who have no need to please the ears of outsiders do not promote these ideas, and they are more learned on the subject, also their is an obvious element of coercion in Judaism as we see many Orthodox children must go to great efforts to escape their communities today. The most obvious explanation is that a retrograde element took hold of the Pheonecian-Canaanite civilizations and ensnared them in the monotheistic tyranny we find in the Old Testament. Later on starting in the 3rd century, the Jews of Israel further evolved their religion through texts called the Talmud which is the source of modern day Rabbinic Judaism. 

Let's pretend for a moment that the Nazis are right, that the Talmud does indeed preach hatred and destruction for Non-Jews, a doctrine of usury upon them, and their final destruction as they are eventually ruled over by the triumphant Jews who control the entire earth from Israel, and that all of this is to be accomplished through deceit, subterfuge and the erosion of other religions and cultures.  The point of this post is not the prove or disprove this claim, only to make a point about the Nazi ideology of "Jewish Blood" and its relation to the theory of "Christian Blood". Many Nazis become spitting angry when they must explain how the Pheonecians and Canaanites, who they do not hate or racially abuse, transformed into a new "Jewish Race" or became "reptiles", because this question shows the illogic of their theories.  A more rational and obvious explanation would be that the new Jewish culture which took hold of these people, as Christianity did in Europe, changed them biological on the level that science is now discovering, pruning those who did not evolve fast enough to the new circumstances and rewarding those who adapted to it most quickly, thus these races were transmuted into "Jew", but this was not their racial origin nor was it their original character. 

This brings us to a point that many Nazis and whites in general do not want to hear, and that is the fact that just like the ancient Pheonicians and Canaanites (or Khazars), Europeans have been colonized by a similar religion, Christianity.  For Centuries this hypocritical, complexed and parasitic religion has held sway over the white races.  The white races of today are comprised of ancestors who did not fight hard enough or with enough dignity to prevent the fruits of their blood, their libraries and temples and culture, from being obliterated by miscreants and possessed rulers.  Whites are by far the product of the people who submitted to Christianity as it terrorized and shamed and confused so as to rule over a herd of domesticated sheep.  The white races even eventually participated in the rape of their own culture as they allowed the beauties of their racial expression, their architecture, their symbols, their festivals to be used and misdirected to prop up Christian reign. 

The herded mass of Europe were universalized under Christianity, and thus loss their respect and memory of their own lands and crafts, and this is how the Christians enticed them into Capitalism and the Industrial revolution.  The rural whites, stripped of their dignity, moved to to the dirty cities and bred in squalor, they followed their Christian duty and were "fruitful and multiplied" among garbage heaps, and they produced surplus labor, children thrown to mines and burning hot factories where they were sliced and diced and then their mangled bodies thrown to the cold streets when they could no longer work.  The white Christian prided himself, he was not like the Pagan who would kill his children to save them from such depravity, no he prolonged these lives of misery as long as he could and produced more miserable life to suffer for their sins and be saved by Christ. 

Under this Christian sadism, desperate to escape, the now mentally depleted children of the white races could come up with nothing better than to follow the prophet Karl Marx and hope to live under Communism.  Communism failed, but the whites new they could not go back to Christian capitalism, and so they synthesized the two into Socialism which today is lulling the white races to sleep under a dull peace, and the vast majority of them have no interest to rebel against their own slow demise.  I don't want to forget to mention the Colonial Era, where whites fancied themselves the New Israel, the new "chosen race", given a divine mission to enslave the other races and bring them to god, reaping foreign lands and labor as a reward. All of this has seeped into white blood, "Christian Blood", their epigenetics altered by their cowardice and stupidity and unwarranted aggression and violence. And now in America we see several strains of goblins, reactionary leftists, indifferent hedonists, exploitative capitalists and the Nazis who want to harvest this race of filth so they may lord over. 

If we can speak of "Jewish Blood", then it is only fair we may speak of "Christian Blood".  It is no longer folk wisdom and is quickly becoming hard science that ancestral actions and ideas and beliefs can travel down the gene line and mutate future generation to fit the environmental condition. White paganism did not have the fortitude to thwart Christianity, and so we can see a weakness even in the original culture, but after this the white race watched as their brightest and noblest pagans were burned at the stake and their culture raped and exploited for the sake of Christian expansionism. This conquered race then found it to be their duty to follow Biblical history and conquer and enslave the known world for their jealous god, and they did this with insane cruelty. Even the best among the whites who wished to break this oppression could only come up with Communism, now Leftism, and today we have Nazis who want to blend this monstrosity into a "Fourth Reich" which will necessarily need to reign over these goblin masses with misinformation and assault. If you are looking to cleanse a race, you may want to start with your own, as they are swiftly pushing you toward the abyss, and this time you will never return. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Book Review: Rabbi Harry Waton's "A Program for Jews and Humanity"

In my book review of "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party" I stated my opinion that if there is a book or idea or person or movement which is both ignored and reviled by both the left and the right, this means you are getting closer to the truth. Does anyone remember Hegel's theory of thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis? Yes I claimed that the "Pink Swastika" was an example of the synthesized truth, that it brought together ideas of both the left and right into an organic whole, that yes indeed Nazis was founded upon a white butch closeted homosexual cult. However, there is another theorist and philosopher who has been even further victimized by obscurantism, and that is the writings of one Rabbi Harry Waton. 

Rabbi Harry Waton's magnum opus "A Program for Jews and Humanity" was published in 1939 during the height of WWII by the Committee for the Preservation of the Jews in New York, USA. You can download the entire searchable PDF at the link below.  This work, I assert, is not only the most insightful and truthful account of the real agendas of not only Nazism, but also Communism and Judaism, but that it is also one of the most profound and prophetic works ever written.  After the "Pivot of Civilization" by Margaret Sanger (a book I will review soon) it is veritably my second political "bible" (actually I should say Veda).

The basic premise of Rabbi Waton's work is this, that Nazism is nothing more and nothing less than an intentional perversion of Marxism, with Marxism being nothing more and nothing less than a tool of Judaism, or actually better said that Marxism IS Judaism in it's secular form, created by the Jewish god Jehovah as a program to eventually convert the world's people to Judaism.  Many people in recent history have noticed the obvious connection, wherever Marxism goes, Nazism follows.  Rabbi Waton expresses this sentiment more deeply by stating the fact that not only did Hitler and Nazi theoretician (many of whom were ex-Marxists) based their program off Communism, but that they were well aware of this fact.  Further, Waton states that because, at least according to him, Communism IS Judaism in disguise, a program to Judaize the earth through intellectual pursuit, which the Nazis admit, that for this reason the Nazis fear the Jews because they know it is the Jews who are in the end ultimately in control of the situation via Nazism's basis in Marxism. 
 "Next, let me reveal to you a secret: Nazism is nothing else than an imitation and perversion of Marxism; there is nothing in nazism which was not taken from Marxism. Study Hitler's anti-Marxist Bible: Mein Kampf, read it carefully, and what will you find ? You will find that Hitler adopted the principles, the ideas, the policy and the method of Marxism. The National Socialist Party of Hitler was modelled after the fashion of the Communist Party of Soviet Russia, and both were fashioned according to the ideas of Marxism. Like the revolutionary Marxists, Hitler laid the emphasis upon the working masses. Where did the nazis get the idea of the National Socialist Party, where did they get the principles and demands embodied in the twenty-five demands of the National Socialist Party? And who were the theoreticians of nazism, were they not socialists, communists and men and women who received their education from Marxism ? Where did Hitler and his followers get the idea of international capital, exploitation, on the one hand, and socialism and national planning, on the other? Did they not get all this from Marxism? But what is most significant is this. If not for the great work that had been done by the Marxists, if not for the Russian revolution, if not for the ground that had been prepared by the socialists and the communists, Hitler, the nazis and the National Socialist Party would have never come into existence;...
...Why have Hitler and the nazis the terrible foreboding that the Jews will triumph? This is due to the nature of Judaism. We saw that Judaism is Christianity, Marxism, communism, internationalism, democracy, the equality of the races, nations and the people, the universal brotherhood of man and the emancipation of the working class. Judaism has already on its side more than half of the human race, and in due time it will have on its side the whole human race. Judaism will win the human race, not by the might of the sword, but by truth and spirit. In declaring war against the Jews, the nazis and the fascists declared war against the human race. This is the reason why Hitler and the nazis have the terrible foreboding that their struggle will be in vain. Not the Jews fear the nazis, but the nazis fear the Jews. Since the Jews are the masters of the situation, they can well afford to examine the nazi philosophy in a rational manner. 

Further still, Waton not only claims that Nazism is an intentional, cowardly and wittingly self-destructive imitation of Maxism, but that Nazism even more than Communism is an intentional imitation of Judaism itself which was designed, knowingly by Hitler and the Nazi party, to prepare the German race to accept that Judaism is indeed the superior philosophy and race.  Waton credits Hitler with opening the world's eyes to the fact that Judaism is not simply just a religion for a single group of people but a world philosophy, namely Marxism, and that by constantly equating of Communism with Judaism and getting the masses to believe this, he has knowingly taught the masses that through Communism they to can have a part in Judaism which until Hitler's arrival was more or less seen as an ethnic creed. While Waton does not exactly describe HOW Nazism is an imitation of Judaism, actually further so than Marxism, my personal analysis is this: Judaism proper does have a universal world philosophy (Marxism), however it also does have a nationalistic and ethnic  component, a.k.a Zionism.  Nazism is simply Zionism for Aryan Germans, an ethinc-spiritual nation state with a national agenda but also an international agenda, namely to rid the world of Judaism which it mirrors and to establish the supremacy of Aryans. However, due to the fact that Nazism is only a knockoff of Judaism and is admittedly fearful of Judaism, along with its inverted proselytization of Judeo-Marxism, Waton makes it clear the Nazism more than any other movement sustains Judaism and the Jews. 
"What is nazism ? Nazism is an imitation of Judaism; nazism adopted the principles and ideas of Judaism...
 ... We shall see that nazism is nothing else than an imitation of Judaism; nazism adopted the principles and ideas of Judaism. Likewise, the nazis are trying hard to imitate the Jews. The nazis are then confronted with this alternative: if they succeed to acquire the merits and virtues of the Jews, the nazis will become Jews; on the other hand, if the nazis fail to acquire the merits and the virtues of the Jews, they will disappear from the stage of history. The whole nazi philosophy is fully conscious of this truth; and nazism, more than any other system of thought, sustains Judaism and the Jews. This is the way Jehovah turns the curses of the nazis into blessings for the Jews. ...
..."What shall be our superior philosophy ? The very philosophy which nazism is determined to destroy, namely, Judaism; we will meet the nazi philosophy with Judaism. The Jews always looked upon Judaism as a religion, but now the Jews must also look upon Judaism as upon a world philosophy. Hitler has rendered infinite service to Judaism and the Jews by making it clear that Judaism is a world philosophy. Hitler errs by denying that Judaism is a religion. We shall see later that Judaism is both a religion and a world philosophy. But for the present we will regard Judaism as a world philosophy, and for this alone the Jews should be grateful to Hitler, for we shall presently see that this is of great historic significance. Since nazism is determined to destroy Judaism; since, as we shall presently see, Judaism is infinitely superior to nazism, it follows that Judaism will overcome and absorb nazism. Since Judaism roots deep in the blood of the Jews, while nazism roots deep in the blood of the German Aryans, the Jews will overcome and absorb the German Aryans. Judaism has no need to fight against nazism, and the Jews have no need to fight against the nazis, for Judaism is superior to nazism, and the Jews are superior to the nazis. This, as we shall presently see, the nazis themselves recognize. We shall see that nazism is nothing else than an imitation of Judaism; nazism adopted the principles and ideas of Judaism. Likewise, the nazis are trying hard to imitate the Jews. The nazis are then confronted with this alternative: if they succeed to acquire the merits and virtues of the Jews, the nazis will become Jews; on the other hand, if the nazis fail to acquire the merits and the virtues of the Jews, they will disappear from the stage of history. The whole nazi philosophy is fully conscious of this truth; and nazism, more than any other system of thought, sustains Judaism and the Jews. ...

Rabbi Waton extends his thesis that Hitler is the greatest boon to Judaism by equating him to the biblical sorcerer Balaam who actually aided the Jews in their metaphysical quest by at first attempting to destroy them, but then admitting defeat and that the Jews were superior to his pagan witchcraft.  Both Balaam and Hitler were defacto proselytes of Judaism by implying that their people would do best to imitate the Jews otherwise they would be destroyed by this superior people and system. Hitler took this idea a step further by actually Judaizing the vast majority of the human race. By rightfully equating Judaism with Marxism, democracy, internationalism and anti-racism, Hitler not only gave the Aryans enemies in Jews but also with the vast majority of the living human race, thus Waton suggests that Hitler turned the Jewish tribe of 16 million into a world tribe of millions upon millions if not billions, and so Hilter not only admitted the supremacy of the Jews indirectly by crafting his party after them, but he also strengthened their numbers by forcefully pushing the majority of humanity into their camp through his campaign of violent and murderous exclusion. 

...But to convince the Aryans of this, Hitler, like Balaam, recognizes the merits and virtues of the Jews, and advises the Aryan nations to endeavor to acquire those merits and virtues; otherwise, they will be destroyed by the Jews. Since the days of Balaam, Hitler is the first anti-Semite that was great enough to adopt this method. But, like Balaam Hitler does not perceive that, if the Aryan nations endeavor to acquire the merits and virtues of the Jews, they will also become Jews, and then they will join the Jews. And so, as in the case of Balaam, Jehovah turns the curses of Hitler into a blessing. We shall presently see how the curses of Hitler turn into a blessing. ...
... According to the nazi philosophy, the following are Jews: Christians, Marxists, communists, internationalists, upholders of democracy, those that believe in the equality of the races, nations and peoples, who strive to realize the universal brotherhood of man and the emancipation of the working class. And so, the nazis are determined to annihilate, not only the sixteen million Jews who regard themselves as Jews, but also the more than a thousand million non-Jews who, to a greater or lesser extent, have adopted the philosophy of Judaism. And the nazis regard it their mission and supreme historic task to convince the Aryan nation that they should unite with the nazis to annihilate all the Jews. By this Hitler has accomplished a most marvelous historic task; he has converted the Jewish people, consisting of only sixteen million Jews, into a mighty nation consisting of more than a thousand million human beings.

Finally, the Rabbi makes it absolutely clear that he believes Jews are indeed superior to the "Aryans", indeed they are the most superior people on earth.  Waton claims that Aryans are simply the mechanical element of the universe, that they are here to build the universities, but that the universities are created for the Jews who then enter them to teach the human race the superiority of Judaism through the vehicles of Marxism, internationalism, democracy and the like. According to Waton, the Nazis like the Aryans are only physically preparing the way for Jewish ascension, after which the Jews will convert the rest of humanity to Judaism.  The Aryans and the other races will either become Jews or they will perish, and he claims the Nazis know this fact with terrifying acuity. By quaking in such fear of the Jews and their own destiny, the Nazis have done the Jews the greatest favor by admitting their eventual triumph, Waton says the world will be swallowed by the serpent of Judaism. 

What the Jews always claimed that in the realms of reason, the intellect and the spirit they were preeminent. It is the historic function of the Jews to bring to mankind the light of reason, the divine message of the intellect, and the morality and humanity of the spirit. Now, what function is superior? Suppose that a university is to be constructed, the purpose of which is that in it science, philosophy and religion shall be taught. The first thing is to construct the university, and for this purpose it is necessary to procure the materials and the proper mechanics. When the university is already completed, then it is the function of the professors and the scholars to come to teach to the students assembled there the sciences, philosophy and religion. Now, the mechanics may claim, that their function is superior to that of the professors and the scholars, for without the university the professors and the scholars could not teach to the students. But, in turn, the professors and the scholars could answer: the university is only a means and a condition to the teaching of science, religion and philosophy, but the teaching of these branches of human knowledge is the aim, and the aim is always superior to the means. Since the function of the Aryans is only to prepare the material world for the spread of light, knowledge, morality and humanity, it follows that the function of the Jews is superior to that of the Aryans or the Germans. 
It means this: After the Aryans will have built the temples, made the statues, flooded the world with commodities, and prepared the earth for rational mankind, then Japeth will settle in the tents of Shem, and will enjoy peace and happiness. But the tents of Shem are communism, internationalism, democracy, the equality of the races, nations and peoples, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class, and the human society. All that the Aryans will accomplish in this world is only a condition to the enjoyment of the gifts which the Jews will bring to mankind. Which function is superior ? Thus we see that the Jews are superior to the Germans. And the nazis know this. ... 
 ... Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews, but not in the sense of Hitler and the nazis. With Jesus, who only symbolizes the Jews, the Jews say: Our kingdom is not of this world. The Jews will become the masters over the whole earth and they will subordinate to themselves all nations, not by material power, not by brute force, but by light, knowledge, understanding, humanity, peace, justice and progress. Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race. The races and the nations will cheerfully submit to the spiritual power of Judaism, and all will become Jews. And it shall come to pass in the end of days that the mountain of Jehovah's house shall be established as the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it, and many peoples shall go and say: Come ye, and let us go up to the top of the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the Torah, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem. And He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning-hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea.—ISAIAH. This is the kingdom of the Jews, of all Jews, no matter what be their race, color and blood. Even the nazis will become Jews, and they, too, will rejoice in Jehovah. This is the predetermined destiny of mankind, of all mankind, without exception, and this destiny was predetermined by God. Empires, states, societies, dynasties and parties may come and go, but mankind will advance and rise until they will reach their goal. A
All through the past, the anti-Semites perceived intuitively, though vaguely, that the Jews will inherit this earth, and that all other races will either disappear altogether or they will become Jews and they will together with the Jews inherit this earth. This was the mortal dread of the anti-Semites. It was the dread that is felt by one who faces the yawning mouth of the serpent who is about to swallow him. Judaism appeared to the anti-Semites as a serpent that is about to swallow them. It was not only the dread of death but worse still, it was the dread of being swallowed by the serpent Judaism and be turned into Jews. 

In conclusion, "A Program for Jews and Humanity" by Rabbi Waton will likely be violently rejected by both Jews and Nazis, because it shows the indelible relationship between the two.  The Nazis will nash their teeth at the very suggestion that their entire philosophy and prophet did nothing but rob from Marxism and then further mutate this world philosophy into a boon for the Jews by making the Jews the center of it's fear and apprehension, as well as attempting to imitate Zionism's simultaneous international agenda coupled with a strong streak of ethno-national supremacism.  Modern Jews will not appreciate the Rabbi is so brazen in his claims that "Judaism is Communism" and his unabashed strong assertion that Jews are indeed the master race who are only using Marxism along with democracy and internationalism to conquer humanity in "g-d's" predetermined plan to recreate the human race and prepare them for entrance into the fold of Judaism, with all other races and creeds eventually disappearing.  I personally have made the tenants of this work my own and I view Rabbi Waton as one of my earthly masters. There is something undeniably special about this Rabbi, as in the end he destroys both Nazism and Judaism (along with Marxism), it is no wonder this wisest of theorists has been resigned to the shadows of history, hopefully until now.